Volunteer Positions

Want to become part of all of this? Join the community, meet your people, and be a part of what makes the convention happen. The following are a list of needed volunteer positions, organized by where in the convention they are located. It includes both at-con volunteer opportunities, and CONvergence ConCom volunteer opportunities.

Volunteer With CONvergence

Click on a category to expand it & view its open positions or simply complete the Volunteering for CONvergence interest form so we can find a position that is right for you.

If you are ready to sign up for volunteer shifts during the convention, head over to the Signing Up for Volunteer Shifts page for tutorials, or go directly to CONvergence Volunteers SignUpGenius.

If you have questions about volunteering, please contact the Volunteers department!

Accessibility & Inclusion

Job name: Accessibility Table Coordinator
Hours needed: 15-20 hours pre-con, On call during convention
Shift length: Varies
Contact: Accessibility & Inclusion
Description (What’s involved): This person or persons oversee the design, planning, and execution of the Accessibility Information table during the convention.

  • Work with department heads to determine what will be at the info table, and produce/collate those materials.
  • Ensure materials expected to be at the table are there for duration of convention.
  • Recruit and train volunteers to staff the table.
  • Develop table volunteer schedule.

Special requirements / training: Project and people management skills are very important for this role. Previous experience with ADA issues, diverse communities, and HR would be helpful.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.): Being able to plan ahead and motivate a team will help you a lot!
If you like: Planning, organizing, and managing a team, you’ll enjoy this!
Activity level: Sedentary; very busy in the months just before the convention.
Ages: Adult (18+)

Job name: Accessibility Table Staff
Hours needed:
Wednesday: Noon – 6:00pm
Thursday: 10:00am – 9:00pm
Friday: 10:00am – 9:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am – 9:00pm
Sunday: Noon – 3:00pm
Shift length: 1 hour
Contact: Accessibility & Inclusion
Description (What’s involved): Interface with public to provide information about Accessibility at CONvergence while following procedures established by the Accessibility Table Coordinator.
Special requirements / training: Strong public interface (customer service) skills preferred. Previous experience with ADA issues and diverse communities would be helpful.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.): Patience and friendliness will serve you well!
If you like: Helping people, you’ll enjoy this!
Activity level: Sedentary; during the convention.
Ages: Teen & Adult (15+)

Job name: ASL Sub-Head **Immediate High Need** **New Position**
Contact: Accessibility & Inclusion
Description (What’s involved):

  • Pre con – help recruit interpreters and c-print volunteers
  • At con – help schedule interpreters and work with Deaf/HH/ASL dependent con-goers for access
  • Coordinate with other A&I programs as appropriate

Special requirements / training:

  • ASL fluent – minimum
  • Pre-certified or certified interpreter preferred

Activity level: MILD
Ages: Adult (18+)

Job name: Info Table Sub-Head **Immediate High Need** **New Position**
Shift length: 15-20 hours pre-con; at con varies
Contact: Accessibility & Inclusion
Description (What’s involved):
This position will oversee the design, planning, and execution of the Accessibility Information table during the convention.
Work with department heads to determine what will be at the info table, and produce/collate those materials.
Ensure materials expected to be at the table are there for duration of convention.
Recruit and train volunteers to staff the table.
Develop table volunteer schedule.
Special requirements / training:
Project and people management skills are very important for this role. Previous experience with ADA issues, diverse communities, and HR would be helpful.
Activity level: Sedentary
Ages: Adult (18+)

Job name: Sensory Break Room Staff
Hours needed:
Thursday: Noon – 11 PM
Friday: Noon – 11 PM
Saturday: Noon – 11 PM
Sunday: Noon – 4 PM
Shift length: 1 hour
Staffing level: Two People
Contact: Accessibility & Inclusion
Description (What’s involved):
Monitor quiet room facilities and activities. As needed, enforce rules minimizing distracting stimuli, including visuals, sounds, and smells.
Special requirements / training:
Strong public interface (customer service) skills preferred. Previous experience with ADA issues and diverse communities would be helpful.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.):
Feel free to bring a favorite book or quiet activity with you.
Activity level: Sedentary; during the convention.
Ages: Teen & Adult (15+)

Art Show

Job name: Staff member
Hours needed:
Generally 10a-7p;
Sunday 7am-3pm;
Shift length: 2-4 hrs daily.
Contact: Art Show
Description (What’s involved):
Unpack, identify and display mail-in art.
Help artists to display their art.
Answer questions from Convention attendees about bidding on and purchasing art.
Data entry and customer service.
Special requirements / training:
Ability to handle art that may be fragile or easily damaged.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.):
The gallery is always a bit chilly, dress for the chill, and comfortable shoes
Activity level: Steady
Ages: Adult (18+)


Job name: ASL Interpreter
Hours needed: Thursday 1 PM to Sunday 6 PM
Shift length: 1 hour.
Pre Con: ASL
At Con: Volunteer table or Operations Bridge
Description (What’s involved):
The Interpreter will, with a team, interpret requested panels to the best of their ability into ASL or Transliterate to Signed English as needed.
Some stage events will also need interpreters – scripts or prep time provided as available.
Most of our consumers are flexible and will give feedback as needed to improve the interpreted experience.
Special requirements / training:
Completion of an ITP program and/or certification through RID/NAD (CI, CT, CI/CT, NAD III or above, NIC, etc). If in doubt, contact us.
Knowledge of Sci-Fi/Fantasy preferred.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.):
Please dress appropriately for interpreting. Costuming is encouraged provided it can be made non-distracting during your shift. This is a casual event.
Ages: Adult (18+)


Job name: Badger
Hours needed: Thursday 3 PM to Sunday 4 PM;
Shift length: 1 hour.
Contact: Nerf Herders
Description (What’s involved):
You’ll sit or stand, and ask each person walking by to show their membership badge.
Special requirements / training:
Badging is a great first-time volunteer position, and no prior experience is necessary.
A training is provided before your first shift. You will receive volunteer hours for time spent training.
The Badger will be polite, friendly, and have a positive attitude.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.):
Some badging stations are in high-traffic areas. You can ask for a less-heavily trafficked area or off-peak hours first, if you’d prefer.
Eye contact is necessary to check badges. Checking your phone or reading a book are distracting from the task at hand. Please do not read your phone or a book. Hobbies that can be performed without eye contact are fine.
If you like: Watching People, you’ll enjoy this!
Activity level: Physical activity is low but Mental activity can be steady to frantic.
Ages: Adult (18+), 13-17, 10-12 (with their own responsible adult)

CoF2E2 Coffee Shop

Job name: Head
Open Positions: 1-2
Shift length: This is a year-round ConCom position.
Contact: Hospitality Director
Description (What’s involved):
We are looking for motivated, customer service driven individuals to help lead the CoF2E2Department. Various tasks including: working with the division director to develop and implement a department budget, plan and coordinate supply orders, previous food service appreciated but not necessary. As a head of this department, you will train and lead the sub heads and specialists in various tasks at-con and throughout the year.
Special requirements / training: If you are excited about matching volunteers with departments and meeting new people, both within CONvergence leadership and in the general membership, please contact us for further information. We are willing to train interested individuals in order to meet requirements.
If you like: Becoming involved year round.
Activity level: Steady
Ages: Adult (18+)

Job name: Set-up
Hours needed: Wed and Thurs before con;
Shift length: As long as wanted.
Contact: COF2E2
Description (What’s involved):
Help F2E2 set-up for the convention!
Move furniture, unpack boxes, string lights, pre-bag tea, and help us make it all pretty before the madness descends 🙂
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.): Wear comfy shoes
Activity level: Moderate
Ages: Adult (18+), 13-17, 10-12 (with their own responsible adult)

Job name: Tear-down
Hours needed: Monday morning until done.
Shift length: As long as wanted.
Contact: COF2E2
Description (What’s involved):
Help F2E2 wrap-up the fun and craziness of the convention!
We will need help packing things away, cleaning and tidying up, and consuming the last of the coffee 🙂
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.): Wear comfy shoes
Activity level: Moderate
Ages: Adult (18+), 13-17, 10-12 (with their own responsible adult)

Connie's Quantum Sandbox

Job name: Move In Volunteer
Hours needed:
Wed. – 10:00am – 6:00pm
Thursday – 10:00am – 12:30pm
Shift length: 1 hour.
Contact: Connie’s Quantum Sandbox or sign up on Signup Genius closer to the con
Total Shifts Needed: 4 or 5 volunteers at a time throughout each day
Description (What’s involved):  Assist Sandbox staff with load in and set-up of the room. Move supplies out of inventory boxes to the racks and shelves for the weekend. Put up decor/signs.
Special requirements / training: Ability to lift bins is helpful, but not required.
If you like: Sorting stuff, you’ll like this!
Activity level: Moderate to high
Ages: Adult (18+), Teen (13-17), kids with supervision

