Child being fingerprinted during KidsID EventCONvergence is proud to announce that we will once again be hosting a KidsID Event at CONvergence 2017! Montgomery Lodge #258 will be offering the opportunity to participate in the KidsID program to all parents of young children at CONvergence, and CONvergence is covering the cost!

KidsID, also known as the Masonic Child Identification Programs (CHIP), is a charitable initiative to aid in the identification and recovery of missing children.

The program provides parents the opportunity to create a kit of identifying materials for their child, free of charge. The kit contains a fingerprint card, a physical description, a DVD video of the child, and a DNA sample. The purpose of the kit is to provide critical information to the public and to law enforcement in the event that a child goes missing. The program has been lauded by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

The DVD video, besides capturing the appearance and voice of your child, includes questions tailored towards the child’s age group that can assist in finding children who might be missing for other reasons besides abduction.

Here is a four-minute video that briefly explains the Grand Lodge of Minnesota KidsID Child Safety Program.

Click here
 to check out a slide show of one recent KidsID event during KidsPo at the Eagan, MN Community Center.

The KidsID Program has been referenced by state and local law enforcement agencies as their model for establishing similar service. The difference between KidsID and others is that municipal and law enforcement agencies typically place all data that is collected (including fingerprints) into a database. Unlike those, the KidsID Program operates with strict confidentiality. All data entered into portable computers is removed from the system immediately after the DVD data has been written. No data is stored or transmitted to any location by this program. Parents have the only copy of all of the data when complete. If a DVD or video is lost by a parent or guardian, they can simply have another created free of charge by attending another KidsID event.

The CONvergence 2017 KidsID event will be held at:
CONvergence Central
(Outside MainStage, at the Fan Tables)
Saturday July 8, 2017, 12:30pm – 5:00pm

Because CONvergence believes in the safety of all children, this KidsID event is open to the public in order to invite all parents and kids to participate, not just registered members of CONvergence! Encourage your family to stop by and take advantage of this amazing program. Just come up to the second floor near the main elevators and look for the KidsID signs.

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As CONvergence 2017 draws ever more present, you’re no doubt starting to think about the awesome ways you can volunteer to help make this year’s convention a smooth ride for everyone, not to mention earn yourself some exclusive volunteer thank you gifts. Fortunately, there are many options for lending a hand! Here are just a few.

Registration Needs You!

Starting Wednesday, July 5, 2017 going all the way through Sunday, Registration needs volunteers to help with membership check-in, badge pick-up, and more. Whether you’re technologically-inclined or simply prefer to be a helpful and friendly force for good, there is something for you to do in CONvergence Registration!

You’ll have to complete a short training and orientation session before you can start your volunteer shift. Contact CONvergence Registration to learn more.

Help Herd those Nerfs!

Interested in helping with badging, elevator monitoring, or managing lines at CONvergence? Sign-ups are now open for Nerf Herder Crowd Management volunteer shifts. It’s one of the most fun, exciting, and easy ways to volunteer during the convention, often right in the middle of all the action. Whether you can spend an entire shift on your feet managing a line, or you need to do your volunteering sitting down, Nerf Herders has a volunteer position for you!

To sign up for Nerf Herding shifts during the convention, contact CONvergence Nerf Herders.Nerf Connie

But wait, there’s more! Before you arrive for your volunteer shift with CONvergence 2017 Nerf Herders, you must first complete a short training session at The Bridge. That way, you will be prepared for all the different scenarios you might encounter while volunteering.

At-Con Trainings

Wednesday 10:00am, Noon, 2:00pm, 4:00pm
Thursday 10:00am, Noon, 2:00pm, 4:00pm
Friday 10:00am, Noon, more as-needed
Saturday as-needed

To attend a training, simply go to the Nerf Herder table at The Bridge and say you’re there for a Nerf Herder Training. Please try to complete the short training as early as possible!

Connie as a Wandering HostJoin the Wandering Hosts

Do you like to have your finger on the pulse of the convention? Do you like to be the smiling face that provides help and solves problems? Do you like to jump right in and be in the middle of the action?

