If you volunteered even just one hour of your time for CONvergence 2016, you are invited to join the CONvergence Convention Committee at 2016 Volunteers Party!

logo for Volunteers Party featuring Connie wearing a party hat, and confetti

Snacks and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided free for all CONvergence 2016 volunteers, and the hotel will have a cash bar. The hotel pool and hot tub will be open for all to enjoy and there will be a changing room available. Bring your swimsuit, bring a game to play, bring CONvergence 2016 stories to share, and most importantly, bring yourself!

When: Saturday, July 23, 2016, 7:00pm until 11:00pm
Where: DoubleTree by Hilton Bloomington
Why: Because it’s fun to party with CONvergence volunteers, of course!

Get Your Volunteer Perks

If you didn’t have a chance during CONvergence 2016 to pick up your volunteer t-shirt, uber volunteer reward, or other CONvergence 2016 volunteer perks, you will be able to do so at the Volunteers Party!

Additionally, if you forgot to turn in your volunteer card at CONvergence 2016, you can either bring it to the party before 9:00pm or scan or snap a good, readable photo of it and send the file to volunteers@convergence-con.org.

Prize Drawings

CONvergence 2016 members with 10 or more CONvergence 2016 volunteer hours logged are eligible to enter a prize pack drawing for one of the following awesome prizes! You need not be present to win. Winners will be drawn during the party and prizes may be picked up until 9:00pm if you are present. If you are not present, we will contact you and make arrangements to get you your prize.

  1. Up All Night Prize: 4 cases (48 bottles) of True Stone Coffee Roasters’ Cool Brew!
  2. Date Night Prize: 2 tickets to Fearless Comedy’s October show, Masquerade at Bernard’s (a Shakespearean Weekend at Bernie’s) and a $30 gift certificate to the Uptown Diner!
  3. Game Night Prize: Prize pack from Fantasy Flight Games and a small gift basket from Isabel Street Heat containing hot sauce or seasoned salts to top your snacks for the evening!
  4. Decorating Geek Prize: a framed laser-engraved drawing of the Serenity!
  5. Comics Geek Prize: a starter pack to begin your comics collection that includes popular volume 1 trades and a gift certificate to keep reading!
  6. Electronics Geek Prize: an iPad!
  7. Superhero Geek Prize: Your choice of superhero-themed stained glass art hanging wall panel from Kitsune Art Glass!

In addition to the prizes listed above, we will hold drawings for many, many other door prizes, including books, movies, hot sauces, and a Kindle Fire tablet. You need not be present to win some of them, but others are just for people who stick around!

We hope to see you at the CONvergence 2016 Volunteers Party. It should be a blast! If you have any questions about the 2016 Volunteers Party, please contact the CONvergence Volunteers Department.

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the poster to tell people about the member survey. Features a QR code for the survey, and connie. Reads, "Give your feedback! Help us improve CONvergence!"With yet another CONvergence behind us, we have already begun looking forward to the future and CONvergence 2017: To Infinity and Beyond! As part of the transition process, we would like to invite each end every CONvergence 2016 member to take the CONvergence 2016 Member Survey and to evaluate any CONvergence 2016 panels you attended.

2016 Member Survey

Click Here to take the CONvergence 2016 Member Survey.

Tell us what you liked, what you didn’t like, what you thought worked well, and what you felt didn’t work at all. We want to hear all about your experiences, your priorities, and most of all, your ideas for improving the convention. Every single response will be looked at. Survey responses are a cornerstone as plans for CONvergence 2017 begin to take shape.

The CONvergence 2016 Member Survey will be open until July 20, 2016.

Evaluate Panels

Did you attend any panels at CONvergence 2016: …And how do we GET there? Maybe you were a panelist? Either way, the CONvergence Programming department wants to hear how every panel went!

Click Here for the CONvergence Panel Evaluation Form.

If a panel went very well, please take a moment to tell us why. If a went off the rails for any reason at all, we want to hear about that too! Panel evaluations are CONvergence’s primary year-to-year tool for improving panel programming. Your evaluations can influence who gets asked back as a moderator, as a panelist, and what panel topics end up on next year’s schedule.

