Wordslingers Way Performer Information

Wordslingers Way is CONvergence’s intimate venue for live spoken word entertainment, featuring a blend of poetry, storytelling, comedy, and other spoken word performances.

Performing at Wordslingers Way

Do you perform poetry, storytelling, stand-up comedy, or another form of spoken word? Wordslingers Way, located on the 4th floor of the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis Hotel, is CONvergence’s dedicated performance space for spoken word artists!

Seeking new Department Heads

Are you passionate about having a spoken word performance stage at CONvergence? Now is a great time to get involved in making Wordslingers Way the best it can be. Wordslingers Way is seeking new department head volunteers to manage and develop this unique performance space. For more information, please email productions@convergenceevents.org.

Wordslingers Way is now taking applications for 2025 events!

This year, please use the Panel Suggestion Form to submit your Wordslingers Way performance ideas. Set the Location field to “Wordslingers Way”, and be sure to include your name and email at the bottom for the form so they can let you know if your event is scheduled. Application deadline is March 21, 2025 11:59pm!

Performances in General

  • Performances are scheduled Thursday afternoon and evening, all day Friday and Saturday, and Sunday morning and afternoon.
  • Performances are typically one hour in length. Some showcase-type performances, like open-mics or poetry slams, may be two hours so that they may support a large number of relatively short acts. There is also an option for multiple shorter performances to share a single slot (and possibly audience).
  • We allow at least 30 minutes between performance slots for set up and tear down.
    • This means that you have about 20 minutes to get all your stuff onstage and do a basic sound check, and 10 minutes to get it all offstage after you’re done.
    • Please clear the stage before doing other things!
  • Out of respect for the staff, the audience, and other performers, all performances start on time and end on time.
  • All performances must comply with Minneapolis law. Performances that violate the law will be stopped immediately.
  • If your show involves adult material such as but not limited to profanity, nudity, violence, sexual content,  reference to drugs/alcohol:
    • We will flag it as “18+” in the program.
    • We may check badges/card people at the door.
    • Please let us know in advance in your application.

Applying to Perform at Wordslingers Way

  • Applications to perform at Wordslingers Way via the Programming Suggestion Form for CONvergence 2025 are now open.
    • The CONvergence Poetry Slam does not use the application form. Find more information on the Poetry Slam page.
  • Broadly speaking, you are more likely to be selected to perform at Wordslingers Way if:
    • You have performed at CONvergence before and your performance drew an exceptionally large audience (that is, if your performance filled or nearly filled the venue).
    • You have never performed at CONvergence before, or have not performed there recently.
    • All or most members of your group are registered CONvergence members.
    • You are a CONvergence Invited Participant or an act traveling from out of town specifically to perform at Wordslingers Way.
    • You were wait-listed for Wordslingers Way in a previous year.
    • Your performance relates directly to science fiction, fantasy, supernatural horror, and/or the annual theme of the con.
    • Your performance is particularly unique in some way.
  • Performers who cannot be accommodated will be added to the Wordslingers Way waiting list. If an accepted act cancels, we will contact acts from the waiting list until we find someone who is able to perform in the available slot.
  • The performer application includes sections for what times you would prefer to perform (Thursday afternoon/evening, Friday morning/afternoon/evening, Saturday morning/afternoon/evening, Sunday morning/afternoon), and times you cannot perform. We cannot guarantee specific time slots for performances.

Green Room

  • There is no Green Room space available for Wordslingers Way.


  • Wordslingers Way provides a table outside the room for merchandise.
  • Wordslingers Way does not provide cash or credit card services. If you are selling merch, you will be responsible for your own cash handling and inventory.
  • Wordslingers Way volunteers cannot help with your merch.
  • You will need to fill out a MN ST19 Sales Tax form to sell merchandise at your event.

Performance Space and Equipment

  • The stage is two feet high and 12′ x 24′.
    • If you have accessibility needs to perform on stage, please let us know! We will work with CONvergence Accessibility & Inclusion and the hotel to provide whatever accommodations are needed.
  • Pyrotechnics, smoke, and other effects are not permitted.
  • The venue has seating for approximately 30 audience members. This can stretch to a capacity of about 50 (seated and standing) with the removal of some chairs.
  • A diagram of the venue can be provided upon request.


  • Wordslingers Way provides a small number of wired and wireless microphones.
  • Wordslingers Way can accept prerecorded audio on CD and cue it from the sound board. There are also inputs for phones, laptops, or music players to allow the performer to cue the audio from the stage.


  • While we are currently figuring out logistics, Wordslingers Way cannot guarantee the presence of a lighting grid/cues of any kind.


Wordslingers Way always needs Volunteers! Volunteers may:

  • Help with load-in/load-out for the sound system.
  • Help manage the audience and performers.

If you want to volunteer, please contact Wordslingers Way.

Connie reclining