Wandering Hosts, seen all over the convention wearing purple smocks and radios, the visible staff presence and, in many ways, the white blood cells of CONvergence. As a Wandering Host, you will roam convention space as a representative of the convention and be available to assist CONvergence members in answering questions, following policies, ensuring safety, and providing support and help.

If this sounds like the sort of job for you, please contact CONvergence Operations and tell them you’d like to be a Wandering Host!

Panels Can’t Run Without You

CONvergence Programming is looking for General Hosts, at-con volunteers who help with panel staging and quality control, and A/V Specialists, who are available during panels to support the microphones, mixers, projectors, and similar equipment in panel rooms should panelists need assistance.

To learn more about how you can help ensure the quality of CONvergence’s panels, visit the Panelist & Host Info page or contact CONvergence Programming!

Are you a Certified Lifeguard?

Help keep the pool in the DoubleTree by Hilton’s Garden Court open for late night! If you are a certified lifeguard and would like to accrue some easy volunteer hours in the evenings (10:00pm and later), please contact CONvergence Volunteers with the subject line, “Lifeguard”.

For the safety of all, you will have to provide proof of your current lifeguard certification to qualify for this volunteer position.

Connie in a power wheelchairBe an Accessibility Ambassador

If you enjoy being friendly, helpful, and have a passion for making sure everyone can be included, then this might be the volunteer position for you!

Staff is needed for CONvergence’s Accessibility Table (located opposite the DoubleTree by Hilton’s front desk) to answer questions and help provide accessibility resources for CONvergence members. Previous experience with ADA issues and diverse communities would be helpful, but is not necessary.

If you are interested in helping at the Accessibility table, please contact CONvergence Accessibility & Inclusion!

Staff the Sensory Break Room

Do you have public interface (customer service) skills? Do you prefer, or need, to do your volunteering in a quiet or sensory-friendly space? CONvergence’s Sensory Break Room may be the place for you!

As Sensory Break Room staff, you will simply be present monitor room facilities and activities. As needed, ensure rules minimizing distracting stimuli, including visuals, sounds, and smells are followed. This is a sedentary volunteer position, so be prepared to sit during your shift, and it is probably a good idea to bring a quiet activity for yourself.

If you are interested in helping staff the Sensory Break Room, please contact CONvergence Accessibility & Inclusion!

Connie in a spacey outfit from Space: 1999Make Smoothie Dreams Come True

Are you good at following a recipe and pushing buttons? Or do you have the bartender’s gift of gab? Space Lounge is looking for Smoothie Bar staff to help bring delicious smoothie goodness to CONvergence in the groovy atmosphere that is CONvergence’s very own space port lounge.

Space Lounge is open Thursday and Friday from 9:00pm – 2:00am and Saturday from 10:00pm – 2:00am. Smoothie Bartenders are especially needed for the Midnight shifts! Contact Space Lounge today to help!

Harmonic CONvergence Needs Crew

Love music, bringing people music, managing a stage, or being part of a crew putting on a show? Harmonic CONvergence, CONvergence’s dedicated music and live performance venue, may offer the perfect volunteer opportunity for you! Stage Managers, Room Managers, Security, and Load in/out are all needed. Contact Harmonic CONvergence to become part of the crew!

How’s your Twitter-Fu?

The Social Media department is looking for people who are particularly versed in Twitter to join the Roving Reporters who live-tweet the convention on @CONvergenceLive. People who can live tweet panels AND people who can take and post pictures around the convention are both needed. Previous social media live event experience of some kind is a requirement for this position.

If this sounds like your kind of volunteer opportunity, contact CONvergence Social Media with examples of your experience and your Twitter handle.

Connie a Harry PotterTeen Room Needs Teens

Are you age 13 – 20? Are you the parent of a teenager? Then you should know that CONvergence Teen Room is looking for volunteers! The Teen Room is run by teens, for teens, and that means it needs teens to step up and help make it awesome.