Job name: Move Out Volunteer
Hours needed: Sunday. – 5:00pm – 10:00pm
Shift length: 1 hour.
Contact: Connie’s Quantum Sandbox or sign up on Signup Genius closer to the con
Total Shifts Needed: 4 or 5 volunteers at a time throughout the afternoon
Description (What’s involved): Cleaning the room and packing everything up after the Con.
Special requirements / training: Ability to lift bins is helpful, but not required.
If you like: Packing boxes, you’ll love this!
Activity level: Moderate to high
Ages: Adult (18+), Teen (13-17), kids with supervision

Job name: Activity Assistant
Hours needed: 2 hours.
Contact: Connie’s Quantum Sandbox  or sign up on Signup Genius closer to the con
Total Shifts Needed: 1-4 assistants per activity
Description (What’s involved): Volunteers may assist con guests with activities, and may be asked to do some basic crowd control (lining up guests, assisting children, etc.) You would also help with getting supplies ready before the activity, and with cleaning up afterwards.
Special requirements / training: Cleanup, crowd control. Teaching/tutoring skills are useful, as are craft or science skills. For some activities this will require specialized skills, such as hand-sewing or jewelry skills, which will be noted in Signup Genius.
If you like: Helping people, you’ll have fun!
Activity level: Moderate
Ages: Adult (18+), Teen (13-17)

Job name: Activity Leader
Hours needed: 2 hours.
Contact: Connie’s Quantum Sandbox
Total Shifts Needed: at least 1 leader per activity
Description (What’s involved):
We need people to lead/teach our activities. We have instructions and supplies, we just need someone who can clearly explain them to an audience.
Special requirements / training:
Craft skills or science skills. Sometimes this will require specialized skills, such as hand-sewing or jewelry skills. Teaching skills are useful.
If you like: Teaching, you’ll have fun!
Activity level: Moderate
Ages: Adult (18+)

Job name: Room Head (Sub-Head)
Hours needed: The minimum time commitment for this position is 10 hours over the course of the convention, and you would set your schedule prior to con for guaranteed coverage in all time slots. You will also need to attend at least one Convention Committee meeting, and may assist with trying out activities and packing supply kits.
Contact: Connie’s Quantum Sandbox
Total Shifts needed: 5
Description (What’s involved): Room Heads monitor the room, make sure that activities are run smoothly, and direct volunteers in their duties.
Special requirements / training: An ability to delegate is a must! Previous experience volunteering in the Sandbox is preferred.
If you like: Being in charge, you’ll have fun!
Activity level: Moderate
Ages: Adult (18+)

Job name: Sandbox Lab Specialist (Sub-Head)
Hours needed: The minimum time commitment for this position is 10 hours over the course of the convention, and you would set your schedule prior to con for guaranteed coverage in all time slots. You will also need to attend at least one Convention Committee meeting, and may assist with trying out activities and packing supply kits.
Contact: Connie’s Quantum Sandbox
Total Shifts Needed: 3
Description (What’s involved): Straighten up the Lab, clean off tables, put back any toys or projects left out. Help members choose activities to do, check out/in tools for the activities. You would also monitor the room between scheduled activities.
Special requirements / training: Previous experience volunteering in the Sandbox is preferred.
If you like: Spending time in the Sandbox, this is the job for you!
Activity level: Moderate
Ages: Adult (18+)

Job name: Inventory Specialist
Hours needed: The minimum time commitment for this position is 5 hours over the course of the convention, and you would set your schedule prior to con. There will likely be some trips to our storage space to organize supplies a couple of times in the year. You will also need to attend at least one Convention Committee meeting, and may assist with trying out activities and packing supply kits.
Contact: Connie’s Quantum Sandbox
Total Shifts Needed: 2
Description (What’s involved): This position involves returning supplies to inventory bins after activities, noting any changes on the bins and in the inventory list, and just helping to keep it all organized.
Special requirements / training: An attention to detail and an ability to work on your own schedule are helpful.
If you like: Being organized, we need you!
Activity level: Moderate
Ages: Adult (18+)


Job name: Sub-Head
Department hours of operation: All;
Shift length: Minimum 3 hours per shift.
Contact: ConSuite
Description (What’s involved):
Must feel comfortable managing the operations of one or more rooms during ConSuite, as well as performing or assisting in all food preparation and clean-up.
Must be able to participate in the setup and teardown of ConSuite.
Special requirements / training:
Must be ready to coordinate with Co-Heads, learn all food preparation procedures and be ready to teach those procedures to volunteers.
Activity level: Steady
Ages: Adult (18+)

Job name: Staff
Department hours of operation: All Hours Available;
Shift length: Minimum 1 hour.
Contact: ConSuite
Total Shifts needed: Minimum 5 hours at Con
Thu 3 pm – Fri 2 am — 4 “staff” level (adult, working w/ cookers)
Fri 10 am – Sat 2 am — 4 “staff” level (adult, working w/ cookers)
Sat 10 am – Sun 2 am — 4 “staff” level (adult, working w/ cookers)
Sun 10 am – Sun 6 pm — 4 “staff” level (adult, working w/ cookers)
Description (What’s involved):
Must be willing to manage the preparation of one major foodstuff (rice, soup, PB&J) for the duration of a shift, in addition to room cleaning and snack restocking.
Special requirements / training: Minimum age of 17 years old.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.):
Aprons will be provided, but do not wear anything you don’t want stained or dirtied.
Activity level: Steady
Ages: 17+

Job name: Volunteer
Department hours of operation: All Hours Available;
Shift length: Minimum 1 hour.
Contact: ConSuite
Total Shifts needed:
Thu 3 pm – Sun 6 pm — 4 volunteers at all times
Thu 3 pm – Fri 2 am — 2 volunteers ,
Fri 10 am – Sat 2 am — 2 volunteers,
Sat 10 am – Sun 2 am — 2 volunteers,
Sun 10 am – Sun 6 pm — 2 “volunteers,
Description (What’s involved):
Must be willing to assist in food production and cleanup or perform miscellaneous tasks at a Co-Head/Sub-Head’s request.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.):
Aprons will be provided, but don’t wear any clothes you don’t want stained or dirtied.
Activity level: Steady
Ages: Adult (18+), 13-17, 10-12 (with their own responsible adult)

Job name: Set up and Tear down
Department hours of operation:
Wed, Thur am for set up;
Mon am for tear down.
Shift length: Minimum 1 hour.
Contact: consuite@convergence-con.org
Description (What’s involved):
Assist in set up and/or tear down and cleanup tasks at a Co-Head/Sub-Head’s request.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.):
Don’t wear any clothes you don’t want stained or dirtied.
Activity level: Steady
Ages: Adult (18+), 13-17, 10-12 (with their own responsible adult)

Creative Services

Job name: Co-Head
Contact: Creative Services
Description (What’s involved):
CONvergence Creative Services is looking for a volunteer for the Co-Head. You will be working closely with another Co-Head and a team of volunteer artists to facilitate design and art production for the various departments of the Convention.
Special requirements / training:
Artistic and Design Skills strongly desired, but not necessary.
* Creative Services would like to have gender diverse Co-Heads. Women, trans, and non-binary individuals are encouraged to apply.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.):
We are looking for a good communicator, with quick response time and organizational skills.
Activity level: Year-round.
Ages: Adult (18+)

Job name: Staff Artist
Hours needed: Average amount of hours per new artwork is 20 hours. This can vary depending on complexity or type of work.
Contact: Creative Services
Description (What’s involved):
This volunteer position can be performed remotely. You will be creating art and graphics for posters, banners, t-shirts, souvenir guides, and posters. Artists are needed to put together simple flyers as well as create complex works. All artwork will be: science fiction/fantasy-related; rated G – PG; quality checked and revisions will be requested if necessary. Most artwork will feature CONvergence mascots.
Special requirements / training:
Must have your own copy of and be able to use Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator proficiently. Experience with creating work for print or t-shirts a plus, but not required; this can be taught. Working knowledge of Adobe After Effects or Flash is not required but a plus.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.):
Keep communication up. This is a life saver on this job. Whether all is well or something is crashing and burning, the team would like to know. Creation of art is hard, but we’re all in this together. Remember, all volunteer hours are done before the convention for this position.
Activity level: Steady from January to March.
Ages: Adult (18+)


Job Name: Production Assistants
Needed: Before, during, and after the CONvergence.
Contact: CVG-TV
Description (What’s involved): Don’t have much experience or your own equipment but still want to help out? We can definitely use you to assist in all the crazy activities we are involved in! Build sets! Operate cameras! Move lights! Enjoy free snacks! Meet the puppets!

