Got some great ideas for panels? Are you interested in contributing to CONvergence 2016’s programming slate? Yes? Great! Because our annual Programming Brainstorming Session is right around the corner and we’d love to see you there!

A panel at CONvergence 2015When: October 10, 2015, 1:00pm – 5:00pm
Where: Crowne Plaza Bloomington
Room: A-E-I-O 
Address: 5401 Green Valley Drive Bloomington, MN 55437

You don’t have to have been on a panel or run a panel before to contribute panel ideas. We want panel suggestions from all walks of our diverse and vibrant community! That means you!

For those who are not aware, many of our programming ideas for the next convention are generated at this upcoming October session. Once we have a list of ideas, we proceed to enter them all into our database. By February 1st, our list of ideas goes live and we invite CONvergence members to volunteer as panelists and moderators. For more information, check out our panel scheduling page.

JOFCon Session

This year there will also be a CONvergence Programming Brainstorming Session at JOFCon! As you may be aware, CONvergence is completely volunteer-run and managed. Journeypeople of Fandom Convention (JOFCon) is all about what goes into putting on events like CONvergence; it is a gathering to discuss how we make volunteer-run conventions happen, and how to organize, nurture, and improve our con running communities! CONvergence has partnered with JOFCon and we are excited to let you know about this very cool event. The day and time of JOFCon’s CONvergence Programming Brainstorming Session will be announced on their website.JOFCon Minneapolis-Saint Paul logo showing a platypus wearing a fez

When: October 9-11, 2015
Where: DoubleTree by Hilton Minneapolis Park Place
Address: 5401 Green Valley Drive Bloomington, MN 55437

JOFCon has both full weekend and single-day passes available, and we encourage you to check it out if you’re interested in what goes into making an event like CONvergence.

For more information and to register for JOFCon, click here to go to the JOFCon website.

Can’t make a Brainstorming Session?

If you can’t make it to a brainstorming session, we encourage you suggest panels online via our Panel Suggestion Form!

Additionally, If you already have specific ideas for panels that you would like to see, present, or run yourself, please send them to us via the web rather than saving them for the brainstorming session; it’s faster and easier than trying to dictate while a roomful of people are waiting. You are welcome to both submit panel ideas online AND attend the brainstorming session!

Panel suggestions will be accepted until March 1st, 2016. However, they really should be in by February 1st, 2016 to have a good chance of making it onto the CONvergence 2016 schedule.

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CONvergence 2015: DoublePlusGood Logo

Another fantastic CONvergence has drawn to a close. We acknowledge and thank not just CONvergence’s veritable army of amazing volunteers, but each and every member of the CONvergence community who helps make this event as fun and unique as it is! Thank you!

2015 Overview

Connie mark 2 making a fistCONvergence 2015: DoublePlusGood took place July 2 – 5, 2015, and the theme was dystopias in science fiction and fantasy! Connie Mark 2 took over the con for the first time since 2010—this time not by force, but to celebrate her 16th birthday. We must admit that things ran smoothly under her (supervised) benevolent dictatorship.

Here are the total attendance numbers from the 2015 CONvergence convention:

  • Total Membership Registrations: 6252
  • Warm Body Count: 6057

Overall, lines moved orderly and smoothly, with all credit to CONvergence’s Nerf Herder Crowd Management. Registration and Badge Pick-up was easy and quick, and the new location for The Bridge afforded more space for training volunteers, providing support to many facets of the convention, and an ideal facility for First Advisors including a sensory-friendly quiet room that was utilized by members throughout the weekend.

Happily, 2015 marked the triumphant return of Harmonic CONvergence in the Crowne Plaza, and CONvergence’s free dedicated shuttle service was zipping to and fro to make sure everyone could make their way there and enjoy the fantastic performances!

CONvergence 2015: DoublePlusGood also saw new programming space guidelines for better accessibility in CONvergence’s programming panel rooms, including designated areas for wheelchair seating and for setting up camera tripods in every room. Audience members did a great job adhering to the new guidelines, and making CONvergence more accessible for all members.

2015 Photos

Most of the photos taken by official CONvergence 2015 photographers, including Photo Booth photos, have been added to the CONvergence Flickr! There is a lot there, so check it out!

Photograph of common area in short tower during CONvergence 2015

Currently plans are pending to add CONvergence 2015 photographer “best of” sets to the CONvergence Facebook page, but at present there is no timeline for completion of this task. The best thing to do is like the page so you’ll see the photos on your feed when they are added.