Teen room volunteer positions are:

  • Housekeeper – Clean up messes, restock food, and converse with members and make them feel welcome.
  • Greeter – Greet people when they enter or leave the Teen Room, and check badges to make sure they are allowed inside.

Contact Teen Room to sign up as a Teen Room volunteer.

Please don’t sign up for more than two shifts in a row without a break. Members must be age 13 – 20 to volunteer in CONvrgence Teen Room. This is a good way to get involved with the convention and meet other members in your age group!

Feeding The Hungry Members

Both Volunteers Den and ConSuite have shifts available throughout the convention to help with food prep, serving, restocking, and more. These are easy jobs that keep you in the action as members stop in for snacks, and they’re a lot of fun! Contact Volunteers Den or ConSuite to sign up for shifts!

Help with Move-In

CONvergence starts moving into the DoubleTree by Hilton Bloomington as early as Tuesday, July 4, 2017 and there will be a need for volunteers to help all the way through Thursday. Almost every department does some sort of set up, so now is your chance to see how your favorite department comes together.

In particular,

  • Connie’s Space Lounge will need volunteers to help with setting up at 2:00pm – 7:00pm on Wednesday, and again starting at 11:00am on Thursday until the Space Lounge’s doors open to members at 9:00pm.
  • Harmonic CONvergence will need volunteers to help with load-in starting Thursday from 8:00am – Noon.
  • Volunteers Den and ConSuite will need volunteers to help with load-in on Wednesday.

Connie pushing a broom

But there is plenty to do to help with move-in all over the convention, so if you turn up at the DoubleTree by Hilton on Tuesday or Wednesday, you won’t have any trouble finding somewhere to help! Contact CONvergence Volunteers to sign up for a move-in shift or just stop by the Volunteers Table.

More Information about Volunteer Positions

If you are curious about any of the volunteer positions above, or would like to see what else you could do to help out at CONvergence, check out the Volunteer Positions Page or contact CONvergence Volunteers and ask how you can help!

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CONvergence 2017: To Infinity and Beyond is just a few short days away—guests, panels, games, music, and space opera-themed squee are nigh. But we thought in advance of welcoming this year’s impressive slate of guests, we’d take a moment to revisit our guests from CONvergence 2016, some of whom you will even be able to reconnect with this weekend! Here’s what they’ve all been up to since last July.

Amal El-Mohtar and her colleague Max Gladwell took a . . . stab . . . at publishing movie review blog posts. Read their review of Rogue One here. Throughout the past year, Amal has written several reviews for NPR Books—most recently, she reviewed Elizabeth Wein’s The Pearl Thief. Amal is a finalist for this year’s Hugo award for Best Short Story for her work Seasons of Glass and Iron, and will attend WorldCon in Helsinki this August with other finalists. She also just passed her comprehensive written and oral exams, and should be congratulated heartily!

Amal El-Mohtar with Max Gladstone

Amy Shira Teitel’s work continues despite the recent change in direction of Popular Science’s blog network. She continues to produce nerdy space-related YouTube videos multiple times a week, and was recently approached by the Museum of Flight in Seattle with a request to include one of her videos in their Apollo exhibits.

Cam Banks just finished a Kickstarter for his latest project, Cortex Prime. The dice-based tabletop RPG’s gaming system traces its origins back to the Sovereign Stone system in 1999, and the Serenity RPG in 2005. This system is just one of the worlds in Cam’s head—he alludes to several other ideas percolating beneath the surface on his Patreon page.

Christopher Jones and Paul Cornell signing their Doctor Who Comic at NYCC

Christopher Jones and Paul Cornell at New York Comic Con

Following the culmination of CONvergence 2016, Christopher Jones provided the artwork for a 5-issue Doctor Who comic book mini-series featuring the Third Doctor, which was written by fellow CONvergence Guest of Honor alumnus Paul Cornell. Christopher went on to spend the first few months of 2017 working miscellaneous smaller projects, and is now gearing up to work on another new Doctor Who mini-series for Titan Comics.