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Continuing the great CONvergence tradition of pass-around games such as The Thing and Mark 2’s Vendetta, this year CONvergence: And How Do We Get There? brings you The Briefcase.

pass around game suitcase

Goal: You must acquire the CONvergence Grand Tour 2016 briefcase and travel CONvergence, collecting stamps in your passport!

pass around game travel journalHow it works: You have discovered a briefcase for this year’s grand tour. What does that mean? It means you get to discover new places and boldly go where (eh, you know the rest).

  1. You will find a briefcase somewhere on the CONvergence grounds, unattended. Open this briefcase. It should contain a notebook Travel Journal, a few pens and a lot of passports. (If the briefcase is missing any of these pieces, please go to QUESTIONS at the Bridge.)
  2. Travel the convention, taking the briefcase along for the journey! When you get to a new place (this can be any place of your choosing, or see list of suggested destinations), write down where you are on your passport, and then ask someone there to sign it. Anyone can sign your passport, but each person is only allowed to sign your passport once.
  3. After you get six signatures, open up the briefcase again and take the Travel Journal out. Now, tell us something awesome about your trip. You can write a story, draw a picture, or add to the Travel Journal however you’d like.
  4. Take the briefcase and its contents to QUESTIONS at the Bridge. Show them your passport and notebook, and get an awesome badge ribbon!
  5. Put the Travel Journal and pen back inside the briefcase. Keep your passport. Leave the briefcase in a well traveled location for someone else to find.

We can’t wait to read about everyone’s journeys! Happy travels!

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Cover of CONvergence 2016 Program Guide featuring Connie in a parking lot full of sci-fi vehiclesThe  CONvergence 2016: …And How Do We GET There? Souvenir Guide is now available for download in a handy PDF format to read on your computer, tablet or mobile phone. Print copies of the guide are available at the convention during Badge Pick-Up.

The Souvenir Guide features Guest of Honor perspectives and schedules, a programming guide, maps, information about sponsors and tons of other useful information for CONvergence 2016!

If you have any questions about the 2016 Souvenir Guide, please contact CONvergence publications. (You may not get a reply until after the convention.)

 Programming Schedule PDF

You can download a PDF copy of the CONvergence 2016 Programming Schedule to print out or read on your tablet or mobile device. You may also be interested in the CVG2016 mobile app!

And, of course, the schedule is also available online.

 Programming Schedule GRID

You can download a large print PDF copy of the CONvergence 2016 Programming Schedule grid.

Restaurant Guide

Check out our CONvergence 2016 Restaurant Guide for dining options during CONvergence 2016!

There are many options available, with special notes for vegetarian, gluten-free, delivery and even exclusive discounts offered to CONvergence members!

Family-Friendly GuideCONvergenceMaxLabsFamily

Heading to the convention with your kids? There are many of fun and entertaining activities at CONvergence 2016 that your whole family can enjoy. From movies to games, parties, panels, crafts and science, we have something fun for members of all ages!

Download or print this CONvergence 2016 Family Guide for family-friendly activities and parties at CONvergence 2016!

(While the rooms and times are as accurate as we can be, please note that some times and locations may be subject to change.)

More to Review…

As you embark upon your CONvergence 2016 journey, you may also want to review some of the following.

Additionally, the hours of operation for free services and activities at the convention can easily be found by navigating the “At The Con” section of our website! Just give it a try!

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We know you are excited to embark upon your road trip through CONvergence 2016: …And how do we GET there?  Here is a list of things to keep in mind to ensure both you and everyone around you have a fantastic convention.

Be Aware of Changes for 2016

There are a lot of changes around the convention for 2016.  Here is a quick overview for you to be aware of:

  • CoF2E2 Free Coffee Shop has new hours and is now closed between 6:00am and Noon each day.
  • Dealers Room and Artists Alley are now in the Sheraton Bloomington. Check them out!
  • Fan Tables are now in CONvergence Central.
  • The Volunteers Table is now in Verandas 2-4 with Registration & Badge Pick-Up.
  • You now have the option to add a cool pronoun sticker to your membership badge.
  • You can now visit the new Accessibility/ASL and Member Advocates Tables are opposite the DoubleTree by Hilton front desk.
  • The Hotel Help Desk is now located next to The Bridge.
  • There are several all-gender restrooms in the DoubleTree by Hilton. See the Maps page for specific locations.
  • There is now a Quiet Room and a Parenting Lounge in the DoubleTree by Hilton.
  • Free CONvergence shuttle service between the three CONvergence hotels has been increased, making it faster than ever to zip over to the Crowne Plaza or Sheraton Bloomington and back!
  • CVG-TV will be broadcast in HD on channel 10, and will be streamed online for members staying in overflow hotels.
  • You can now report harassment via text message, and convention staff will come to you!
  • CONvergence Safe Spaces are now operated by the convention only. Click here to read more about Safe Space at CONvergence.

