Connie’s Quantum Sandbox

Connie's Quantum Sandbox Logo 1

Welcome to the Sandbox

Connie’s Quantum Sandbox is where art and science come together in the most enjoyable ways. We have a variety of hands-on activities that may be messy, might make your hands dirty, but are definitely fun. Come and exercise your creative muscles and keep an eye out for any quantum cats!

Most activities are suitable for all ages, children and adults alike. Some activities do have limitations, so please check the schedule for the recommended age. Some After Dark Activities require an ID. Children under 13 years must be accompanied by an adult.

All activities can be found on the CONvergence Schedule.

Sandbox Lab

Connie’s Quantum Sandbox is thrilled to announce that we have drop-in activities! The Sandbox Lab will be open daily for creative fun! We will have a quiet play area with some toys, and we will also have mini projects available, which can be easily done with just the instructions provided. You can even bring your knitting or other quiet project to work on. The Sandbox Lab is open to all ages, but children under 13 years must be accompanied by an adult. Please see the CONvergence Schedule for Hours of Operation.

Cosplay Repair Station

The costume repair station is returning and will be inside Connie’s Quantum Sandbox.

We will have basic tools for small costume emergencies, sewing needles, thread, scissors, hot glue gun, etc. These items can be used by CONvergence members while at the station. We will have cosplay repair specialist volunteers staffing the station as often as possible.
Please see the CONvergence Schedule for Hours of Operation.

Please Note

All activities can be found on the CONvergence Schedule.

  • Lines may get long so be prepared to wait patiently. In the event that Connie’s Quantum Sandbox reaches activity capacity, everyone in line will be alerted as soon as possible. If you need accessibility accommodations, please inform the Nerf Herder or Sandbox Staff member at the head of the line.
  • You MUST leave the room at the scheduled end-time. We have to clean the room and prepare for the next activity within a 30-minute window and this prep work is not possible unless everyone leaves the room.
  • Activities in the Quantum Sandbox are for a range of ages so please check the CONvergence Schedule for the recommended age of a given activity you are interested in attending.
  • Connie’s Quantum Sandbox is a multi-age venue, but does not provide childcare and does not allow unattended children under the age of 13. Children under the age of 13 will not be admitted unless accompanied by a parent, guardian, or designated adult.
  • After-Dark activities often require parent supervision or a photo ID to attend. For activities that require adult supervision, no one under 18 is admitted without parental supervision. For other After-Dark activities, no admittance is allowed without proper photo ID for persons 18 years or older. NO EXCEPTIONS!
  • It’s important to respect others and their property. Most of our supplies come from donations, and many of our tools are borrowed from convention staff. We do not tolerate theft or vandalism in Connie’s Quantum Sandbox.

Professor Max MisfittleGet Involved

Connie’s Quantum Sandbox is always looking for Sandbox Activity Leaders and Assistants! Visit our Get Involved page for more information on volunteering in the Sandbox! Want to suggest an activity or donate supplies? Do you have questions or comments about the Sandbox? Contact Connie’s Quantum Sandbox!

Allergy Warning

Some of the events in the Sandbox (namely those that involve costuming and face- or body-painting) will possibly involve the use of latex. Please know your own sensitivity to latex and be prepared to take action should you come in contact with latex while in Connie’s Quantum Sandbox. Sandbox staff will make every effort to keep the latex isolated while it is not in use, but we encourage members to be safe and as cautious as necessary. If you have questions on latex use, feel free to ask one of the Sandbox staff members.

Connie’s Quantum Sandbox also sometimes features activities that have food products as part of the activity. While these ingredients may technically be food, once they are in Sandbox inventory, they are no longer safe for eating, as they are used as craft or chemistry supplies. DO NOT eat any food included with any Sandbox activity! Some of these food products may contain peanuts or other tree nut products, gluten, lactose, or other ingredients that can trigger contact food allergies. As with all Sandbox supplies, we make every effort to keep food inventory isolated while it is not in use, but we encourage members to be safe and as cautious as necessary. If you have questions about these activities, or the ingredients we use, feel free to ask one of the Sandbox staff members.

Connie reclining