To celebrate the recent anniversary of the start of the Star Wars franchise, Daren Dochterman has provided fans with full-length commentary on the original Star Wars films from his perspective as a career studio designer and artist.  He also recently helped with the production of a two-record vinyl album soundtrack of Star Trek the Motion Picture, which can be heard here.

Joseph Scrimshaw with a Wonder Woman costume design.

Joseph wants you to pretend he’s got a sword hidden down the back of his shirt.

Greg Weisman has stayed very busy. He’s partnered with Four Horseman Studios on a new graphic novel series—Mythic Legions: Book 1 propels the momentum of one of the most successful action figure Kickstarters in history to a new platform and was just released in March. He’s also worked with fellow artist Will Conrad on new DC miniseries The Rise and Fall of Captain Atom. Greg has also spent this last year diligently working on season three of Young Justice and the second novel in the World of Warcraft: Traveler series.

Joseph Scrimshaw was a guest on Dan Harmon’s live show Harmontown, which gave lots of listeners insight into Joseph’s own Obsessed podcast. He and his partners launched a successful Patreon for their ever-growing Star Wars podcast feed, ForceCenter. He’s been writing for and appearing on Screen Junkies—among other things, playing Superman in a roast of Captain America. This past year he also traveled to Vienna to help write a video game about Chuck Norris, and performed at Dragon Con, SF Sketchfest, Gallifrey One, and across Los Angeles. Joseph swears Mark Hamill followed him on Twitter and occasionally likes his jokes about politics an or Star Wars. This year he will continue his long-standing tradition of attending CONvergence and participating in a full slate of panels.

Khary Payton is fresh off the press from Walker Stalker Con San Francisco, having joined The Walking Dead in the role of “King” Ezekiel. (He actually took a break from filming The Walking Dead to join us at CONvergence 2016 but wasn’t allowed to talk about it! Can you believe that?) More recently Khary has been working with at least one other former CONvergence Guest of Honor on Young Justice season three.

Khary Payton as Ezekiel in The Walking Dead.

Khary Payton as Ezekiel in The Walking Dead. (via AMC)

Mark Oshiro still does stuff. Namely, he reads and watches things, and then reviews them for us to enjoy. His recent review of Fantastic Beasts for Uncanny Magazine is a raw and painfully personal approach to Rowling’s recent flick Following a very recent relocation to New York City and a brief stop at WisCon, his reviews have continued unabated: check out his blog for recent reviews of Wizards at War, The Truth, and Star Trek: Voyager.

Ytasha Womack’s short film A Love Letter to the Ancestors from Chicago debuted in Bristol, England a few weeks ago. Ytasha brought Afrometropolis—her futuristic, funkadelic, inclusive city—to the Arnolfini arts centre as part of an immersive artist takeover. Earlier this year, Ytasha spoke about empowerment, the imagination, and Afrofuturism at the Sonic Acts Fest in Amsterdam.

That wraps up our overview of what the CONvergence 2016 guests have been up to since last July. We’re definitely looking forward to having Cam Banks, Christopher Jones, and Joseph Scrimshaw join us again this year!

Now that you’ve caught up with all of the CONvergence 2016 guests, why not check out our exciting slate of CONvergence 2017 guests?

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screenshot of CVG2017 AppThe CONvergence 2017 schedule has transcended intergalactic legend in its entirety and is now ready to become your epic convention destiny! You can view the schedule on your computer, mobile phone, or tablet by simply visiting or navigating there from the Schedule page.

Make an account, connect with your CONvergence friends, and start planning all the cool things you are going to do at the convention before you even arrive at the hotels!

Mobile App

Keeping track of your CONvergence schedule during the convention is still easier than ever with the CVG 2017 mobile schedule app for both iOS and Android!

Download the App

The app is free to download and use. If your mobile device is something other than iOS or Android, you can still access the CONvergence 2017 schedule on your mobile device by navigating to in your browser app.