Treat Everyone with Respect

CONvergence is serious about providing a safe environment for all members, and we enforce our Harassment Policy very seriously. Here are a few things to keep in mind to make sure you don’t harsh anyone’s squee.

  • Costumes are Not Consent poster featuring ConnieAlways ask permission before you take a photo of someone. (Not only is this polite, but it almost always results in a much better photo!)
  • Costumes are not consent to be hugged, touched, groped, grabbed, or sexually advanced upon. But this is also true for fancy dress, kilts, swimwear, or even just jeans and a t-shirt. It does not matter what gender a person is or what they are or aren’t wearing; harassment is harassment. If someone tells you they do not want to talk to you or do not want you to touch them, respect that and leave them alone.
  • A good rule of thumb is to just explicitly ask for permission before touching any person in any way. Examples include:
    • “May I put my arm around you for a photo?”
    • “May I hug you?”
    • “That fabric on your costume is so interesting. May I feel the texture?”
  • Volunteers are doing a job and it is important to recognize that. If someone is volunteering, it is definitely not an appropriate time to make sexual advances or try to touch them. Just let them do their job. This goes double for elevator monitors, as they are on their own in confined spaces.
  • If you’re not sure which pronouns to use for a new friend at CONvergence, check for a pronoun sticker on their membership badge. If they don’t have a sticker, it’s always OK to just ask. You do this by saying, “What pronouns do you use?” It really is just that simple! If you don’t have a good opportunity to find out a person’s preferred pronouns, you’re generally safe using the gender-neutral pronoun, “they”.
  • Restroom policing is very uncool. People know which restroom they belong in. Trust them to do their business in the place most comfortable for them and leave it at that.

If you see Something, say Something

Part of being a community is taking responsibility for protecting that community. We’ve all got to look out for each other, and it really is quite simple!

  • If you spot someone who looks like they are in distress, ask them if they would like you to contact Operations or First Advisors for them.
  • If you witness someone being harassed, do not stay silent. Speak up and defuse the situation. If that doesn’t help, please report the harassment.
  • If you witness someone breaking the rules outlined in the CONvergence Policies, try to educate them. It’s possible they are just ignorant of the policy. If that doesn’t help, contact Operations via The Bridge.
  • If you spot someone whose prop weapon has not yet been Peace Bonded, suggest that they head to The Bridge for “The Talk”. They get a badge ribbon for doing it!

Connie as a red shirtDon’t Overload the Elevators

During CONvergence, the public elevators are running nearly constantly for close to eighteen hours a day, and it is in our best interest to keep them from breaking. Because of this, we have instituted a policy where there are only 8 people allowed per elevator car (7 plus an elevator operator.) Large pieces of luggage and/or props may also be counted as a person because the limitation is about weight, not warm bodies.

Additionally, only five people will be allowed to board the elevator on the 22nd floor (four plus the elevator operator), so that we can pick up people on the in-between floors (4 through 21).

Remember the 6-2-1 Rule

The 6-2-1 Rule is:

  • 6 hours of sleep per night
  • 2 meals per day
  • 1 shower per day

Practice self care while at CONvergence, and try to remind your friends to do the same. Also, remember to wash your hands often to prevent the spread of con crud!

Wait to post Photos of your Badge Online

When you get your CONvergence 2016 membership‬ badge, please DO NOT post a close-up photo of it online or share a close-up photo of it with your friends until AFTER the convention is over. If you see your friends doing this, please ask them to take their badge photo(s) down until Sunday. Convention badge counterfeiting is real and this is something you can do to help prevent it at CONvergence!

Connie in a power wheelchairBe aware of Members with Disabilities

There are many CONvergence members with both visible and invisible disabilities. Here are a few simple things you can do to help make their CONvergence 2016 as awesome as yours!