We have ongoing productions throughout the year, so you can volunteer and still enjoy CONvergence.
Activity Level: moderate-steady
If You Like: movies, filmmaking, editing, video production, and good times!
Ages: 18+

Job Name: CON-Link Videographer
Needed: Before, during, and after CONvergence.
Contact: CVG-TV
Description (What’s involved): This is a great role if you have experience shooting documentary/news style videos and are looking to cover some great events during CONvergence. If you have your own gear, great, but not required.

We have ongoing productions throughout the year, so you can volunteer at any time and still enjoy CONvergence.
Activity Level: moderate-steady
If You Like: movies, filmmaking, editing, video production, and good times!
Ages: 18+

Elevator Operator
Job name: Elevator Operator
Hours needed:
Thursday, Friday and Saturday evening during peak elevator use.
Shift length: ½ hour (double hours approved)
Contact: Nerf Herders
Description (What’s involved):
The Elevator Operator stands (or sits) while controlling the elevator for people using it.
You will “count beings” and push the elevator buttons.
You will get one (1) hour of volunteer time for each half-hour shift as an elevator operator. (one shift at a time only.)
Special requirements / training:
No prior experience is necessary.
A training is provided before your first shift. You will receive volunteer hours for time spent training.
The Operator will be polite, friendly, and have a positive attitude under pressure.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.):
It helps if you do not have motion sickness or dislike tight places because it can get crowded in the elevators. If you encounter motion sickness or discomfort during your shift, tell someone.
Stay hydrated. Bring a bottle of water with you.
If you like: Fast-paced action, watching people, and interaction with others, you’ll enjoy this!
Activity level: Physical stress is moderate, requiring comfort in a warm, moving environment. Mental activity can be steady and frantic.
Ages: Adult (18+), 13-17


Job name: Game Floor Badging
Hours needed:
Thu: 2:30 pm-12:30 am
Fri 9:30 am-12:30 am Sat,
Sat, 9:30 am-12:30 am Sun,
Sun 9:30 am-3:30 pm;
Shift length: 90 min.
Contact: Gaming
Description (What’s involved):
Greet people entering the gaming floor and check that their badge is valid and visible
Politely inform individuals that badges are required for all function space, including the rooms on the 22nd floor and that they cannot be admitted without their badge.
Bring issues to the attention of the Gaming Head or Sub-Head On Duty or LAN Administrator for relay to higher authority.
If they are not available, contact the Bridge.
During the last shift, be available to help a Gaming Head or Sub-Head as they check rooms and close them for the night.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.):
Evening shifts can get warm. Comfy shoes are a good idea.
You may want something to occupy yourself (book, smartphone, whatever–just not too obtrusive) between sweeps of the floor.
If you like: you’ll enjoy this!
Activity level: Intermittent

Job name: LAN Overseer
Hours needed:
Thu: 3:30 pm-2:00 am Fri
Fri 11:30 am-12:30 an Sat,
Sat, 11:30 am-12:30 am Sun,
Sun 11:30 am-2:30.pm;
Shift length: 90 min.
Contact: Gaming
Description (What’s involved):
Oversee the computer gaming area in support of the LAN Gaming Sub-Head,
Make sure that attendees do not “camp” for extended periods (when there are people waiting, no one should be at a station more than 90 minutes),
Maintain a waiting list (if needed),
Contact the LAN Gaming Sub-Head if there are computer problems,
Contact the Bridge if there are attendee issues.
During the last shift, be available to help a LAN Gaming Sub-Head as they close the computer room for the night.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.):
Evening shifts can get warm. Comfy shoes are a good idea
If you like: you’ll enjoy this!
Activity level: Intermittent

Harmonic CONvergence

Job name:Room Management
Department Location:Crowne Plaza Hotel
Department hours of operation:
Throughout CON, for event in Harmonic CONvergence
Shift length: 2-3 hours.
Contact: Volunteers
Description (What’s involved):
Help people find seats for Harmonic CONvergence performance.
Help to maximize seating capacity.
Work with Harmonic CONvergence department staff to ensure timely seating.
Ensuring that any special seating needs may be accommodated.
Special requirements / training:
Must have good social and customer service skills.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.):
Wear comfortable clothes and shoes.
Being friendly and courteous is paramount.
If you like: music, comedy, and helping people, you’ll enjoy this!
Activity level: Steady
Ages: Adult (18+)


Job name:Subhead of Exhibits for the Holodeck
Hours needed:
Numerous hours during the functional hours during CONvergence 2022. Subheads will also need to attend coordination team meetings prior to the convention.
Shift length: Varies depending on the activities each Subhead is responsible for.
Contact: Exhibits
Description (What’s involved):
During the “open hours” of the Holodeck, subheads will take turns managing the Holodeck. Main tasks are checking each activity into the room, monitoring the room throughout the activity, tracking volunteer hours, and checking each activity back out. The Check-In and Check-Out process may require you to meet panelists at the front entry or loading dock to assist with moving their equipment up to the room. We need to track and log volunteer hours for those panelists who are Members of CONvergence. Monitoring of the room includes helping move chairs and stanchions as needed to set up or reset the room between activities. It also includes letting Operations and Hotel know if and when there are any facility needs such as additional water or clean up of a mess. Depending on the number of team members, and the number of activities, Subheads can work in pairs.
Special requirements / training:
We are looking to have multiple Subheads join the Holodeck to give us adequate time for training the new team members into their roles and determining our at-Con volunteer schedule.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.):
wear outfits or cosplay that you can move and lift things while wearing.
If you like: watching or participating in interactive displays or presentations such as boffing, dancing, costume wars, etc.
Activity level: mild
Ages: Adult (18+)
Special notional: potential lifting, much sitting, loud gymnasium environment.

Information Technology

Job name: Convention Software Developer
Time Frame: This is a preconvention position. The majority of work will be completed January-May
Time Commitment: approximately 5-10 hours per month
Contact: Operations
Description (What’s involved):
We are expanding the small team of volunteers responsible for development and updates to the web-based software application that is used by several departments to maintain the convention log and coordinate convention running activities.
Special requirements / training: Volunteers will ideally have the following level of experience in order to be successful in this role:

  • minimum of 5 years experience in software development, preferably in a web application environment
  • 1 or more years of experience with Rails or similar web framework
  • 1 or more years experience with Ruby 1.9 or later
  • Experience with Git, Mercurial, or SubVersion source control system
  • Experience/comfort working in a small software development team

Is this a role for me? If this sounds like something for which you would be interested in providing you assistance, please contact CONvergence Operations to discuss the role and requirements in greater detail.


Invited Participants

Job name: Sub-Head **Immediate High Need** **New Position**
Hours needed:
Shift length: up to 6 hours
Contact: Invited Participants
Description (What’s involved):
Prior to the convention, liaise with designated Invited Participants (~8-10 per subhead) on logistics regarding Invited Participants’ participation in CONvergence, including registration, need for hotel, involvement in panels, signings, and other activities, and so on.
At CONvergence, act as point person for designated Invited Participants, assisting in day-to-day logistics and troubleshooting such as navigating the convention, locating panel rooms, and setting up potential signings
Create and revise protocols with co-head approval to streamline and expedite department proceedings
Coordinate and communicate with department co-heads and subheads throughout the cycle on general departmental developments and status of current projects
Special requirements / training:
Excellent written and verbal communication skills
Strong organizational skills
An eye for detail
Self-motivated, willing to take ownership of personal projects with limited oversight from superiors
Ability to adapt quickly and professionally to unforeseen changes and events

Previous experience interacting in a professional capacity with industry professionals such as those that become Invited Participants (writers, artists, scientists, musicians, etc.)
Previous experience with Salesforce, Google Drive, social media platforms
Previous experience with customer service ideals & principles
Activity level: Moderate
Special notes: Can be seated and/or stationary, depending on Invited Participants’ needs
Ages: Adult (18+)

