Art Show Buyer’s Guide

Art is like fine wine: forget about what someone else thinks you should like. How to choose art is a matter of your taste. The strategies behind buying (or pricing) art have been the subject of several panel discussions (a much longer conversation than will fit on this page!). This is a simple guide to bidding and buying at the Art Show. If you need clarification or assistance, ask an Art Show volunteer.

Your bid includes tax….you bid $50, the total will be $50

Each piece of artwork has a bid tag on it, usually with several different prices listed below the title. Not all of these prices will apply; the artist makes that decision for their own reasons. Descriptions of each price and process are:


Thursday Noon – Saturday 6:00pm

This is the most common way to buy art:

  1. The art must be for sale; not Quick Sold or NFS (not for sale).
  2. Minimum Bid is the starting point.
  3. Write a bid (in whole dollars) on the first available bid line.
  4. Write your CONvergence badge number and badge name with your bid.
  5. Do not cross out bids.
  6. If there are 4 bids, the piece goes to Voice Auction Saturday night (see the grid for time and location). If there are no bids at Voice Auction, the 4th bidder on the bid tag wins. A listing of pieces sold will be posted on Saturday night outside the art show. Look for your badge number to confirm if you’ve won.

Quick Sale

Friday & Saturday ONLY

This is the most guaranteed way to buy. If you’re willing to pay this price, you can pay right now, and avoid worrying about it later. Here’s how it works:

  1. Quick Sale is listed on the left side
  2. There can be NO BIDS (including yours) on the bid tag.
  3. Do NOT remove the art OR bid tag.
  4. Call for a runner. Tell the Art Show volunteers what you want. We’ll take care of you.
  5. Pay now, take it home (2021 only; usually must be left until Sunday to allow voting).
  6. Cash or Credit card only.

After Auction/Sunday Sales

Sunday only

Usually, art not sold by Saturday night is packed and shipped back to the artist. Some artists choose to specify an After Auction/Sunday Sale price. Some do not. Here’s how it works:

  1. Sunday Price is noted
  2. Make sure you have cash or credit card.
  3. A Sunday Price is listed? It is possible to buy the piece when the Art Show is open on Sunday.
  4. Bring the piece to checkout & pay for it.
  5. No Sunday Price listed? You missed your chance. Contact the artist or wait till next year for another opportunity.

Winning an Auction

How do you know you won?

  1. Winners are posted on the wall outside the art show and Live Auction Saturday night/Sunday morning by badge number.
  2. If your bid wins, you must pay for the art.
  3. Pick up your purchases in the regular Art Show room on Sunday 10am – 2pm.
  4. Payment can be by card, cash, or gold bullion.
Connie reclining