  • Keep paths clear. Don’t stand in the middle of a hallway or doorway. Always ask yourself, is there room for a wheelchair to get through? If not, make some. If everyone does this, it makes a big difference!
  • Never assume ability. Many, many disabilities are “invisible”. This means that you can’t tell a person has the disability just by looking at them. It’s a good idea to never assume a person you don’t know is able-bodied. Don’t criticize them for their elevator, escalator, or chair use; they know their limitations much better than you do!
  • Treat mobility aids as extensions of a person’s body. Never touch a person’s wheelchair, scooter, walker, crutches, or cane without their permission.
  • Keep your mouth visible while you are talking. This is especially important if you are on a panel. Many hard of hearing people lip read in order to understand what is being said, and more people are hard of hearing than you might think. Keeping your mouth visible while you are talking is a huge help!

If you want more information about accessibility at CONvergence, check out the Accessibility & Inclusion page.

Don’t Forget Your Fuel

Remember that 6-2-1 rule? A very important part of that is eating. ConSuite is great for snacks throughout the day, but it isn’t a replacement for a real meal.

You may want to check out the CONvergence 2016 Restaurant Guide for your full selection of dining options during the convention. Some are even offering discounts!

Have Prop Weapons? Make sure to have “The Talk”

If you have a prop weapon of any kind—even a fictional weapon—please bring it to The Bridge to be peace bound. An Operations volunteer will have “The Talk” with you, and you’ll walk out with a snazzy badge ribbon! Even if your prop weapon is just plastic and foam, getting it peace bound is a great signal to eParty to the Max at CONvergenceveryone around you that your weapon is safe. Your prop weapon will not be damaged in the peace binding process!

Check out the CONvergence Weapons & Props policies by clicking here.

Lost & Found

Did you know CONvergence has an at-con Lost and Found? If you find something or if you lose something during CONvergence 2016, head over to The Bridge!

Have Fun!

However you got to CONvergence 2016, be it by land or by sea, by air, stargate, transporter, or time vortex, make sure that you have fun while you are here! Volunteer, get your geek on, and don’t forget to party to the max!


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Did you know that CONvergence is a 100% volunteer-run event? You too can be a part of the team that makes CONvergence happen by volunteering your time! Whether you help during set-up, at-con, tear-down, or year-round preparation, there are so many opportunities to get involved, and all of those contributions are highly valued!

You can get started now by contacting the Volunteer Department. But if you’re wondering why anyone would want to give their time for free…

The Top 10 Reasons People Volunteer With CONvergence

  1. Volunteers Den!
    Volunteering for just a few hours gives you access to the Volunteers Den, which is a space for valued volunteers to relax after their shift, get some healthy food, have a massage, or just hang out with other volunteers. Check out the Volunteers Den page for more information.
  2. badging at CONvergengeGet your kids involved!
    Some departments have volunteer opportunities suitable to the younger CONvergence members. Last year Kristen (pictured, right) earned three hours as a badger (not the critter; the badge-checker), and said she loved seeing all the costumes people were wearing. Learn more about what’s involved with badging on the Volunteer Positions page.
  3. The swag!
    Volunteering at least 15 hours earns you an excl volunteer t-shirt. These collectible shirts are unique each year, and can’t be purchased. You can only get them through volunteering, which to us makes them a badge of honor! Volunteering even a single hour gets you a badge ribbon, and there are plenty more perks too! Check out this year’s volunteer swag on the Volunteer Perks page.
  4. The Volunteer Party!
    Every year, CONvergence invites each and every one of that year’s volunteers to come together for our annual Volunteers Party, complete with snacks, games, door prizes and more! Volunteering even one single hour gets you an invitation to the party, which takes place a few weeks after the convention.
  5. Grow your resume!
    Interested in working at a coffee shop but don’t have any experience? Volunteer with CoF2E2 and learn how to brew coffee, make espresso, and maybe even get a reference. Thinking about a career in television? Contact CONvergence Video to find out how you can help with video shoots at the convention, and post production for the rest of the year!
  6. badging at CONvergenceDon’t sweat your dots off!
    There are so many opportunities to volunteer, it will be easy to find something that’s right for you. Last year, Meika (pictured, right) volunteered four hours as a badger. She said, “I chose to be a badger because I like to see all the costumes that walk by, and wanted to volunteer doing something that wouldn’t make me sweat my dots off.”
  7. Make a big event small!
    One of our CONvergence ConCom members offered this food for thought: “CONvergence can be overwhelming sometimes. Having a job makes the sheer size feel more manageable.” Volunteer to see the convention through a different lens, and get to know your peers in your department!
  8. Community immersion!
    Volunteering is one of the best ways to meet new friends at CONvergence. One ConCom member explains, “as a volunteer, your presence and giving to the convention helps shape both your own and others experience. It brings you from the status of a passive observer to an active participant in the production. It also helps you meet new people, learn about events that are happening that you might have otherwise missed, and just pulls you IN to everything.”
  9. Be in the know!
    Have you ever wondered when you’ll get your hotel confirmation? Are you curious about why certain policies change when others stay the same? Becoming a volunteer and attending ConCom meetings puts you in touch with people behind the scenes who can share with you how and why the convention unfolds in the way it does.
  10. Be part of something bigger than yourself!
    From the department heads, subheads, and specialists that make up CONvergence’s Convention Committee to all at-con volunteers—even those who volunteer a single hour as a badger—everyone who helps put on the convention does so to be part of the amazing volunteer community, and to say they were part of making CONvergence great. One ConCom member offers, “It’s really cool to look out over the Garden Court, with the party scene in full swing, and know that you had a part in making all of it happen.”