Job name: Panel Feedback Volunteer
Department Location: Programming Operations, Various Panel rooms
Department hours of operation: Throughout CON, at panels featuring Invited Participants.
Shift length: 1 hour
Contact: Invited Participants
Description (What’s involved):
Volunteers will check in with Programming Ops to see which panels need a reporter. They’ll receive a form to complete while attending the panel, and given instructions on what each section of the form means. Then, after they’ve attended the panel and filled out the form, they’ll return it to Programming Operations.
Special requirements / training:
Legible handwriting and good verbal/written communication skills are key. Attention to detail is preferred.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job):
Dress to sit comfortably for the length of a panel and give yourself enough time to travel between Programming Ops and your assigned panel room.
If you like:
Attending panels you like and/or being surprised by attending a panel that you would not have normally selected on your own.
This is the ideal volunteer opportunity for introverts as well as people who need to be off of their feet for an hour but still want to be in the heart of the convention.
This is also an ideal opportunity for parents or chaperones of younger attendees who would like to learn more about what children under their care are excited about.
Activity level: Physical activity is low, Mental activity is steady.
Ages: Teens, and up (16+)

Line Minder

Job name: Line Minders
Hours needed:
Thursday through Sunday before popular events
Shift length: ½ hour-1 hour, depending on the event
Contact: Nerf Herders
Description (What’s involved):
Line minders work together to make standing in line an organized, more pleasant situation. You’ll keep the flow of people moving in the same direction and not blocking traffic.
A team of line minders may partner on complex lines to make sure that everything runs smoothly. Heads of lines stand with a sign to indicate where the line should start; ends of lines do the same for the end. Tossers and catchers help people in line navigate over a break in a line, such as by the restrooms.
Special requirements / training:
No prior experience is necessary. A training is provided before your first shift. You will receive volunteer hours for time spent training.
Advanced line minder roles will need radio training and previous experience working lines.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.):
Lines are sometimes a little tight, so leave bulky clothing and costumes at home.
Be prepared to ask people you do not know to help you out by moving positions.
If you like: Maintaining order, meeting new people, guiding people around, and showing them where to go, you’ll enjoy this! You’ll also enjoy the luxury of a front-row seat to the event once it starts, because we’ll hold a seat for you.
Activity level: Physical activity is low (mostly standing), and mental activity is low, focusing on interacting with and directing others.
Ages: Adult (18+), 13-17

Loading Dock

Job name: Dealer move in
Hours needed:
Tuesday 8am-4pm
Wednesday 8-4, 6-8 need Volunteers 6-8
Thursday 8-2 and on call, need volunteers 9-2
Sunday 2-8, need volunteers 2-8 or when dealers are moved out
Shift length: 3 hour blocks.
Contact: Volunteers
Description (What’s involved): Light to heavy lifting.
Moving Dealers into place.
Special requirements / training:
Must be able to lift 20 lbs.
Be able to work with light direction.
Use of a pallet jack a plus but not required
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.):
dress comfortably for weather and sweaty work.
Comfortable shoes.
We offer double volunteer hours for work on Sunday.
Activity level: Steady
Ages: Adult (16+)


Job name: Street Team Coordinator (Marketing Co-head)
Hours needed:
All-year position, approximately 10 hours/month
Shift length: n/a
Contact: Marketing
Description (What’s involved):
Organize a CONvergence presence at local events, businesses, and community spaces by asking to host a promotional table at special events and by ensuring CONvergence print materials such as posters, flyers, and bookmarks are present on community bulletin boards, in gaming stores, bookstores, comic book stores, coffee shops, around college campuses, etc. Create or tailor brand-compliant promotional flyers for specific events as-needed for different discount codes or promotions.
Special requirements / training:
Project management skills; strong professional email writing skills; ability to remotely coordinate volunteers for a live event; familiarity with Excel and Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator; availability on evenings and weekends.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.):
Persistence and assertiveness are essential for this role. You sometimes need to work at getting in contact with organizations and ensuring volunteer needs are covered.
Activity level: Many hours in front of a computer screen and some in-person presence at events.
Ages: Adult (18+)

Job name: Outreach Table Staff
Hours needed:
All-year position, 4-12 hours per month
Shift length: 3-4 hours at a time
Contact: Marketing
Description (What’s involved):
Represent CONvergence at local events and have a blast telling lots of new people what you love about CONvergence!
Special requirements / training: Customer service skills; outgoingness; a friendly and approachable demeanor; punctuality and dependability for table staffing; availability on evenings and weekends.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.):
Bring something to drink and a battery to charge your phone!
Activity level: You may be asked to transport the table display and set it up or tear it down. While staffing the table, you may stand or sit or both.
Ages: Adult (16+)

Job name: Ground Advertising Team Member
Hours needed:
All-year position, 4-12 hours per month
Shift length: varies
Contact: Marketing
Description (What’s involved):
Help ensure CONvergence print materials such as posters, flyers, and bookmarks are present on community bulletin boards, in gaming and hobby stores, bookstores, comic book stores, coffee shops, around college campuses, etc. by hanging posters and dropping off printed materials for people to pick up. If you like to visit a lot of geeky places around the Twin Cities metro, this is the ideal volunteer position!
Special requirements / training:
Drivers License and access to vehicle; outgoingness; a friendly and approachable demeanor for interacting with store staff.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.):
Check store hours ahead of time and if you have never been there before, call ahead to ensure there is space for poster/flyers/bookmarks before leaving. If hanging posters, bring your own push pins in case there are none available.
Activity level: This will involve a lot of driving and walking.
Ages: Adult (16+)

Job name: Digital Marketing Coordinator (Marketing Co-head)
Hours needed:
All-year position, approximately 10 hours/month
Shift length: n/a
Contact: Marketing
Description (What’s involved):
Leverage B2C and B2B2C digital marketing strategies to help CONvergence stay engaged with its existing audiences and reach new audiences. Be comfortable and creative with budget-conscious campaign development, cross-department collaboration, and self-driven project execution.
Special requirements / training:
Project management skills; familiarity with Excel, Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator, and web analytics; familiarity with audience segmentation; understanding of current relevant digital/web marketing technology and principles; strong copywriting, grammar, inclusive language, and plain language skills are a huge plus.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.): |
Understand the audiences CONvergence is trying to target and be creative with ideas to reach them.
Activity level: Many hours looking at a computer screen.
Ages: Adult (18+)

Job name: Email Marketing Specialist
Hours needed:
All-year position, 1-3 hours per month
Shift length: 1-3 hours
Contact: Marketing
Description (What’s involved):
Craft and send HTML marketing emails to CONvergence audiences. Tailor specific content for specific audiences as appropriate, e.g. different CTAs for people who have registered vs. people who have not registered. Ensure the emails look polished and comply with CONvergence brand standards as much as possible.
Special requirements / training:
Experience creating HTML emails; skill with email audience segmentation; understanding of email marketing best practices for optimization, accessibility, and CAN-SPAM compliance; familiarity using CRM and mass email marketing software; strong copywriting, grammar, inclusive language, and plain language skills are a huge plus.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.):
Keep up with current trends for subject lines, preheaders, and email CTAs. Don’t reinvent the wheel; lift and shift existing content and code from previous emails where appropriate.
Activity level: Many hours looking at a computer screen.
Ages: Adult (18+)

Job name: Content Marketing Specialist
Hours needed:
All-year position, 2-3 hours per month
Shift length: n/a
Contact: Marketing
Description (What’s involved):
Produce developed written and visual content for CONvergence’s audiences to keep them engaged throughout the year with topics and prompts that are important to them. Coordinate cross-departmentally to publish content on CONvergence’s various channels.
Special requirements / training:
High-level understanding of marketing principles; an ability to find the story in the mundane/journalism skills; understand the interests and motivations of the audiences CONvergence wants to target; familiarity with multiple potential content delivery platforms (websites, social media, email, etc.); strong copywriting, grammar, inclusive language, and plain language skills are a huge plus.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.):
Always be looking for what could be a good CONvergence story because you never know when great marketing content is waiting to be developed.
Activity level: Many hours looking at a computer screen. Be present at CONvergence and during ConCom meetings in order to generate content ideas.
Ages: Adult (16+)

Job name: Digital Copywriter
Hours needed: All-year position, 2-6 hours per month
Shift length: 1-3 hours
Contact: Marketing
Description (What’s involved):
Produce developed, brand-compliant written web content to communicate announcements, news, and more on an as-needed basis for CONvergence’s online audiences.
Special requirements / training:
Strong digital copywriting, grammar, inclusive language, and plain language skills; some familiarity with WordPress and/or email marketing is a huge plus.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.):
Reference and become familiar with CONvergence’s branding guide. So helpful!
Activity level: Many hours looking at a computer screen.
Ages: Adult (16+)


Job name: Masquerade Desk
Needed: Thursday and Friday
Contact: Masquerade
Description (What’s involved):
Masquerade is looking for a few people to help with signing up entries on Thursday and Friday. Take a seat in CONvergence Central and be the first to hear who and what will be performing Saturday night!
Activity level: Low
Ages: Adult (18+)