If you have any questions about the CVG 2017 mobile app or the CONvergence 2017 schedule, please contact CONvergence Programming.

Cinema Rex LogoCinema Rex Schedule

Due to the license agreement bringing an epic slate of fine films our way at CONvergence 2017, Cinema Rex Cinema Rex will not publish the entire movie schedule online.

The Cinema Rex schedule will of course be in the printed CONvergence Programming Guide, Grid, and posted on Cinema Rex fliers around the hotel. You can also, as always, just drop by the DoubleTree by Hilton’s Plaza 4 at any time during the convention to see what’s playing for the day!

If you use the online schedule or CVG 2017 app, you’ll notice that there are time blocks for Cinema Rex movies that do not list the movie name or description. This way, after you see the line up of exciting space, opera, and space opera films and events slated for your viewing pleasure, you can still use the online schedule or app to add Cinema Rex to the legendary journey that is sure to become your convention weekend.

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Connie as Buck RogersAre you getting excited for CONvergence 2017: To Infinity And Beyond? Have you found yourself in the midst of pre-con ramp up? Finishing costumes? Ordering ribbons? Planning your awesome weekend of leading intergalactic rebellions and rescuing space royalty with friends on Twitter and Facebook? Excellent. Just one question…

Are you registered for CONvergence 2017 yet?

Thursday, June 1st is the last day to pre-register for CONvergence 2017 at the $75 rate!

Make sure to register for your membership and check that your friends are registered, too. It’ll save you money that you can later spend in the Dealers Room, Artist Alley, or tipping the many awesome CONvergence 2017 parties!

Click Here to register for CONvergence 2017 right now!

Beverage Changes Coming to ConSuite

Illustration of Professor Max Misfittle holding test tubes and wearing a lab coatStarting in 2017, neither Pepsi nor Coke are continuing to distribute pre-mix, the delivery method CONvergence ConSuite has always used to bring you thirst-quenching sugary fuel for your convention weekend. Sadly, this means ConSuite  and Cinema Rex will no longer be able to provide Pepsi or Coke soda products.

But fret not, for all hope is not lost in the galaxy of beverage choices! For CONvergence 2017, ConSuite is working with a local soda shop that does bottling on-site. As a result, everyone visiting ConSuite or Cinema Rex for refreshments during the convention this year will have a whole new variety of sodas at their fingertips, with several interesting and exciting flavor choices that weren’t an option before.

ConSuite is also adding more water dispensers for 2017, so staying hydrated during mission briefings, space battles, and epic quests at CONvergence will be easier than ever!

Poetry Slam Coming to CONvergence 2017Connie Singing

Vogon poetry. Bilbo’s Walking Song. Nevermore. Nerds have words, and coming to CONvergence 2017 is the official CONvergence Poetry Slam! Join your fellow spoken word fans on Friday evening in Harmonic CONvergence to celebrate those words and those nerds in an exciting competitive format!

Learn more on the CONvergence Poetry Slam page.

CONvergence Operations Info & Training Sessions

Are you the type of person who likes to have your thumb on the pulse of an event? Have you been looking for a way to become more involved with CONvergence? Good news! CONvergence Operations is looking for more volunteers for CONvergence 2017!

Check out the schedule for upcoming Operations Info & Training Sessions to find out more!

You Can Text The Bridge During the Convention

Did you know that you can contact CONvergence Operations at any time during the convention via text message? Rolled out in 2016, CONvergence’s text number lets you do things like report policy violations, report harassment, or just send an FYI about anything else you’d like to let the convention know about conveniently and quickly.

651 800 1 OPS (651.800.1677)

It’s a good idea to add the number to your phone’s address book as part of your con prep!

Membership Rates for CONvergence 2018

In order to continue to provide you, our community, the immersive four-day event full of live entertainment, interesting guests, yummy snacks, nonstop gaming, and so much more that is CONvergence, we occasionally have to modestly increase membership rates to keep up with inflation and the basic costs of operation. To help you plan your budget for the coming year, here are the membership rates for CONvergence 2018.