Connie pushing a broomHow to Volunteer

There are many ways to get started with volunteering for CONvergence. You could check out the Volunteer Positions page and look for something that sounds interesting to you, or click here to learn about some volunteer positions that are needed most right now.

If you’re not sure where you’d like to volunteer, contact the CONvergence Volunteers department and they can help place you in a volunteer position so you can jump right in!

While you’re at CONvergence, if you are interested in volunteering, you can stop in at the Volunteers Table and ask where you can help. You’ll soon be cooking rice or herding nerfs before you know it!

Remember: All CONvergence volunteers attending the convention must register for the convention. (Volunteering does not get anyone a free membership.) If you have any questions or would like to volunteer in any area of the convention, please contact the Volunteers department.

Watch for Volunteer Mary

This year at CONvergence 2016, the Volunteers department will be actively recruiting for both at-con positions and year-round con positions at different locations throughout the convention! Simply look for Volunteer Mary Poppins and her signature VOLUNTEER Umbrella. She is ready to talk to you about volunteer positions and answer general questions you may have about volunteering at CONvergence.

Volunteer Mary sits outside on a bench with her "VOLUNTEER" umbrella

Plus, if you volunteer with Mary, you may be rewarded with a super special volunteer perk! So watch for her!

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As CONvergence 2016 draws closer, you’re no doubt starting to think about the awesome ways you can volunteer to help make this year’s convention a smooth ride for everyone, not to mention earn yourself some exclusive volunteer perks. Fortunately, there are many options for lending a hand! Here are just a few.

Help Herd those Nerfs!

Interested in helping with badging, elevator monitoring, or managing lines at CONvergence? Sign-ups are now open for Nerf Herder Crowd Management volunteer shifts. It’s one of the most fun, exciting, and easy ways to volunteer during the convention, often right in the middle of all the action. Whether you can spend an entire shift on your feet managing a line, or you need to do your volunteering sitting down, Nerf Herders has a volunteer position for you!

To sign up for Nerf Herding shifts during the convention, contact CONvergence Nerf Herders.Nerf Connie

But wait, there’s more! Before you arrive for your volunteer shift with CONvergence 2016 Nerf Herders, you must first complete a short training session at The Bridge. That way, you will be prepared for all the different scenarios you might encounter while volunteering.

At-Con Trainings

Wednesday 11:30am, 1:00pm, 2:30pm, 4:00pm, 5:30pm
Thursday 11:00am, 1:00pm, 3:00pm, 5:00pm, 6:30pm, 8:00pm
Friday 11:00am, 1:00pm, 3:00pm, 5:00pm, 6:30pm, 8:00pm
Saturday 11:00am, 1:00pm

To attend a training, simply go to the Nerf Herder table at The Bridge and say you’re there for a Nerf Herder Training. Please try to complete the short training as early as possible!

Connie wearing Wandering Host purple smock and radioJoin the Wandering Hosts

Do you like to have your finger on the pulse of the convention? Do you like to be the smiling face that provides help and solves problems? Do you like to jump right in and be in the middle of the action?