Job name: Stage Hand
Needed: Saturday Night
Contact: Masquerade
Description (What’s involved):
Assist entrants with getting on and offstage, set up any set or prop pieces, and clear the stage once the entry has finished.
Special requirements / training:
Previous technical theater experience is helpful, but NOT required.
Activity level: Steady
Ages: Adult (18+)

Job name: Den Mother
Needed: Saturday Night
Contact: Masquerade
Description (What’s involved):
Assist entrants in the green room by keeping them informed, helping them get ready to go onstage, and assisting with any questions or problems.
Special requirements / training:
Previous technical theater experience is helpful, but NOT required.
Activity level: Steady
Ages: Adult (18+)

Job name: Stage Manager
Needed: Saturday
Contact: Masquerade
Description (What’s involved):
This is a large time commitment on Saturday and is integral to the functioning of the show. The Stage Manager is responsible for calling cues and problem solving during production. The Stage Manager works directly with the Masquerade Director and the sound and light staff.
Special requirements / training:
Previous technical theater experience is helpful, but NOT required.
Activity level: Steady
Ages: Adult (18+)

Job name: Backstage Manager
Needed: Saturday Night
Contact: Masquerade
Description (What’s involved):
Responsible for making sure that entrants get on and off stage quickly and safely, as well as handling any set or prop pieces. The Backstage Manager oversees the stage hands.
Special requirements / training:
Previous technical theater experience is helpful, but NOT required.
Activity level: Steady
Ages: Adult (18+)

Job name: Green Room Manager
Needed: Saturday Night
Contact: Masquerade
Description (What’s involved):
Handles the backstage area where the entries wait, making sure entrants are ready to go at the right time and coordinates with the Backstage Manager getting entries on and offstage. The Green Room Manager oversees the den mothers.
Special requirements / training:
Previous technical theater experience is helpful, but NOT required.
Activity level: Steady
Ages: Adult (18+)

Meeting Childcare

Job name: Meeting childcare staff
Hours needed: During Concom meetings 11:45-5:15 or some subset
Shift length: 5 1/2 or shorter if needed
Contact: CE Systems
Description (What’s involved):
Watching children ages infant-pre teen with other adults, taking them swimming, playing games taking them to lunch. This includes work with special needs children.
Special requirements / training:
Love children! A positive upbeat attitude helps.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.):
Be ready to play. Don’t forget your swimming suit.
Activity level: Moderate, from playing board games to running around and swimming
Ages: Adult 14+ younger may be able to earn hours as a helper if deemed mature enough.

Move In/Out

Job name: Rex Horde, GPS Horde, Pallet Jack Crew, Pod Duty, General
Hours needed:
Before, during, and after the con.
Shift length: 1 hour blocks
Contact: Logistics
Description (What’s involved):
Light to heavy lifting.
Pushing carts and wheeled racks
Moving stanchions
Placing kiosks
Working with Pallet Jacks
Moving convention stuff into and out of hotel
Special requirements / training:
Must be able to lift 20 lbs.
Be able to work with direction.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.):
Dress comfortably for weather and sweaty work.
Comfortable, close-toed shoes.
We offer double volunteer hours for work before and after the convention.
You do not need to be a body builder.
Activity level: Steady
Ages: Adult (18+)

Main Stage

Job name: Usher
Department hours of operation:
Throughout CON, for event on Mainstage
Shift length: 2-3 hours, beginning 15 minutes before each event.
Contact: Volunteers
Description (What’s involved):
Help people find seats for Mainstage events,
Help to maximize seating capacity.
Work with the house manager and other Mainstage committee staff to Ensure timely seating, and
Ensuring that any special seating needs may be accomodated.
Special requirements / training:
Must have good social and customer service skills.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.):
Wear comfortable clothes and shoes.
Being friendly and courteous is paramount.
If you like: helping people, you’ll enjoy this!
Activity level: Steady
Ages: Adult (18+)

Job name: Sales Rep.
Department hours of operation:
Thu. 2 – 6 PM,
Fri. 10 AM – 6 PM,
Sat. 10 AM – 6 PM
Sun.10 AM – 4 PM;
Shift length: 1 or 2 Hours.
Contact: Merchandise
Description (What’s involved):
Selling products to customers,
explaining products,
counting, folding & smiling. 🙂
No Money Handling
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.):
Dress comfortably, but avoid costumes and costume accessories.
No bags, swords, large hats, etc.
If you like: helping people, selling, you’ll enjoy this!
Activity level: Steady
Ages: Prefer Adults (18+), but may accept 13 – 17 year olds.


Job name: Wandering Host
Department hours of operation: Wednesday Noon – 6pm; Open continuously from Thursday 8am – Sunday 7pm
Shift length: varies
Contact: Operations
Description (What’s involved):

  • Wandering Hosts serve as the eyes and ears of the convention.
  • Wandering Hosts wander throughout the convention space, addressing situations as they arise.
  • Wandering Hosts report back to The Bridge.
  • Wandering Hosts may be called on to do crowd control or assist with emergency situations.
  • Wandering Hosts spend much of the time walking, observing and interacting with members.

Special requirements / training: Training is required prior to the first shift. This training may be provided in 1 or 2 sessions, some sedentary (learning the ropes and procedures and radio) and some moving around the hotel to note the various patrol areas and known trouble spots.
Activity level: Active/Steady
Special Notes: In general this function requires someone to be able-bodied and hearing-enabled, but if there were a dedicated and interested volunteer with mobility/hearing issues, we would discuss how to make appropriate accommodations. Additionally, this position interfaces directly with the membership to a huge extent and therefore requires volunteers to be comfortable approaching strangers. However, the best Wandering Hosts are friendly, kind, and observant. We are looking for volunteers who want to support the membership and are interested in ensuring that CVG is safe and respectful at all times.
Ages: 18+

Job name: Bridge Linemate
Department hours of operation: 24 hours during convention
Shift length: varies
Contact: Operations
Description (What’s involved):
The Bridge Line consists of four stations: Peace Bonding, Q&A, Lost & Found, and Radios.

Bridge volunteers on duty, or Linemates, will follow the direction of the designated Bridge Guru on duty (the First Mate) in filling one or more of these roles.


  • Linemates at the Peacebonding position are responsible for peacebonding props according to the props policy.
  • Peacebonding Linemates will also give “The Talk” to owners of peacebonded props (or any member who asks for it), and give the associated badge ribbon to members who have had “The Talk.”


  • Q&A Linemates field questions from members, answer as many as they can, and elevate more difficult questions or problems to the First Mate, a SubHead, or a Co-Head, as appropriate.
  • Q&A Linemates are responsible for entering more complex problems or events into the Log.
  • Q&A Linemates are responsible for being aware of ongoing Log items, and for closing basic issues in the Log as they are resolved.
  • Peacebonding may be performed by the Q&A Linemate if there is no one available at the Peacebonding station.

Lost and Found:

  • Lost & Found Linemates take information regarding items lost, collect items found, and reunite wayward objects with their designated owners.
  • Lost & Found Linemates maintain data in the Lost & Found log.
  • Lost & Found Linemates perform reconciliation of the log with found items on The Bridge and ensure they are stored in the correct location and labeled properly with designated item numbers.
  • Lost & Found Linemates are also responsible for matching existing items with descriptions of lost items, and reuniting them with their owners. If the item is in the lockbox, they are responsible for asking the First Mate, another Bridge Guru, or a Subhead to retrieve the item for them.


  • The Radio Linemate is responsible for check-in and check-out of radios and headsets in accordance with the established radio tracking procedures.
  • Radio Linemates are responsible for making sure all radio batteries are charged.
  • Radio Linemates are also responsible for keeping the Duty Board current.

Special requirements / training: Training will be provided during a volunteer’s first shift on the Bridge; for this reason, we request that their first shift be a minimum of 2 hours to ensure they have time to be trained in full.
Activity level: Physically Mild; Mentally Stimulating
Special Notes: Activities are mostly seated, though the Peacebonding person may be required to stand up to peace bond items attached to a person. Similarly, a Lost & Found person may have to move items from the Bridge front desk to the storage areas.
Ages: 13-17; 18+

Job name: Dispatch Comm & Dispatcher
Department hours of operation: Wednesday Noon – 6pm; Open continuously from Thursday 8am – Sunday 7pm
Shift length: varies
Contact: Operations
Description (What’s involved):

  • The Dispatch Comm officer is responsible for entering into the log all substantive communication that occurs on the RadioNet.
  • The Dispatch Comm is responsible for updating the Duty Board in the Dispatch booth to reflect shift changes announced over the radio.
  • The Dispatch Comm is responsible noting relevant announcements of significance from the RadioNet or the text line on the ARCH board.
  • The Dispatch Comm is responsible for monitoring the text line and responding to inquiries or situations as required.