2015 Videos

Currently plans are pending to process the many, many hours of video captured at CONvergence 2015: DoublePlusGood and upload videos from the con to the CONvergence YouTube channels. At present there is no timeline for completion of this task.

If you have video editing experience, as well as your own computer, hard drive, and editing software, and you’d like to help edit CONvergence 2015: DoublePlusGood videos for posting, please contact CONvergence Video! Additionally, CONvergence Video could use a project manager to help inventory 2015 footage, create an editing timeline for the 2015 footage, and assign and manage editing tasks over several months. While it might help, no video production experience is required to volunteer as a video project manager. So please contact CONvergence Video if this sounds like something you’d like to help with, too!

Connie as Arthur Dent2015 Archive

Information from CONvergence 2015: DoublePlusGood has been added to the Archive section. There, you will find:

  • 2015 Art Show participants & award winners
  • 2015 Dealers Room vendors
  • 2015 Parties
  • 2015 Guests
  • 2015 Masquerade award winners
  • 2015 Print Publications

2015 Survey

Demographic information and feedback collected from the CONvergence 2015: DoublePlusGood membership and ConCom surveys has been posted on the Convergence Events website.

From the Board

The Convergence Events Board of Directors has issued a statement regarding a guerrilla Game of Thrones reenactment that occurred during CONvergence 2015: DoublePlusGood. Click Here to read the statement on the Convergence Events website.

Gearing up for 2016

CONvergence 2016: ...And How Do We Get There? Logo featuring Connie in a spaceship

The theme for CONvergence 2016: And How Do We Get There? is vehicles and transport of science fiction and fantasy and it will be held June 30 – July 3, 2016. The CONvergence Convention Committee (ConCom) is already starting to plan for 2016, with the September ConCom meeting fast approaching.

Now is a great time to get involved with the ConCom and year-round CONvergence volunteering. The first step to doing so is checking out the volunteer positions page to see where you might be interested in contributing. Then, contact the department you’re interested in helping, and ask how soon you can start attending department meetings and helping out! As soon as you out yourself an individual with both time and skills, you will have absolutely no trouble keeping busy with CONvergence 2016 volunteering.

Additionally, keep your eyes here on the CONvergence website and social media for announcements on the many ways you can contribute to the con, including programming brainstorming, applying to host a party, applying to perform, artist information, applying for a fan table, hosting games, and more volunteer opportunities as needs are identified throughout the year!

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If you participated in any of the varied programming available in Connie’s Quantum Sandbox, they would like you to head over to the Sandbox page and take a brief survey.

Did you volunteer for at least 1 hour towards or during CONvergence 2015? If so…

Banner - Volunteers Party

You are invited The CONvergence 2015 Volunteers Party!

When: Saturday, July 25, 2015 at 7:00pm until 11:00pm
Where: DoubleTree by Hilton Bloomington
Why: Because it’s fun to party with CONvergence volunteers, of course!

Snacks and beverages will be provided for all volunteers, and the hotel will have a cash bar set up. The pool and hot tub will be open for us to enjoy and we will have a changing room available. Bring your swimsuit, bring a game to play, bring CONvergence stories to share, and most importantly, bring yourself!

Volunteer Perks

Volunteer T-Shirts and other Volunteer Perks will also be available during the party!

If you forgot to turn in your green volunteer card at CONvergence 2015, you can either bring it to the party before 9:00pm or scan it and email the file to

Prize Drawings

CONvergence members with 10 or more volunteer hours logged are eligible to enter a prize drawing for one of the following awesome prizes! Winners will be drawn during the party and prizes may be picked up until 9:00pm.

  1. Star Trek Phaser Replica Remote Control
  2. Apple iPad mini 16GB Wi-Fi – Space Gray
  3. Lego Mindstorms EV3
  4. Neil Gaiman’s Sandman 10 Volume Slipcase set(paperback)
  5. Saber Forge Custom Lightsaber Arbiter Warrior Edition – Green LED
  6. 2 Memberships to JOFCon Minneapolis 2015 – Friday, October 9th – Sunday October 11th 2015

If you have any questions about the 2015 Volunteers Party, please contact the CONvergence Volunteers Department.

The CVG-TV team have been busy updating the CONvergence Television YouTube Channel. If you missed any of the 2015 PSAs, they are all available on the channel now. They have also been adding content from the 2014 convention to the channel, and will be adding 2015 content as soon as they are able to. Watch the channel for future updates.