Wandering Hosts, seen all over the convention wearing purple smocks and radios, the visible staff presence and, in many ways, the white blood cells of CONvergence. As a Wandering Host, you will roam convention space as a representative of the convention and be available to assist CONvergence members in answering questions, following policies, ensuring safety, and providing support and help.

If this sounds like the sort of job for you, please contact CONvergence Operations and tell them you’d like to be a Wandering Host!

Are you a Certified Lifeguard?

Help keep the pool in the DoubleTree by Hilton’s Garden Court open for late night! If you are a certified lifeguard and would like to accrue some easy volunteer hours in the evenings (10:00pm and later), please contact CONvergence Volunteers with the subject line, “Lifeguard”.

For the safety of all, you will have to provide proof of your current lifeguard certification to qualify for this volunteer position.

Connie in a power wheelchairBe an Accessibility Ambassador

If you enjoy being friendly, helpful, and have a passion for making sure everyone can be included, then this might be the volunteer position for you!

Staff is needed for CONvergence’s Accessibility Table (located opposite the DoubleTree by Hilton’s front desk) to answer questions and help provide accessibility resources for CONvergence members. Previous experience with ADA issues and diverse communities would be helpful, but is not necessary.

If you are interested in helping at the Accessibility table, please contact CONvergence Accessibility & Inclusion!

Staff the Quiet Room

Do you have public interface (customer service) skills? Do you prefer, or need, to do your volunteering in a quiet or sensory-friendly space? CONvergence’s Quiet Room may be the place for you!

As Quiet Room staff, you will simply be present monitor quiet room facilities and activities. As needed, ensure rules minimizing distracting stimuli, including visuals, sounds, and smells are followed. This is a sedentary volunteer position, so be prepared to sit during your shift, and it is probably a good idea to bring a quiet activity for yourself.

If you are interested in helping staff the Quiet Room, please contact CONvergence Accessibility & Inclusion!

Record Video at Panels and Events

CONvergence Video and CVG-TV are looking for folks to help run cameras and record video of CONvergence 2016 panels, activities, events, and B-roll footage! Minimal experience with videography is okay, but a moderate to experienced level of videography knowledge is preferred.

Are you already planning to record a CONvergence 2016 panel, activity, or event? Do it for CONvergence Video, and you can get volunteer time for the time spent recording!

If this sounds like something you’re interested in doing, please contact CONvergence Video!

Connie a Harry PotterTeen Room Needs Teens

Are you age 13 – 20? Are you the parent of a teenager? Then you should know that CONvergence Teen Room is looking for volunteers! The Teen Room is run by teens, for teens, and that means it needs teens to step up and help make it awesome.

Teen room volunteer positions are:

  • Housekeeper – Clean up messes, restock food, and converse with members and make them feel welcome.
  • Greeter – Greet people when they enter or leave the Teen Room, and check badges to make sure they are allowed inside.

Click Here to sign up as a Teen Room volunteer.

Please don’t sign up for more than two shifts in a row without a break. Members must be age 13 – 20 to volunteer in CONvrgence Teen Room. This is a good way to get involved with the convention and meet other members in your age group!

Help with Move-In

CONvergence starts moving into the DoubleTree by Hilton Bloomington as early as Tuesday, June 28th, 2016 and there will be a need for volunteers to help all the way through Thursday. Almost every department does some sort of set up, so now is your chance to see how your favorite department comes together.

In particular,

  • Volunteers will be needed to help move Cinema Rex furniture starting at 6:00pm on Tuesday. Come to the short tower in the area near Plaza 4, which is the usual Cinema Rex room.
  • Connie’s Space Lounge will need volunteers to help with setting up at 2:00pm on Wednesday, and again at 11:00am on Thursday, until the Space Lounge’s doors open to members at 9:00pm.

But there is plenty to do to help with move-in all over the convention, so if you turn up at the DoubleTree by Hilton on Wednesday, you won’t have any trouble finding somewhere to help! Contact CONvergence Volunteers to sign up for a move-in shift or just stop by the Volunteers Table.

More Information about Volunteer Positions

If you are curious about any of the volunteer positions above, or would like to see what else you could do to help out at CONvergence, check out the Volunteer Positions Page or contact CONvergence Volunteers and ask how you can help!