  • Dispatch is the voice of The Bridge and Operations and the facilitator of all communication on the RadioNet.
  • Dispatch is responsible for dispatching volunteers and staff to locations within the hotel as needed.
  • Dispatch calls “BREAKS” in emergency situations.
  • Dispatch informs people on the RadioNet if they are breaking radio protocol.
  • The Dispatcher, along with the Dispatch Comm officer, is responsible for maintaining the Duty Board in the dispatch booth with shift changes announced over the radio and relevant recent RadioNet announcements of significance.

Special requirements / training: Dispatch Comm can be trained on-shift as long as there is an available Dispatch Comm officer to do training; please set this up in advance. A Dispatcher must spend a minimum of 2–3 hours in a training shift with an experienced Dispatcher — this can be arranged in advance.
Activity level: Sedentary
Special Notes: Both functions take place entirely within the Dispatch booth. Activity can be very fast and furious during peak evening hours, but quiet and relatively low stim during off times. Requires a person who is hearing-enabled and who is comfortable listening to the radio (including static) uninterrupted for long stretches of time.

People interested in the Dispatch position should alert Operations before the Con so we can be sure to schedule a Dispatch Mentor to run their training session.
Ages: 18+

Panels and Other Programming

Job name: Programming General Host
Department hours of operation: All programming hours;
Shift length: 3 hours.
Contact Before Con: Volunteers
Contact At Con: Programming
Description (What’s involved): These are the “traditional” programming volunteers
They reset rooms,
Do brief surveys on panels, and
Generally keep things running smoothly.
Detailed shift schedule is up at the end of the Programming section of the CONvergence web site.
Special requirements / training: We will have a checklist of what is required at programming. No real training required.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.): Enjoy panels.
Activity level: Intermittent
Ages: Adult (18+), 13-17, 10-12 (with their own responsible adult)
We will work with any volunteers. As the age goes down, the responsible adult should plan on doing more of the work.

Job name: Programming A/V Tech
Department hours of operation: All programming hours
Shift length: 3 hours.
Contact: Programming
Description (What’s involved): These are the “on call” programming volunteers
They troubleshoot A/V issues on an as-needed basis,
They aid in setup/tear down outside of scheduled programming hours,
Detailed shift schedule is up at the end of the Programming section of the CONvergence web site.
Special requirements / training: Basic A/V knowledge, including soundboards and projectors. Must respond quickly to texts/calls.
Activity level: Intermittent/sparse
Ages: Adult (18+), 13-17
We will work with any teen or older volunteers with sufficient skill.

Job name: Sensitivity Reader
Hours needed: The majority of tasks for this position will be completed before the convention, particularly before the deadline for the souvenir guide.
Contact: Activities Division
Description (What’s involved): Sensitivity Readers will work with the Programming department to:
Review proposed panel titles and descriptions
Recruit and vet potential panelists
Review materials for the souvenir guide
Work with other departments upon request.
Special requirements / training: The ideal candidate will have a strong knowledge of cultural sensitivity regarding marginalized cultures and best practices in handling cultural sensitivity. Candidates with lived experience and who can provide guidance around these topics are especially encouraged to apply.
Activity level: Largely sedentary.
Ages: Adult (18+)


Job name: Parties Department Sub-Head
Department hours of operation:
Hours are available to fit your schedule. Volunteer opportunities include Wednesday and Thursday load in, Sunday and Monday load out, staffing Parties Headquarters during party hours, and pre-convention projects.
Shift length: Varies
Contact: Parties
Description (What’s involved):

  • Work with department head to create documentation as needed
  • Escort parties for load and load out
  • Help staff parties headquarters

Special requirements / training: None, but it would be helpful if you have Facebook and/or Slack
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.): Being able to plan ahead, work as a team and people skills are a must for this.
If you like: Planning, organizing, the late night party atmosphere you’ll enjoy this!
Activity level: Very busy in the months just before the convention. At con we will be on our feet for a lot of pre-con work but we will have shifts available for just manning a desk as well.


Job name: Head
Open Positions: 2
Department hours of operation: Varies
Shift length: Varies. This is a year round position.
Contact: Partners
Description (What’s involved):
We are looking for individuals to serve as our liaisons between Convergence Events and our partner/sponsored organizations/individuals. Various tasks include: communication with the partners, monitoring contract requirements (ex: deadlines), researching new potential partners/sponsors, etc
Special requirements / training:
Please contact us for further information regarding the requirements for this position. We are willing to train interested individuals in order to meet requirements.
If you like: Becoming involved in the year round process of running the convention.
Activity level: Varies
Ages: Adult (18+)


Job name: Photographer
Hours needed:
Wednesday until end of Con.
Photographers should carry their camera with them at all times.
Expectation is minimum 200 usable photos each day.
Photographers will also be required to take at least one 2-3 hour shift in the Photo Room during the convention weekend.
Contact: Photography
Description (What’s involved):
Take pictures of congoers, volunteers, and Guests of Honor.
Special requirements / training:
Must provide their own high quality camera and the ability to use it.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.):
Be prepared to wander throughout the con.
Activity level: Moderate
Ages: 16+


Job name: Advertising Specialist
Hours needed: As needed for a Head, mostly before the Con, although some during the Con may be needed.
Contact: Publications or email membership communications.
Description (What’s involved):
You will seek out local conventions, societies, and businesses interested in advertising in the CONvergence Souvenir Guide. You will communicate pricing and graphic requirements, manage transfer of ad files to the Publications group, collect payments, and manage ad swaps. As a representative of CONvergence, a professional demeanor when interacting with external groups is required.
Special requirements / training:
You must have access to a phone and the internet.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.):
Being comfortable communicating via email is important. Being able to manage information and data coming at you from multiple directions is key. You’ll be in contact with dozens of people outside CONvergence, plus people from Publications and Creative Services within the convention.
Activity level: Moderate throughout the calendar year, busiest March-May.
Ages: Adult (18+)

Job name:  Publications Department Head
Hours needed: As needed for a Head, mostly before the Con, although some during the Con may be needed.
Contact: Publications or email membership communications.
Description (What’s involved):
Coordinate the creation of the Souvenir Guide and Pocket Grid, manage the Sub-Head(s), facilitate project tracking, delegate tasks, plan the department budget, manage printing and the relationship with the printer, communicate deadlines to ConCom, collaborate with other departments for their copy, coordinate the Board review of deliverables prior to going to press, facilitate Guide drop-off and delivery, conduct inventory/collect metrics of the Guides and Grids during con to facilitate future orders, manage leftover Guide recycling post-con.
Special requirements / training:
Strong project management skills, strong communication skills, knowledge of the traditional publishing field is preferred, basic understanding of Adobe Creative Suite is preferred.
Activity level: Moderate throughout the calendar year, busiest January-July.
Ages: Adult (18+)

Job name:  Publications Copy Sub-Head
Hours needed: As needed for a Sub-Head, all before the Con.
Contact: Publications or email membership communications.
Description (What’s involved):
Create and assign proofing tasks, serve as the department’s Copy Editor, manage the contents of the Publications Style Guide, manage proofers, perform final proofs.
Special requirements / training:
Strong project management skills, strong communication skills, strong background in grammar and copy editing preferred.
Activity level: Moderate throughout the calendar year, busiest March-May.
Ages: Adult (18+)

Job name:  Publications Layout Sub-Head
Hours needed: As needed for a Sub-Head, all before the Con.
Contact: Publications or email membership communications.
Description (What’s involved):
Manage Layout Specialist(s), assign Layout tasks, request cover artwork, coordinate with Creative Services, coordinate between the printer and the layout specialist(s).
Special requirements / training:
Strong project management skills, strong communication skills, knowledge of the traditional publishing field is preferred, basic understanding of Adobe Creative Suite is preferred.
Activity level: Moderate throughout the calendar year, busiest April-June.
Ages: Adult (18+)

Job name:  Publications Layout Specialist
Hours needed: As needed for a Specialist, all before the Con.
Contact: Publications or email membership communications.
Description (What’s involved):
Combine proofed copy, graphics, GoH bios, ads, etc into the Souvenir Guide template, build the Pocket Grid.
Special requirements / training:
Strong skill with Adobe Creative Suite (InDesign and Illustrator specifically), knowledge of the traditional publishing field is preferred.
Activity level: Moderate throughout the calendar year, busiest April-June.
Ages: Adult (18+)