Adult 18+ Ages 13 – 17 Ages 6 – 12 Ages 5 and Under
Until Jan 15th, 2018 – 11:59pm $75 $45 $25 Free
Until June 1, 2018 – 11:59pm $85 $45 $25 Free
At The Door
June 2, 2018 through July 9, 2018
$125 $65 $35 Free

Planning your CONvergence 2017 WeekendConnie as a space marine

Have you heard about the CONvergence Connections Facebook group? It is separate from the main CONvergence Facebook discussion group and exists specifically to help you:

  • Buy/Sell/Transfer membership badges
  • Find roommates or crash space for during the con
  • Find or arrange carpools for during the con
  • Find or offer babysitting services for during the con
  • Find or organize cooperative meals for during the con

So if you’re looking to do any of those things in the coming weeks as part of your convention prep, go ahead and join the group!


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Are you the type of person who likes to have your thumb on the pulse of an event? Have you been looking for a way to become more involved with CONvergence? Good news! CONvergence Operations—the department responsible for running The Bridge and services such as Lost & Found, Peacebinding, Wandering Hosts, and more—is looking for more volunteers for CONvergence 2017!

Please come to one of CONvergence Operations’ department orientation and volunteer training sessions in the coming weeks to learn more about how you can get involved, and acquire the skills and training necessary to be an Operations volunteer!Connie wearing Wandering Host purple smock and radio

CONvergence Operations Department Orientation & Volunteer Training

These trainings are open to all CONvergence members who want to find out about volunteering with CONvergence 2017 Operations.

  • Saturday, May 27 1:00pm – 4:30pm
  • Sunday, June 11 1:00p – 4:30pm
  • Thursday, June 22 6:00pm – 9:30pm
  • Saturday June 24, 1:00pm – 3:30pm

Geek Partnership Society Event Horizon Room 106A
Waterbury Building, 1121 Jackson St. NE
Minneapolis, MN 55413

You must be registered for CONvergence in order to volunteer at the convention. Attendance of pre-con training sessions will count towards your CONvergence 2017 volunteer hours if you complete volunteer shifts with CONvergence Operations during the convention. What’s stopping you?

Got questions about the training sessions? Click here to contact CONvergence Operations!

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4 panelists sitting at a table with a CONvergence banner across it

Have you ever been in the audience for a panel and found yourself wanting to add more to the discussion? Can you offer fresh ideas, a unique perspective, real-world experience, or professional expertise to the CONvergence convention scene? Then you should be a CONvergence panelist!

Sign Up For Panels at CONvergence 2017

Volunteering to be a panelist is very easy, and anybody can do it. Head over to the Panelist sign-up form, select the panels you’re interested in being a part of, and tell us a little bit about yourself including any credentials, experiences, or perspectives you can offer on the panel topics you’ve selected.

Click here to sign up for panels at CONvergence 2017.

You must be a registered member of CONvergence in order to be a panelist. Panel sign-ups for CONvergence 2017: To Infinity & Beyond are open right now and panel suggestions are open through March 31, 2017.

Perform Music, Comedy, or Spoken Word at CONvergence 2017Connie dressed as Austin Powers

CONvergence’s dedicated venue for live music and entertainment, Harmonic CONvergence (HarmCON) is back for 2017 and is moving to a new space at the Sheraton Hotel! Applications for performers are now open.

Find more information about HarmCON, including the 2017 HarmCON application, on the Musicians/Performers page.

The early application deadline to perform at HarmCON during CONvergence 2017 is April 20, 2017.

Coming to CONvergence 2017 Smokers Paradise is UNFILTERED, a new intimate acoustic stage inviting artists to perform in this unique outdoor space. Find more information about performing at UNFILTERED on the Musicians/Performers page.

Get your Applications in!

Applications for CONvergence 2017 room parties close after March 31, 2017. There is no time like the present to create an amazing experience with your friends, or talk to your club or performance group about promoting yourselves through a room party at CONvergence!

