Be a CONvergence #CONfluencer

Make a video 30 seconds or longer of yourself and/or your friends explaining what you love about CONvergence, and get an exclusive CONvergence #CONfluencer badge ribbon when you submit it to CVG-TV!White badge ribbon with purple printing that says CONvergence #CONfluencer

Making a Great #CONfluencer Video

Your video should be created while you are at CONvergence. You can use selfie mode, or you can ask a friend to record you. Be sure to choose a location without a lot of background noise so everyone can hear what you are saying!

Here are some prompts for things you could talk about in your video:

  • “My favorite things about CONvergence are…”
  • “CONvergence is a unique experience for me because…”
  • “At CONvergence, my friends and I can…”
  • “One of the reasons I come to CONvergence is…”
  • “CONvergence is different from some other conventions because…”
  • “I would describe CONvergence as…”

Your video should be a minimum of 30 seconds long, but longer videos are absolutely fine and appreciated!

Submit your #CONfluencer Video

Either submission method below works and will earn you the exclusive #CONfluencer badge ribbon!

If You Have a Google Account

You can upload your #CONfluencer video submission directly using this form:

Submit video by uploading

If You do Not Have a Google Account

You can upload your #CONfluencer video submission to your own file storage, then send us a link to it using this form:

Submit video with a link

Suggested file storage options are Dropbox, iCloud, OneDrive, or anything that will allow us to access and download the file. Links to your own social media posts do not count as file storage. We are looking for the video file itself, please!

Getting Your Ribbon

After you submit your video, you’ll receive an email with instructions to get your ribbon.

Ribbons will be available for #CONfluencers starting Thursday during the convention. Please do not ask for a #CONfluencer ribbon during setup.

Sharing on Your Own Social Media

Want to share your #CONfluencer video on your own social media, too? Please go ahead!

Just be sure to include this year’s CONvergence hashtag:


Connie reclining