Job name: Publications Proofing Specialist
Hours needed: As needed for a Specialist, all before the Con.
Contact: Publications or email membership communications.
Description (What’s involved):
Proof copy for the Souvenir Guide.
Special requirements / training:
Strong background in grammar and copy editing preferred.
Activity level: Moderate throughout the calendar year, busiest March-May.
Ages: Adult (18+)


Job name: Manager(s) of Registration Services (Registration Co-Head)
Department hours of operation: As determined by the Board of Directors. Posted on CONverge website for reference.
Shift length: Varies based on number of co-heads and delegation to subheads. Generally 2-4 hours at CON per shift.
Contact Before Con: Continual. This role is also responsible for managing departmental communication.
Contact At Con: As-needed.
Description (What’s involved): Managing department email, coordinating with other departments as needed prior to CON, developing plans/schedules for department subheads and volunteers. Develop and execute department policies and procedures in conjunction with division Director. Handle escalated / sensitive issues around Registration and badge pickup. Provide leadership to subheads and volunteers.
Special requirements / training: N/A, but ideally someone who has worked in customer-facing roles either at other conventions/events or mundanely.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.): Many hands make light work.
If you like: organizational challenges, pre-CON and At-CON commitments, community interaction
Activity level: moderate–may be required to assist with set-up and tear-down of registration presence.
Ages: 18+

Job name: Pre-Registration Check-in
Department hours of operation:
Wed: 09:00am – 06:00pm, and 09:00pm – 12:00am
Thurs: 09:00am – 12:00am
Fri: 09:00am – 09:00pm
Sat: 09:00am – 08:00pm
Sun: 12:00pm – 03:00pm
Shift length: Minimum, 2 hours, 3 preferred.
Contact Before Con: Volunteers
Contact At Con: Registration
Description (What’s involved):
Greet pre-registered members, search for them in registration database, check ID for adult membership, send registration to badge print station.
Special requirements / training:
Basic computer skills,
Comfortable checking ID’s
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.): casual dress, seating will be provided
If you like: meeting people, computers, cataloging, you’ll enjoy this!
Activity level: Sedentary
Ages: Adult (18+)

Job name: Traffic Control
Department hours of operation:
Wed: 09:00am – 06:00pm, and 09:00pm – 12:00am
Thurs: 09:00am – 12:00am
Fri: 09:00am – 09:00pm
Sat: 09:00am – 08:00pm
Sun: 12:00pm – 03:00pm
Shift length: 2 hours.
Contact Before Con: Volunteers
Contact At Con: Registration
Description (What’s involved):
Welcome members to registration area, direct people to appropriate line, field some basic registration questions
Special requirements / training: all information needed will be shared onsite
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.): casual dress
If you like: meeting people, you’ll enjoy this!
Activity level: Moderate
Ages: Adult (16+)

Job name: Kiosk Help
Department hours of operation:
Wed: 09:00am – 06:00pm, and 09:00pm – 12:00am
Thurs: 09:00am – 12:00am
Fri: 09:00am – 09:00pm
Sat: 09:00am – 08:00pm
Sun: 12:00pm – 03:00pm
Shift length: 2 hours.
Contact Before Con: Volunteers
Contact At Con: Registration
Description (What’s involved):
Help members register at the kiosk computers and direct them to register if they are paying cash. Make sure they log out and set browser link up for next person.
Special requirements / training: Knowing Chrome Browser helpful, otherwise training on-site.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.): casual dress
If you like: meeting people, helping people you’ll enjoy this!
Activity level: Mild
Ages: Adult (16+)

Job name: Printer Station Badge Pick-Up
Department hours of operation:
Wed: 09:00am – 06:00pm, and 09:00pm – 12:00am
Thurs: 09:00am – 12:00am
Fri: 09:00am – 09:00pm
Sat: 09:00am – 08:00pm
Sun: 12:00pm – 03:00pm
Shift length: 3 hours.
Contact Before Con: Volunteers
Contact At Con: Registration
Description (What’s involved):
Makes sure printers are printing correctly, change ribbons if needed, load badge blanks into the hopper, warn sub-head or head if printer issues. Hand badges to people coming off of registration check-in.
Special requirements / training: Training on-site, must not be frightened of printers.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.): casual dress
If you like: People and technology ,you’ll enjoy this!
Activity level: Mild
Ages: Adult (16+)

Job name: Tear Down
Department hours of operation:
Sun: 03:00pm – 07:00pm
Shift length: 2 hours.
Contact Before Con: Volunteers
Contact At Con: Registration
Description (What’s involved):
After Registration closes and 3-4 hours afterward, this person will help pack up and prepare to move/store all department inventory, under the guidance of registration staff.
Special requirements / training: Should be able to lift 20 lbs, or if not, fill in inventory sheets.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.): Wear comfortable shoes
If you like: manual labor, packing, or cataloging inventory, you’ll enjoy this!
Activity level: Moderate
Ages: Adult (16+)

Sensory Break Room
Job name: Sensory Break Room Staff
Hours needed:
Thursday: 6:00pm – 1:00am Friday
Friday: 6:00pm – 1:00am Saturday
Saturday: 6:00pm – 1:00am Sunday
Shift length: 2 hours (+1hr virtual training)
Staffing level: Two People
Contact: Accessibility & Inclusion
Description (What’s involved): Monitor quiet room facilities and activities. As needed, enforce rules minimizing distracting stimuli, including visuals, sounds, and smells.
Special requirements / training: Volunteers will need to complete a 1 hour virtual training developed by the Autism Society of Minnesota (AuSM) prior to the start of their shift
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.): Feel free to bring a favorite book or quiet activity with you.
Activity level: Sedentary; during the convention.
Ages: Sedentary; during the convention.

Social Media
Job name: Roving Reporter – Live Tweeting
Hours needed: During any CONvergence programming events (panels/MainStage/activities)
Shift length: Mostly 1 hour, some 2 hours if you choose
Contact: Social Media
Description (What’s involved): A Roving Reporter will use their own smart phone or tablet to do live reporting of the panels they select and are scheduled for. You will be using the CONvergenceLive twitter account which was a hit during our test run last year, lots of volunteers follow it to see what they are missing in panels!
Special requirements / training: We are looking for people that are comfortable and fast with using twitter. You should be able to take a few pictures and post about 1 tweet at least every 3 minutes to create a rolling live report of the panel or event being attended. You will get guaranteed access into full/crowded panels and events for yourself!
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.): Be prepared to be constantly using your phone or tablet, make sure you can hear/see the panel/event, get comfortable for the whole panel/event!
Activity level: Pretty much no physical activity besides typing, but you must pay close attention to what is going on and catch some good quotes, pictures and fun stuff to tweet!
Ages: Twitter savvy teenagers through oldies but goodies welcome!

Software Development
Job name: Convention Software Developer
Hours Needed: This is a pre- and post-convention position. Software development work is done during the year and not during the convention.
Shift length: approximately 5-10 hours per month
Contact: Board of Directors
Description (What’s involved):
We are expanding the small team of volunteers responsible for development and updates to open source software systems for the convention. To view current software, head to the Software Development page on the CONvergence Events website.
Special requirements / training:
A minimum of 5 years experience in software development, preferably in a web application environment; 1 or more years of experience with some of the following: Ruby, Rails, PHP/SQL, Javascript; Experience with Git, Mercurial, or SubVersion source control system; Experience/comfort working in a small software development team.
Activity level: Many hours looking at a computer screen.
Ages: Adult (18+)

Job name: Convention Front-End UX Designer/Developer
Hours Needed: This is a pre- and post-convention position. Software development work is done during the year and not during the convention.
Shift length: approximately 5-10 hours per month
Contact: Board of Directors
Description (What’s involved):
We are expanding the small team of volunteers responsible for development and updates to open source software systems for the convention. We are looking to optimize the front-end user experience of the open source software systems for the convention. To view current software, head to the Software Development page on the CONvergence Events website.
Special requirements / training:
1 or more years of experience with some of the following: HTML, CSS, Javascript; Experience with Git, Mercurial, or SubVersion source control system is beneficial but not required; Experience/comfort working in a small software development team is beneficial but not required.
Activity level: Many hours looking at a computer screen.
Ages: Adult (18+)