You can find links to the CVG-TV channel, as well as the other CONvergence YouTube channels on our Videos page.

CONvergence features many different competitions for members to show off their creativity, art and performance skills! Here are some of the talented winners from CONvergence 2015!

Art Show

The CONvergence Art Show features artwork of all kinds from across the country! Each year, CONvergence members vote for their favorite pieces. Here are the CONvergence 2015 Art Show Winners!

Best Amateur Piece
Map of Middle Earth by Kaitlyn Durushia

Best Professional Piece
Kracken by Scott Nacke

Best Amateur Collection
Holly Bruce

Best Professional Collection
Charles Urbach

Best In Show
Bear Falls by Christine Mitzuk


Amateur artists are invited compete for the title of CONvergence MasterArtist by creating an original piece based on a prompt within a specific time limit and using a defined medium.

2015 MasterArtist
Laura Rakiewicz with a piece titled Sunset Stroll


CONvergence Masquerade is one of the premiere events of the convention, showcasing the talents of costumers spanning all skill levels, from novices to masters. Here are the winners of the CONvergence 2015 Masquerade!

Best in Show
“Revolutionary Super Friends” #19
By Dana Baird, Claire Doyle, Steven Baumgartner, Emily Dyess, Katie Furr, Nan Miller, Amy Burge, Karan Huse, Rose Huse, David Huse, Dave Eckenrode, Lindsey Marth

Best Master
“Howl’s Moving Castle” by Sonja Cool #25

Best Journeyman
“One Girl Wrecking Crew” by Rhianna Accenture #32

Best Novice
“Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?” by Melissa Adorn #30

Best Young Fan
“Dr. Lazarus” – by Alexander Rapacz #28

Best Workmanship
“Jedi Moon” – by Melissa Sowers #20

Best Performance
“Let It Go” – by Sarah Huebschen & Jacob Freeman #41

Best Theme of the Convention
“All Hail” by Kristen Lerwick #1

Judge’s Choice, Recreation
“Astrid, from “How to Train Your Dragon 2”” by Rachel Rand #8

Judge’s Choice, Outstanding Technical
“Disturbance at Two-One-Zero-Five Doubletree, Units Respond” by Gabriel Coler #35

Judge’s Choice, Best Use of Accessories
“La Muerte from “The Book of Life”” – by Emma Alley #34

Judge’s Choice, Performance
“Water Bender Katara” by Brynn Berryhill #33

Judge’s Choice, for Makeup and Stage Presence
“Lirael Goldenhand” by Sophia Rapacz #18

Judge’s Choice, Props
“Good Hunter” by Ray Fuller #24

Judge’s Choice, Character
“Rocket Racoon” by Gryphon Rapacz #23

People’s Choice Award
“Howl’s Moving Castle” by Sonja Cool #25

MN Soc Award
“Rocket Racoon” by Jen Beaupre #43

CostumeCon Complimentary Membership
“Bravely Default’s Ringabel” by Val Campion #11

We would love to receive your feedback on your 2015 CONvergence experience. Please take a few minutes to fill out our membership survey at the link below.

The 2015 CONvergence Membership Survey will be open until 11:59PM on Saturday, July 11, 2015.

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Following in the great CONvergence tradition of pass around games such as The Cone of Shame and The Thing, CONvergence 2015: DoublePlusGood brings you Mark 2’s Vendetta! Lest we not forget the last time Connie Mark 2 was in charge of the convention.

Remember, remember! 
The CON’s little sister, 
The gynoids, treason and plot; 
I know of no reason 
Why the Gynoid treason 
Should ever be forgot! 
Mark 2 and her companions 
Did in 2010 contrive, 
To oust Prof Max and Connie
and Bring on the Bad Guys.

Mark 2's Vendetta game mask

Goal: When you receive the Connie Mark 2 Guy Fawkes mask (pictured), you must put it on. Wear it all the way to The Bridge to win. For successfully passing the threshold into the Bridge while wearing the mask, you will be awarded a badge ribbon!