Applications for CONvergence 2017 Artists Alley close after March 15, 2017! Head over to the Artists page for more information.

Applications for CONvergence 2017 Fan Tables are currently open! Fan tables are a great way to get the word out to CONvergence members about your club, organization, event, cause, or project!

Have you ever thought about hosting a game at CONvergence? In addition to being a lot of fun and giving you the chance to invite a new group of players into one of your stories, you can get volunteer hours for it! Head over to the Host a Game page for more information.

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Happy new year and welcome, CONvergence members, time travelers, space explorers, and Earth visitors past and present to the epic adventure of the year 2017.  Of course, January among its new beginnings and resolutions is also the time to make sure you are a registered member of CONvergence! This is your annual reminder that CONvergence 2017 registration prices will increase after January 15, 2017.

That means you have just a few short days left to register for CONvergence 2017: To Infinity and Beyond at the lowest price available, HALF OFF the at-the-door price, and be entered into the CONvergence 2017 hotel lottery. Don’t forget to remind your friends to register, too!

Connie as Luke Skywalker with Yoda

January is also a great time to get more involved with CONvergence, and this year there are many ways to do so.

Help Shape CONvergence’s Youth Programming Approach

Are you a parent, teacher, mentor, advocate, or a teen or young adult who is passionate about improving youth programming at CONvergence? Then consider joining the CONvergence 2017 Youth Programming Advisory Council. As part of the advisory council, you will help review current youth programming, assess areas for improvement, and research possible events, fan groups, organizations, and programs that may be able to provide additional programming for our youth membership. Together you will create a list of suggestions and resources for current and future CONvergence planning.

The Youth Programming Advisory Council will serve for the duration of one convention cycle and will be reevaluated for need after CONvergence 2017’s postmortem meeting. If you would like to be considered for the Youth Programming Advisory Council, please send your name and any relevant details to with the subject, “Youth Programming Advisory Council.”

Connie as Honor HarringtonBecome Part of the Community Partnership Process

Want to take an active role in developing CONvergence’s community? CONvergence is currently forming a Partner Search Committee, which will be responsible for identifying and building relationships with local events, conventions, fan groups, organizations, or businesses that may wish to enter into a community partnership with Convergence Events, Inc. As a member of the CONvergence Partner Search Committee, you will be asked to help create a show of interest form and a review process, and submit recommendations to the CONvergence Board of Directors on an ongoing basis.

If you would like to be considered for CONvergence’s Partner Search Committee, please send your name and any relevant details to with the subject, “Partner Search Committee.”

Get your Applications in!

Applications for CONvergence 2017 room parties are already open, and there is no time like the present to create an amazing experience with your friends, or talk to your club or performance group about promoting yourselves through a room party at CONvergence.

Applications for CONvergence 2017 Artists Alley are open! Head over to the Artists page for more information.

Applications for CONvergence 2017 Fan Tables are already open! Fan tables are a great way to get the word out to CONvergence members about your club, organization, event, cause, or project!

Have you ever thought about hosting a game at CONvergence? In addition to being a lot of fun and giving you the chance to invite a new group of players into one of your stories, you can get volunteer hours for it! Head over to the Host a Game page for more information.

Submit your Panel Suggestions and Sandbox Activity Ideas

Got great panel ideas after checking out a recent film release, TV show, or new book? Fortunately, there’s still time to submit CONvergence 2017 panel ideas to the programming department. But you’d better do it soon!

Do you have an amazing idea for an art, craft, or science activity that would be perfect for Connie’s Quantum Sandbox in 2017? Click here to submit your Quantum Sandbox ideas!

Come to the Convergence Events, Inc. Annual Meeting and Election

Convergence Events, Inc logo

The 2017 Convergence Events, Inc. annual meeting and board election will be held Sunday, January 22, 2017 after the January CONvergence Convention Committee meeting. Click here for more information on the Convergence Events, Inc website.

This is a great opportunity to check out how we choose our leaders, and find out more about the nuts and bolts of CONvergence. Plus, attending this meeting will count towards your CONvergence member voting rights in 2018!

