Harmonic CONvergence Performer Information

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Performing at Harmonic CONvergence

Harmonic CONvergence (HarmCON) is CONvergence’s dedicated venue for live musical entertainment. HarmCON is located in the Regency Room on the 2nd floor of the Hyatt Regency and features a variety of musicians and bands.

Click here for the CONvergence 2025 HarmCON Performer Application. HarmCON applications will remain open until March 17, 2025.

Please note that starting with CONvergence 2019, HarmCON primarily hosts music events. Spoken word events take place at Wordslingers Way. Comedians, storytellers, poets, improvisers, and other spoken word performers should see the Wordslingers Way Performer Information page for more information.

Performances in General

  • Performances are scheduled Thursday evening, Friday afternoon and evening, and Saturday afternoon and evening.
  • Performances are typically one hour in length. Some showcase-type performances, like open mics, may be two hours so that they may support a large number of relatively short acts
  • We allow at least 30 minutes between performance slots, for setup and teardown.
    • This means you have about 20 minutes to get all your stuff onstage and do a basic sound check, and 10 minutes to get it all offstage after you’re done
    • Please clear the stage before doing other things!
  • Out of respect for the staff, the audience, and other performers, all performances start on time and end on time
  • All performances must comply with Minneapolis law. Performances that violate the law will be stopped immediately
  • If your show involves implied nudity (i.e. burlesque), or adult language/humor:
    • We will flag it as “18+” in the program
    • We may check badges/card people at the door
    • Please let us know in advance in your application

Applying to Perform at HarmCON

  • To perform at HarmCON, you need to fill our application form
    • All applications must be received by March 17 of the convention year. You will be informed no later than April 15 of the convention year as to whether your application has been accepted
  • For the past several years, virtually all acts who have applied to HarmCON have gotten a slot. As HarmCON grows in popularity, this may not always be possible. Broadly speaking, you are more likely to be selected to perform in HarmCON if:
    • You have performed at HarmCON before and your performance drew an exceptionally large audience (that is, if your performance filled or nearly filled the venue)
    • You have never performed at HarmCON before, or have not performed there recently
    • All or most members of your group are registered CONvergence members
    • You are a CONvergence Invited Participant or an act traveling from out of town specifically to perform at HarmCON
    • You were wait-listed for HarmCON in a previous year
    • Your performance relates directly to SF, fantasy, and/or the annual theme of the con
    • Your performance is particularly unique in some way
  • Performers who cannot be accommodated will be added to the HarmCON waiting list. If an accepted act cancels, we will contact acts from the waiting list until we find someone who is able to perform in the available slot
  • The performer application includes sections for what times you would prefer to perform (Thursday afternoon, Friday afternoon/evening, Saturday afternoon/evening), and times you cannot perform. We cannot guarantee specific time slots for performances

Green Room

  • The HarmCON Green Room is located in the Regency Alcove just outside of HarmCON, on the 2nd floor of the Hyatt Regency
  • Performers have access to a green room, for use as a changing room or as storage space for instruments and gear
  • Storage space is available for any performer’s use from Thursday morning through Sunday morning
  • The green room is kept locked. Only HarmCON heads and subheads will have the key; see one of them to make use of this space


  • HarmCON provides a table outside the room for band merchandise
  • HarmCON does not provide cash or credit card services. If you are selling merch, you will be responsible for your own cash handling and inventory
  • HarmCON volunteers cannot help with your merch

Performance Space and Equipment

  • The stage is 24’ x 8’, made of portable sectional stage material. It is raised about 18”. There are stairs for access
    • If you need wheelchair access or have other accessibility needs, please let us know! We will work with CONvergence Accessibility& Inclusion and the hotel to provide whatever accommodations are needed
  • The ceiling is relatively low, which may be a consideration for dance performers with props. A light rack at the front of the stage may also provide a boundary
  • Pyrotechnics, smoke, and other effects are not permitted
  • The venue has seating for approximately 100 audience members. This can stretch to a capacity of about 120 (seated and standing) with the removal of some chairs
  • A diagram of the venue and the stage can be provided upon request
  • Performers are expected to bring their own instruments
    • Under certain circumstances, we may be able to facilitate sharing things like drum kits, guitar amps, and midi keyboards across adjacently-scheduled performers


  • HarmCON provides a professional PA and audio engineer staff
    • The sound engineer provides a collection of DI boxes, wired and wireless microphones, enough to be sufficient for almost any need
    • We will send a questionnaire to all performers in advance, asking about specific sound needs
  • HarmCON can accept prerecorded audio on CD and cue it from the sound board. There are also inputs for phones, laptops, or music players to allow the performer to cue the audio from the stage


HarmCON always needs Volunteers! Volunteers may:

  • Help with load-in/load-out for the sound/light system
  • Help manage the audience and performers
  • Guard the room overnight
  • Some of our volunteer jobs offer double volunteer hours. If you want to volunteer, please contact Harmonic CONvergence
Connie reclining