Cinema Rex

Cinema Rex is CONvergence’s official film room. It is a place to relax, get comfortable, enjoy some snacks, and watch great films. Filled with couches and easy chairs, and offering free concessions and a big screen with a great sound system, you’ll see classics, films that are great to see with a crowd or on the big screen, and selections from past years’ suggestion boxes.

Cinema Rex 2009 Logo - prevSchedule

Due to licensing, Cinema Rex does not publish the entire movie schedule online. If you use the CONvergence online schedule or app, you’ll notice that there are time blocks for Cinema Rex movies that do not list the movie name or description. This way, after you see the line-up of films and events slated for your viewing pleasure, you can still use the online schedule or app to add Cinema Rex to your convention itinerary.

The full Cinema Rex schedule will be printed in the CONvergence Programming Guide, and posted on Cinema Rex fliers around the hotel. You can also visit the Lake Superior room on the 5th floor of the Hyatt Regency at any time during the convention to see what’s playing for the day.


Who wants to sit through a movie one of those hard hotel chairs? The good news is you don’t have to! Rex has brought in a truckload (literally) of comfy couches, chairs, and love seats so you can really relax while you watch the films!


What’s a movie without snacks? Candy and fresh popped popcorn are always in ample supply at the Rex concession stand. You won’t have to trudge all the way to the ConSuite to get a beverage; we have our own soda machine. Best yet, all Cinema Rex concessions are always free for CONvergence members!


While our comfortable seating and concessions already sets us apart from most convention movie rooms, Cinema Rex’s technology brings the movie watching experience to the next level. We seek the highest quality prints of DVDs available to ensure sharp images projected onto a 12-foot screen, and we have full 7.1 surround sound with professional-grade speakers. All widescreen films are shown in letterbox format.

Questions and Suggestions

If you have any suggestions or questions for the film room, contact Cinema Rex.

Connie reclining