Job name: Development Team Project Manager
Hours Needed: This is a pre- and post-convention position. Software development work is done during the year and not during the convention.
Shift length: approximately 5-10 hours per month
Contact: Board of Directors
Description (What’s involved):
We are expanding the small team of volunteers responsible for development and updates to open source software systems for the convention. We are seeking a project manager to monitor the software development email inbox, and manage and prioritize development requests and optimizations. To view current software, head to the Software Development page on the CONvergence Events website.
Special requirements / training:
Experience or education with agile principles/SCRUM; Experience/comfort working in a small software development team; Experience with Git, Mercurial, or SubVersion source control system is beneficial but not required.
Activity level: Many hours looking at a computer screen.
Ages: Adult (18+)

Teen Room
Job name: Head (We are looking for 3)
Hours needed: Year-round concom position
Contact: Teen Room
Description: Do you want to help lead the teen room in being even more successful, accepting and fun? This might be the job for you. We do ask that you attend concom meetings and communicate with your future coheads so that we can have a standing relationship. We are also looking for people who are able to meet up outside of concom meetings so we can flush out better plans. If you feel you would be an asset to the teen room and are willing to accept a time commitment to make it what you want it to be, please reach out!
Special requirements: A welcoming attitude, ability to attend concom meetings, mandatory attendance to set up and tear down, ability to manage peers, talk about budget and reach out to other departments professionally. Be willing to create a comfortable and safe environment for teens.
Hints: Be welcoming and kind to people of all walks of life.
Activity level: Moderate
Ages: 13 – 20

Job name: Subhead (We are looking for 3)
Hours needed: Year-round concom position
Contact: Teen Room
Description: Do you want to help lead the teen room in being even more successful, accepting and fun? This might be the job for you. We do ask that you attend concom meetings and communicate with your future heads and co-subheads so that we can have a standing relationship. We are also looking for people who are able to meet up outside of concom meetings so we can flush out better plans. If you feel you would be an asset to the teen room and are willing to accept a time commitment to make it what you want it to be, please reach out!
Special requirements: Be available for at least 3-5 hours a day at con to help out in the room, be available for set up and teardown (preferably), Open and close the room (Cleaning), be comfortable with managing peers and collaborating. Be willing to create a comfortable and safe environment for teens.
Be able to be friendly and welcoming and work independently.
Hints: Be kind
Activity level: Moderate
Ages: 13 – 20

Job name: Specialists (we are looking for as many as possible)
Hours needed:  At con
Contact: Teen Room
Description: Do you have any specific interests you’d like to share in the teen room? We’re looking for people to run group games, interactions or discussions within the room. Please reach out with your ideas!
Special requirements: Be willing to share your interest!
Hints: Be kind.
Activity level: Varies
Ages: 13 – 20


Job name: Head
Open Positions: 2-5
Shift length: This is a year-round ConCom position.
Contact: Volunteers
Description (What’s involved):
We are looking for motivated, customer service driven individuals to help lead the Volunteer Department. Various tasks including: learning the volunteer hour tracking system, coordinating volunteer needs with other departments, scheduling of volunteers in the volunteer department, attending CONvergence convention committee meetings, selecting new volunteer perks to offer, distributing volunteer perks at the convention, etc. As a head of this department, you will train and lead the sub heads and specialists in various tasks at-con and throughout the year.
Special requirements / training: If you are excited about matching volunteers with departments and meeting new people, both within CONvergence leadership and in the general membership, please contact us for further information. We are willing to train interested individuals in order to meet requirements.
If you like: Becoming involved year round.
Activity level: Varies
Ages: Adult (18+)

Job name: Sub Head
Open Positions: 3-5
Shift length: This is a year-round ConCom position.
Contact: Volunteers
Description (What’s involved):
We are looking for motivated, customer service driven individuals to help lead the Volunteer Department. Various tasks including: learning the volunteer hour tracking system, coordinating volunteer needs with other departments, scheduling of volunteers in the volunteer department, attending CONvergence convention committee meetings, selecting new volunteer perks to offer, distributing volunteer perks at the convention, etc. As a sub head of this department, you will report to the Volunteer Department Heads. You will also lead staff and volunteers.
Special requirements / training:
If you are excited about matching volunteers with departments and meeting new people, both within CONvergence leadership and in the general membership, please contact us for further information. We are willing to train interested individuals in order to meet requirements.
If you like: Becoming involved year round.
Activity level: Varies
Ages: Adult (18+)

Job name: At-Con Staff
Open Positions: Open
Shift length: Typically 2 hours; at-con only.
Contact: Volunteers
Description (What’s involved):
We are looking for motivated, customer service driven individuals to help in the Volunteer Department. Various tasks including: Coordinating volunteer needs with other departments, distributing volunteer perks at the convention, answering questions about volunteering for the convention, etc. Some staff positions also involve learning and using the computer-based volunteer hours tracking system.
Special requirements / training:
Provide a positive customer service atmosphere at our Volunteer Department table.
If you like: Talking and meeting new people
Activity level: Moderate
Ages: Adult (18+), 13-17

Volunteers Den
Job name: Massage
Department hours of operation:
Th. Noon – 2:00 AM,
Fri. 10:00 AM – 2:00 AM,
Sat. 10:00AM – 2:00 AM &
Sun. 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM;
Contact: Volunteers
Description (What’s involved): We are looking for anyone who wants to give massages in the Volunteers Den.
You can work a couple of hours during the weekend for as many hours as you wish.
This is a Volunteer position where for each hour you work you get 2 hours time credit.
Special requirements / training: These people should have a passion for giving massages, Have formal or informal training or have been told they are good at it. They will be doing a trial massage on Jennifer Jo Peck.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.): Dress comfortably. You will be on your feet during the time you are giving the massages.
If you like: helping people and giving massages, you’ll enjoy this!
Activity level: Steady
Ages: Adult (18+)

Job name: VolDen Sub-Head
Department hours of operation:
Thur – noon 2 am;
Fri – 10 am -2 am;
Sat – 10 am – 2 am;
Sun 10 am – 4 pm;
Shift length: 2-4 hrs. 4 hr. Minimum daily during CONvergence
Contact: Volunteers
Description (What’s involved): Serve as host to our guests, or help with Kitchen detail. Hosts greet our volunteers within the Volunteers Den, serving food, and ensuring that snacks are stocked, and the room is clean. Working to ensure a friendly, open, comforting atmosphere. Kitchen staff helps prepare the food, dish work, and helping to prepare the Mobile Den.
Special requirements / training: Be familiar with the VolDen Host Guidelines. Radio Training. Basic Food Safety understanding.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.): It does get exceedingly warm in the Kitchen and can be warm in the Vol Den when crowded with people, so in either role, dress comfortably. Expect to be on your feet for the entire shift.
If you like: hosting social events or parties and meeting people, you’ll enjoy this! Please specify if your interest is in the Volunteer Den, the Kitchen, or Both.
Activity level: Mild
Ages: Adult (18+), 13-17

Job name: VolDen Host
Department hours of operation:
Thur – noon 2 am;
Fri – 10 am -2 am;
Sat – 10 am – 2 am;
Sun 10 am – 4 pm;
Shift length: 1 to 2 hrs.
Contact: Volunteers
Description (What’s involved): Serve as host to our guests, the other volunteers.
Greet people entering the Den, politely checking that they are volunteers.
Help maintain a friendly atmosphere.
Help keep food supplies available and perishable food safe for people, not bacteria.
Help maintain massage schedules.
Assist subhead on duty as needed.
Special requirements / training: Be familiar with the VolDen Host Guidelines.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.): Expect to be on your feet for the entire shift.
The room is small and can get warm when crowded with people.
If you like: hosting social events or parties and meeting people, you’ll enjoy this!
Activity level: Moderate
Ages: Adult (18+), 13-17

Job name: VolDen Setup
Department hours of operation:
Wed, Noon-finish;
Shift length: open.
Contact: Volunteers
Description (What’s involved): Set up the Volunteers Den areas.
Hang wall decorations/posters.
String lights.
Put away food supplies.
If you like: you’ll enjoy this!
Activity level: Steady
Ages: Adult (18+), 13-17

Job name: VolDen Teardown
Department hours of operation:
Sun 4 – 6 pm;
Shift length: 2 hrs.
Contact: Volunteers
Description (What’s involved): Under guidance of Sub-head on duty, Remove and pack up decorations.
Check before trashing decorations since
Some may be reused for the Volunteers Party or for another year.
Pack up room material..
Label boxes going back to Waterbury.
Move every CONvergence thing out of the room and to safe temporary storage.
Hints (Tips for staying comfortable on the job.): Wear comfortable clothes.
If you like: you’ll enjoy this!
Activity level: Frantic
Ages: Adult (18+)

Still not sure where you want to volunteer? Fill out the Volunteering for CONvergence interest form so we can find a position that is right for you.

Connie reclining