Mark 2's Vendetta prize ribbon

  1. If you see someone wearing the mask, you can say “Remember, remember, The CON’s little sister!” and they must give you the mask, and you must put it on. They cannot take the mask back from you.
  2. If someone says, “Remember, remember, The CON’s little sister!” to you, you must cede them the mask and they must put it on. You cannot take it back from that person.
  3. Reaching The Bridge while wearing the mask earns you a badge ribbon. The Bridge is a safe zone and no one can take the mask from you there.
  4. After you receive your ribbon, you must go to ConSuite and put the mask back on, then cede it to the first person who says the line to you. This puts the mask back into play.
  5. Wash, rinse, repeat.

So, to demonstrate, here Christopher Jones has the mask. He has to try to get to The Bridge to win his badge ribbon.

Christopher Jones wearing the Mark 2's Vendetta Mask

Bryan Thao Worra says, “Remember, remember, the CON’s little sister!”

Bryan Thao Worra takes the mask from Chris

Chris ceded the mask to Bryan. Bryan put it on. Chris cannot take the mask back from Bryan.

Bryan wearing the mask

Now Bryan must try to make it to The Bridge to win his badge ribbon. Or maybe he was just claiming the mask to grief Chris. Griefing is totally within the rules of the game. This year’s theme is dystopia, after all!

Have fun, everyone! And remember, not having fun is a crime at CONvergence 2015: DoublePlusGood, where we are celebrating all things dystopia!

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2015 Souvenir Guide CoverThe  CONvergence 2015: DoublePlusGood Souvenir Guide is now available for download in a handy PDF format to read on your computer, tablet or mobile phone. Print copies of the guide are available at the convention during Badge Pick-Up.

The Souvenir Guide features Guest of Honor perspectives and schedules, a programming guide, maps, information about sponsors and tons of other useful information for CONvergence 2015!

If you have any questions about the 2015 Souvenir Guide, please contact CONvergence publications. (You may not get a reply until after the convention.)

Click here to check out more great CONvergence 2015 publications in PDF form!


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We know you are excited to embark upon your dystopian adventure at CONvergence 2015: DoublePlusGood. Here is a list of things to keep in mind to ensure both you and everyone around you have a fantastic convention. Plus, you don’t want to end up in Mark 2’s Iso-Cubes, do you?

Treat Everyone with Respect

CONvergence is serious about providing a safe environment for all members, and we enforce our Harassment Policy very seriously. Here are a few things to keep in mind to make sure you don’t harsh anyone’s squee.Costumes are not Consent poster featuring Connie Mark 2

  • Always ask permission before you take a photo of someone. (Not only is this polite, but it almost always results in a much better photo!)
  • Costumes are not consent to be hugged, touched, groped, grabbed, or sexually advanced upon. But this is also true for fancy dress, kilts, swimwear, or even just jeans and a t-shirt. It does not matter what gender a person is or what they are or aren’t wearing; harassment is harassment. If someone tells you they do not want to talk to you or do not want you to touch them, respect that and leave them alone.
  • A good rule of thumb is to just explicitly ask for permission before touching any person in any way. Examples include:
    • “May I put my arm around you for a photo?”
    • “May I hug you?”
    • “That fabric on your costume is so interesting. May I feel the texture?”
  • Volunteers are doing a job and it is important to recognize that. If someone is volunteering, it is definitely not an appropriate time to make sexual advances or try to touch them. Just let them do their job. This goes double for elevator monitors, as they are on their own in confined spaces.
  • If you’re not sure which pronouns to use for a new friend at CONvergence, it’s always OK to just ask. You do this by saying, “What pronouns do you use?” It really is just that simple! If you don’t have a good opportunity to find out a person’s preferred pronouns, you’re generally safe using the gender-neutral pronoun, “they”.
  • Restroom policing is very uncool. People know which restroom they belong in. Trust them to do their business in the place most comfortable for them and leave it at that.

If you see Something, say Something

Part of being a community is taking responsibility for protecting that community. This is especially true in the organized tyranny of a dystopian paradise. We’ve all got to look out for each other, and it really is quite simple!

  • If you spot someone who looks like they are in distress, ask them if they would like you to contact Operations or First Advisors for them.
  • If you witness someone being harassed, do not stay silent. Speak up and defuse the situation. If that doesn’t help, contact Operations via The Bridge.
  • If you witness someone breaking the rules outlined in the CONvergence Policies, try to educate them. It’s possible they are just ignorant of the policy. If that doesn’t help, contact Operations via The Bridge.
  • If you spot someone whose prop weapon has not yet been Peace Bonded, suggest that they head to The Bridge for “The Talk”. They get a badge ribbon for doing it!