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Are you ready to see what cool CONvergence stuff will be available at this year’s convention? Good news! The full lists of CONvergence 2016 Merchandise and Volunteer Perks are now available online!

CONvergence dice and dice bag in one image

Take a moment and check out all the awesome swag that you can take home from CONvergence 2016: …and How Do We GET There?

Ready to become a CONvergence volunteer? Check out the Volunteer Positions page or contact the Volunteers Department to see what you can do to help!

Have questions about CONvergence merchandise? Contact the Merchandise Department!

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We became aware on Friday that some CONvergence 2016 members who were assigned a room in the DoubleTree by Hilton through the CONvergence hotel lottery have receivied some mixed information regarding their reservations. This is stemming from issues with the DoubleTree by Hilton’s reservation system. Please rest assured that if you have already been told you have a room reservation in the hotel, that reservation has not been cancelled due to inaction!

Connie hulking outThe Issues

  • The DoubleTree by Hilton sent out emails stating there was no credit card on file guaranteeing reservations, and that credit card guarantees were needed by Sunday, June 26th 2016 or the reservations would be canceled. Some of these emails were even sent to people who had, in fact, already guaranteed their rooms with a credit card. All of these emails were sent in error.
  • A number of reservation confirmation emails have not gone out. We do not know what has caused this to happen; we’ve been told that there was a glitch in the DoubleTree reservation system.

No Reservations Will be Cancelled

Don’t panic!

If you still have not received your reservation confirmation email from the DoubleTree, we have been told all reservations without a credit card guarantee will be held until 6:00pm of the expected day of check-in.

If you require a check-in time later than 6:00pm on the day of your arrival, the person whose name is on the reservation will need to guarantee your room with a credit card to ensure you the later time. Guaranteeing your room with your credit will secure your reservation until 11:59 p.m. on the day of your arrival.

We have been told the DoubleTree by Hilton will not be canceling any reservations before 6:00pm on the expected day of check-in. Those who have not as yet received a confirmation should yet receive one. The CONvergence Allocations team is presently verifying the DoubleTree’s list of rooms against our records. We ask for your patience and hope to be done by the end of the weekend!

Not Using Your DoubleTree Reservation?

If you need to cancel your CONvergence 2016 reservation at the DoubleTree by Hilton, please do NOT contact the DoubleTree either by phone or by using their web link. Instead, contact CONvergence Hotel Allocations.

Questions And Concerns

If you have any questions about this process, or about your DoubleTree by Hilton reservation for CONvergence 2016, please contact CONvergence Hotel Allocations. Unsurprisingly, we are receiving a large volume of emails right now. We will respond as soon as we can and sincerely thank you for your patience.

Screenshot of the CVG 2016 Mobile AppThe CONvergence 2016 schedule is now beaming your way in its entirety! You can view the schedule on your computer, mobile phone, or tablet by simply visiting schedule.convergence-con.org or navigating there from the Schedule page.

Make an account, connect with your CONvergence friends, and start planning all the cool things you are going to do at the convention before you even arrive at the hotels!

Mobile App

Keeping track of your CONvergence schedule during the convention is still easier than ever with the CVG 2016 mobile schedule app for both iOS and Android!

Download the App:

The app is free to download and use. If your mobile device is something other than iOS or Android, you can still access the CONvergence 2016 schedule on your mobile device by navigating to schedule.convergence-con.org in your browser app.

If you have any questions about the CVG 2016 mobile app or the CONvergence 2016 schedule, please contact CONvergence Programming.

Cinema Rex LogoCinema Rex Schedule

Due to the license throttling a cavalcade of fine films our way at CONvergence 2016, Cinema Rex will not be listing their movie schedule online this year.

The Cinema Rex schedule will of course be in the printed CONvergence Programming Guide, Grid, and posted on Cinema Rex fliers around the hotel. You can also, as always, just make a pit stop at the DoubleTree by Hilton’s Plaza 4 at any time during the convention to see what’s playing for the day!

If you use the online schedule or CVG 2016 app, you’ll notice that there are time blocks for Cinema Rex movies that do not list the movie name or description. This way, after you see the line up of exciting transportation-themed films and events slated for your viewing pleasure, you can still use the online schedule or app to add Cinema Rex to your convention itinerary.


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