Bus and Train

Taking the Metro Transit bus or light rail to downtown Minneapolis is your easy and low-cost way to get to the convention. This page will tell you everything you need to know to take Metro Transit to CONvergence!

Planning Your Trip

Metro Transit has many tools to help you find the best route to CONvergence. You can use the “Plan a Trip” tool located on the Metro Transit home page or download the Metro Transit app to plan your trip and even buy bus and train fare and All-Day passes right on your phone.

You should also check out the How To Ride section of the Metro Transit website for a wealth of information, tutorials, and FAQs about riding the bus and train. If you have questions or are unsure about anything, it is likely that you will find your answer there!

Additionally, we recommend the following helpful videos.

Costumes are welcome when riding Metro Transit buses and trains, but leave weapons and prop weapons behind. Instead, ask a friend to bring your prop to the convention for you. This ensures a safe experience for all!

Illustration of Connie riding Catbus

Closures and Detours

If you are a regular or semi-regular Metro Transit rider, you will also want to check for closures and detours. The best way to do this is the Rider Alerts feed on the Metro Transit website.

Park & Ride

You can park your car for free then ride the train to downtown Minneapolis, where you can easily hop on a free ride bus down Nicollet Mall to CONvergence. There are more than 2,600 free parking spaces near the METRO Blue Line:

  • Fort Snelling Station (1,073 spaces)
    Exit Hwy. 55 at Bloomington Rd; follow signs to parking (south and west of Whipple Building).
  • 28th Avenue Station (1,598 spaces)
    Three blocks east of Mall of America (28th Ave. S.  at 82nd St.). There are no Park & Ride spaces at Mall of America.

Please be aware that overnight parking is not allowed at these lots, and vehicles are subject to ticketing and towing.

You can also park your car for free at one of the six Northstar Park & Ride lots then take the Northstar Commuter Rail Line to Target Field station. From there, you can hop on the Green or Blue line to Nicollet Mall. Spaces are available at each Northstar Park & Ride lot for overnight parking, for no more than seven days at a time.

Check out the Park & Ride page of the Metro Transit website for all the information you need to park your car then ride Metro Transit to CONvergence!

Connie reclining