Connie as a red shirtDon’t Overload the Elevators

During CONvergence, the public elevators are running nearly constantly for close to eighteen hours a day, and it is in our best interest to keep them from breaking. Because of this, we have instituted a policy where there are only 8 people allowed per elevator car (7 plus an elevator operator.) Large pieces of luggage and/or props may also be counted as a person because the limitation is about weight, not warm bodies.

In response to feedback during and after CONvergence 2014, we are instituting a new policy on the 22nd floor this year. As of CONvergence 2015, only five people will be allowed to board the elevator on the 22nd floor (four plus the elevator operator), so that we can pick up people on the in-between floors (4 through 21). Exceptions may be instituted in special situations such as fireworks viewing on Friday and Saturday nights.

Remember the 6-2-1 Rule

The 6-2-1 Rule is:

  • 6 hours of sleep per night
  • 2 meals per day
  • 1 shower per day

Practice self care while at CONvergence, and try to remind your friends to do the same. Also, remember to wash your hands often to prevent the spread of con crud!

Wait to post Photos of your Badge Online

When you get your CONvergence 2015 membership‬ badge, please DO NOT post a close-up photo of it online or share a close-up photo of it with your friends until AFTER the convention is over. If you see your friends doing this, please ask them to take their badge photo(s) down until Sunday. Convention badge counterfeiting is real and this is something you can do to help prevent it at CONvergence!

CONvergence mascots as the X-MenBe aware of Members with Disabilities

There are many CONvergence members with both visible and invisible disabilities. Here are a few simple things you can do to help make their CONvergence 2015 as awesome as yours!

  • Keep paths clear. Don’t stand in the middle of a hallway or doorway. Always ask yourself, is there room for a wheelchair to get through? If not, make some. If everyone does this, it makes a big difference!
  • Never assume ability. Many, many disabilities are “invisible”. This means that you can’t tell a person has the disability just by looking at them. It’s a good idea to never assume a person you don’t know is able-bodied. Don’t criticize them for their elevator, escalator, or chair use; they know their limitations much better than you do!
  • Treat mobility aids as extensions of a person’s body. Never touch a person’s wheelchair, scooter, walker, crutches, or cane without their permission.
  • Keep your mouth visible while you are talking. This is especially important if you are on a panel. Many hard of hearing people lip read in order to understand what is being said, and more people are hard of hearing than you might think. Keeping your mouth visible while you are talking is a huge help!

If you want more information about accessibility at CONvergence, check out the Accessibility page.

Eco-Friendly for Fun and Profit

The DoubleTree by Hilton Bloomington is offering up a $5 per day voucher to all hotel guests who opt to be eco-friendly by declining housekeeping service during their CONvergence stay. This is your opportunity to save some money and help the environment! Plus, not wanting to help the environment is a ThoughtCrime.

Connie Mark 2 as a WaitressSoylent Green DEFINITELY IS NOT People

Remember that 6-2-1 rule? A very important part of that is eating. ConSuite is great for snacks throughout the day, but it isn’t a replacement for a real meal.

The DoubleTree by Hilton Bloomington will be providing periodic concessions around the hotel including a grill outside near Smokers Paradise and an ice cream station. This year they will be selling tickets that will allow you to purchase these concessions items. There will be some places to purchase the tickets with cash only stationed throughout the hotel. If you wish to purchase tickets with a credit card, you may do so in the Crescent Kitchen (the restaurant in the DoubleTree near the front desk).

You may also want to check out the CONvergence 2015 Restaurant Guide for your full selection of dining options during the convention. Some are even offering discounts!

Have Prop Weapons? Make sure to have “The Talk”

If you have a prop weapon of any kind—even a fictional weapon—please bring it to The Bridge to be peace bound. An Operations volunteer will have “The Talk” with you, and you’ll walk out with a snazzy badge ribbon! Your prop weapon will not be damaged in the peace binding process!

Check out the CONvergence Weapons & Props policies by clicking here.

Lost & Found

Did you know CONvergence has an at-con Lost and Found? If you find something or if you lose something during CONvergence 2015, head over to The Bridge!

Have Fun!

Not having fun is a crime at CONvergence 2015: DoublePlusGood. All members must be having fun at all times. There definitely are not any secret police disguised as con goers to make sure you are having fun. Proceed as normal.

War is Peace.

Freedom is Volunteering.

Mark 2 is Strength.



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Connie reclining