Badge Pick-up

As a CONvergence badge is required for access to the convention, your first stop at CONvergence will be Registration & Badge Pick-up. It is located in the Greenway Promenade on the 2nd floor of the Hyatt Regency.

CONvergence 2025 Information Coming Soon!

Below is information from CONvergence 2024 for your reference.

Connie winking, wearing her CONvergence membership badge on a lanyardHours

Registration and Badge Pick-up Hours

  • Wednesday Noon – 11:00PM
  • Thursday 10:00am – Midnight
  • Friday 9:00am – 10:00pm
  • Saturday 9:00am – 10:00pm
  • Sunday 9:00am – 3:00pm (Registration for 2025 begins at Noon in person and online.)

If you have concerns about appearing in Registration during the hours posted above, or to make special arrangements to pick up your badge, please contact the Registration department at the earliest possible opportunity and we will do our best to make accommodations.

IMPORTANT: Please do not post photos of your badge online before or during the convention. Help us prevent badge counterfeiting!

Badge Pick-up Procedure

This procedure identifies information and tangible items you may need in order to pick up your CONvergence Badge. Please read this carefully.

  • Adult (18+) Badge Pick-Up: All adult badges MUST be picked up by individual the named in the registration. The individual must provide photo identification with proof of age. This includes any Adult “Guest Of” badges. NO EXCEPTIONS. (See acceptable forms of ID.)
  • Under-18 Badge Pick-Up: To protect each attendee’s badge and privacy, only the attendee  themselves (if 16 or 17) or the person who purchased that individual’s badge (known as the account holder or purchaser) may pick-up an under 18 badge. The person picking up the under 18 badge must provide identification to prove they are who they say they are. (See acceptable forms of ID.) We do not want anyone walking off with someone else’s badge by mistake!
  • “Guest Of” Badges: The person who is the guest for a “Guest Of” badge will have the badge assigned to them and their first and last name entered into the registration system to replace “Guest Of”. This permanently assigns the badge to the guest. If the “Guest Of” badge is an adult badge, the guest must appear before registration in person with an acceptable form of ID to obtain the badge. If the “Guest Of” badge is not an adult badge, the purchaser, or account holder, can pick up the badge and provide the badge holder’s first and last name to registration at time of pick-up. All “Guest Of” badges can have a badge name (the name physically written on the badge) set at time of pick-up. There is no fee for this at time of badge pick-up. However, if you choose to change the badge name later, the standard badge name change procedure will apply.
  • Day Passes: Day passes will be available to purchase online starting the Wednesday of CONvergence. There will be one option for Thursday, Friday, Saturday and one for Sunday (which is discounted). You can pick up your Day Pass from any check-in person at Registration.

Acceptable forms of ID

Adult Badges:

  • Government issued photo ID with matching first and last name including state drivers license, state ID card, tribal ID, state instructional permit cards, and passports from any country.

Under 18 Badges:

  • Any of the acceptable forms of ID for ADULT Badges.
  • School (Elementary, Secondary, or Post-Secondary) ID with photo and first and last name.
  • Other commercially or institutionally produced forms of photo ID containing your first and last name with a matching photo. NOTE: School ID’s printed from your home computer printer are not considered to be produced commercially or institutionally.
  • A SSN Card with another identifying document such as a school report card.
  • A parent or guardian vouching who has a government issued photo ID with either the same last name as you or proof of guardianship.

Vaccination and Mask Recommendations

  • It is strongly recommended but not required that all attendees ages 3+ wear masks during the convention.
  • It is strongly recommended that all attendees be fully vaccinated.
  • It is strongly recommended that attendees have a negative COVID-19 test within 48 hours of the start of CONvergence 2024.

Find the full version on the CONvergence Policies page. CONvergence reserves the right to update this policy with more stringent guidelines if the Wastewater Virus Data for Minnesota shows surge conditions at the time of the convention.

If you have any questions or comments about COVID-19 policies at CONvergence 2024, please contact the CONvergence board of directors.

Pronoun Stickers

Add a pronoun sticker to your convention badge! Pre-printed pronoun stickers for They/Them, He/Him, and She/Her, as well as blank stickers for you to write in your pronouns, are available at Registration & Badge Pick-up, The Bridge, and the Accessibility Table.

Poster illustrating pronoun stickers

Not sure which pronouns to use for a new friend at CONvergence? Check their badge for their pronoun sticker, or if they don’t have a sticker, just go ahead and ask. It really is not a big deal!

Badge Pick-Up FAQ

What if I do not have an acceptable form of ID to pick up my adult badge?
To pick up your adult badge, you must present a government-issued photo ID. If you cannot verify your identity by these means, you will be unable to collect your badge. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but it is necessary to prevent fraud and ensure your badge ends up in your hands.

Why does the adult badge pick-up procedure contain strict identification vetting?
Liability. Convergence Events needs to take reasonable steps to ensure adult badges are only in the hands of adults.

If I purchased a “Guest Of” badge and do not know who I will be giving it to, can I still pick-up the “Guest Of” badge and decide later who to give it to?
No, you may not pick-up a “Guest Of” badge without assigning the badge to a specific human being. Wait to pick-up the guest of badge until you do know who the guest of will be. Please do not make up a name in lieu of knowing your guest of either – Once the name is assigned it cannot be changed and it is against event policy to share badges.

May I share my badge with a friend when I am not using it?
No, you may not. So-called “badge sharing” is actually fraud. Each badge is a unique identifier for a specific person. If something were to happen that rendered you incapable of communicating, your badge is our first step in identifying you and getting you the help you need. If you are wearing someone else’s badge, you put yourself and the convention at risk and that is unacceptable.

What happens if I’m caught “badge sharing”?
If caught “badge sharing”, the registered attendee who loaned/shared their badge will be removed from the convention immediately and will be banned from attending future conventions unless and until they petition the Board of Directors for re-admittance with an honest statement of wrong-doing and culpability. The person who is in possession of a badge not their own will be given the choice of either registering immediately paying the at-the-door rate or leaving the convention immediately, AND will be banned from future conventions unless and until they petition the Board of Directors for re-admittance with an honest statement of wrong-doing and culpability.

What are the rules for day passes?

  • Valid from 9:00am on day of purchase until 5:00am the following morning.
  • Can be purchased online beginning the Wednesday of CONvergence or at Registration during operating hours.
  • Adult (18+) passes only.
  • Not transferable to another person.
  • Cannot be converted into weekend badges.
  • Will not be reissued if lost.
  • Provides access to the entirety of the convention for one day!

Is your system secure, what about hacking?
Our staff has done everything in their power to keep your information secure. Specific information such as credit cards have always been masked when making payment. Personal Identifiable details such as name, address, phone and anything else you provide is in a secure system with limited access.

Connie reclining