
Performance space is available at CONvergence for musicians, dancers, theater groups, and other kinds of performers.

CONvergence volunteers work hard to create a unique and interesting experience for our members, always lining up exciting new performances in addition to the old favorites that have been at CONvergence for many years. This approach means that just because a performer has been featured in the past, it does not guarantee that performer will have performance space at CONvergence every year.

Performing on Mainstage

If you feel your group’s performance would work well on the CONvergence Mainstage, or you would like to make a suggestion for a Mainstage performance, please contact Mainstage.

Harmonic CONvergence

Harmonic CONvergence (HarmCON) is CONvergence’s dedicated venue for live musical entertainment. HarmCON is located in the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis Hotel and features a variety of musicians and bands.Connie Singing

2025 HarmCON Applications are now open!

Click here for the CONvergence 2025 HarmCON Performer Application. HarmCON applications will remain open until March 17, 2025.

Please note that HarmCON primarily hosts music events. Spoken word events take place at Wordslingers Way. Comedians, storytellers, poets, improvisers, and other spoken word performers should see the Wordslingers Way Performer Information page for more information.

Be prepared with this information:

  • Who you are (contact information) and how many people will be involved with the performance.
  • A description of your performance/what kind of performance is it?
  • Any preferences for day and time.

Also, please be aware of the following:

  • All Harmonic CONvergence performers are volunteers. Performing in HarmCON earns you CONvergence volunteer hours, but we cannot provide any other form of compensation
  • Harmonic CONvergence is badged convention space. You must have a CONvergence membership to attend performances there. If performers in your group do not have CONvergence memberships and wish only to be present for your set, HarmCON will provide a temporary badge allowing access to HarmCON only. However, HarmCON cannot provide comped badges for any other areas of the convention, and all performers must meet CONvergence’s vaccination requirements.
  • All performance times are one hour in length (two performers/groups may share an hour)
  • Tech will be available but what we will have is still being determined. We should be able to accommodate most technical needs
  • Tables will be available in the hall outside HarmCON for merchandise sales before, during, and after your performance
  • Secure storage will be available for Harmonic CONvergence performers

If you have any questions about performing in HarmCON, please see the Harmonic CONvergence Performer Information Page or contact Harmonic CONvergence.

Wordslingers Way

Wordslingers Way is CONvergence’s dedicated venue for live spoken-word entertainment. It is located on the 6th floor of the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis Hotel, and features a blend of poetry, storytelling, and comedy performances.

Seeking new Department Heads

Are you passionate about having a spoken word performance stage at CONvergence? Now is a great time to get involved in making Wordslingers Way the best it can be. Wordslingers Way is seeking new department head volunteers to manage and develop this unique performance space. For more information, please email

Wordslingers Way is now taking applications for 2025 events!

This year, please use the Panel Suggestion Form to submit your Wordslingers Way performance ideas. Set the Location field to “Wordslingers Way”, and be sure to include your name and email at the bottom for the form so they can let you know if your event is scheduled. Application deadline is March 21, 2025 11:59pm!

Connie dressed as the shadow duel-wielding microphones

Be prepared with this information:

  • Who you are (contact information) and how many people will be involved with the performance.
  • A description of your performance/what kind of performance is it?
  • Any preferences for day and time.

Also, please be aware of the following:

  • All Wordslingers Way performers are volunteers. Performing earns you CONvergence volunteer hours, but we cannot provide any other form of compensation
  • Wordslingers Way is badged convention space. You must have a CONvergence membership to attend performances there. If performers in your group do not have CONvergence memberships and wish only to be present for your set, we will provide a wristband allowing access to Wordslingers Way only. However, we cannot provide comped badges for any other areas of the convention
  • All performance times are one hour in length (two performers/groups may share an hour)
  • Tech will be available but what we will have is still being determined
  • Tables will be available in the hall outside Wordslingers Way for merchandise sales before, during, and after your performance

If you have any questions about performing at Wordslingers Way, please see the Wordslingers Way Performer Information Page or contact Wordslingers Way.

Poetry Slam

Please see the Poetry Slam page for information about performing in the CONvergence Poetry Slam.

Performance Panels

Performance panels are more of a presentation or a show than a standard panel discussion. Keep in mind that performance panels must fit within the format of a CONvergence panel room: a platform with tables and chairs, microphones, theater-style seating for the audience, and basic stereo speakers. Please note that these rooms are not suitable for loud performances because the sound carries!

If you would like to submit a an idea for a performance panel, please use the panel suggestion form and mention in the description that it’s for a performance. Don’t forget to include:

  • That you are asking for a performance slot.
  • Who you are (contact information) and how many people will be involved with the performance.
  • A title for your performance.
  • A description of your performance (include both a description up to 254 characters for the schedule and a longer description to help the programming staff understand your needs.)
  • Any preferences for day and time.
  • What setups or special needs you have, such as amplified sound other than table microphones.

You must be registered for CONvergence and have your badge in order to participate in a performance panel. If you have any questions about performance panels or panels in general, please contact CONvergence Programming.

Late Night Music Circle

The Late Night Music Circle is a space for people to play music, sing, or just listen in a casual, welcoming, and supportive environment. Musicians of all skill levels are encouraged to join in! Please see the Late Night Music Circle page for more information about CONvergence’s Late Night Music Circle.

Other Ways to Perform

There are a few more options for finding performance space at CONvergence:

  • Run a Mobile party: You could apply to have your performance be a mobile party that puts on mini-performances around convention space.
  • Find a Party Room willing to Host: CONvergence party rooms may not be huge, but they have a long history of hosting performers such as musicians, dancers and comedians. It is always an option to reach out to party hosts and see if they’d be willing to host your performance.
  • Pre-Recorded on CVG-TV: You can always produce a video of your performance and submit it to air on CVG-TV between or after live broadcasts! Please note that your video should be in line with CVG-TV quality and format guidelines.


Connie reclining