But Don’t forget to Register!

Just remember, register before the end of January 15, 2017 to get the best rate on your CONvergence membership! You’ll be able to spend the money you save on cool stuff in the Dealers Room, Artists Alley, and Art Show!

So don’t hesitate. Embrace your destiny, and click here to register for CONvergence 2017.

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Is there a special guest you, your group, or your organization would love to have for panels, events, and more at CONvergence 2017: To Infinity and Beyond? Well, time is running out to get your applications in for fan-featured guests at CONvergence 2017!

The deadline for CONvergence 2017 Fan-Featured Guest applications is December 31st, 2016.

Is this the first you’re hearing about Fan-Featured guests?

Fan-Featured Guests are brought in by outside groups, organizations, or individuals with approval from and working directly with the CONvergence Guests of Honor Department. The funding for bringing in a Fan-Featured Guest is provided entirely by the group, organization, or individual bringing the guest and can be crowdfunded, fund raised, or privately donated.

Potential Fan-Featured Guests will go through exactly the same approval process as any other CONvergence Guest of Honor, and they will be treated with the same courtesy, honor and privileges. The salient differences are:

  • Because groups funding a Fan-Featured Guest are not bound by the same budgeting constraints as the convention, Fan-Featured Guest funding may cover an appearance fee.
  • The group, organization, or individuals bringing in a Fan-Featured Guest will be able to collaborate with the Fan-Featured Guest and CONvergence’s Programming department on said Guest’s programming and activities during the convention.
  • Groups, organizations, or individuals responsible for a Fan-Featured Guest’s appearance will be credited in CONvergence publications and web pages.

How Can My Group Invite a Fan-Featured Guest?

In 2016 we ran an initial pilot for this program and the featuring group, “We Need Season Three”, brought Greg Weisman to CONvergence as our very first Fan-Featured Guest.

With the success of that, we are running a second, full test, pilot to make sure our system works, and we are inviting the entire CONvergence membership to participate. We are accepting applications for up to two Fan-Featured Guest slots per convention year.

Click Here for the Fan-Featured Guest application.

Click here for more information about what you will need to complete the application and invite a Fan-Featured guest to CONvergence 2017.

The deadline for CONvergence 2017 Fan-Featured Guest applications is December 31st, 2016.

The Guest Search Committee will review all applications and have a response from the CONvergence Board of Directors by January 15th for all featuring groups who submit an application.

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Got some great ideas for panels? Are you interested in contributing to CONvergence 2017: To Infinity & Beyond’s programming slate? Yes? Great! Because our annual Programming Brainstorming Session is right around the corner and we’d love to see you there!

A panel at CONvergence 2015When: October 23, 2016, 1:00pm – 5:00pm
Where: DoubleTree By Hilton Bloomington
Rooms: Atriums 4, 6, and 7
Address: 7800 Normandale Blvd, Bloomington, MN 55439

You don’t have to have been on a panel or run a panel before to contribute panel ideas. We want panel suggestions from all walks of our diverse and vibrant community! That means you!

For those who are not aware, many of our programming ideas for the next convention are generated at this upcoming October session. Once we have a list of ideas, we proceed to enter them all into our database. By February 1st, our list of ideas goes live and we invite CONvergence members to volunteer as panelists and moderators. For more information, check out our panel scheduling page.

Can’t make the Brainstorming Session?

If you can’t make it to a brainstorming session, we encourage you suggest panels online via our Panel Suggestion Form!

Additionally, If you already have specific ideas for panels that you would like to see, present, or run yourself, please send them to us via the web rather than saving them for the brainstorming session; it’s faster and easier than trying to dictate while a roomful of people are waiting. You are welcome to both submit panel ideas online AND attend the brainstorming session!

Panel suggestions will be accepted until March 1st, 2017. However, they really should be in by February 1st, 2017 to have a good chance of making it onto the CONvergence 2017: To Infinity & Beyond schedule.

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