CONvergence 2019: The Next Celebration

Dates: July 4 – 7, 2019
Theme: The Next Celebration
Total Registrations: 5809
Warm Body Count: 5571

“Well, this is a new ship. But she’s got the right name. Now, you remember that, you hear?”

Admiral Leonard H. McCoyEncounter at Farpoint (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

CONvergence 2019: The Next Celebration print ad featuring Connie's head in spaceAs CONvergence moves to our new home at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in downtown Minneapolis, 2019 will be a time of renewal and reinvention. What better time to celebrate the great reboots and re-imaginings of science fiction and fantasy?

Part of being a fan of science fiction is seeing old favorites revamped for new audiences. Books, movies, television series, comics, and games—they all seem to revisit familiar brands, old favorites, concepts, and ideas time and time again. When successful, these reboots can appeal to our thirst for the nostalgia of the original while making something fresh and modern for a brand-new audience!

In 1987, fans were skeptical that Star Trek could be anything but James T. Kirk and his crew, but Star Trek: The Next Generation widened our definition of what Star Trek was, is, and could be. It lead the way to new ships and new crews on television and in books, comics, and games. Doctor Who seems to exist in a constant state of regeneration and evolution, and now 13 years after its 2005 return it feels like it had never left.

Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman proved to be the hero the DC Universe needed and even managed to please a generation raised on Lynda Carter and her satin tights. After 20 James Bond films, Daniel Craig arrived on the scene in Casino Royale and suddenly Bond was reborn once again, fresh and new.

Even in literature, many classic characters inspire modern writers and return in new stories, including the return of Jane Austen’s Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, and the many iterations and adaptions of Sherlock Holmes!

From Battlestar Galactica to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, reboots are everywhere. Just think about it. Judge DreddThundercatsShe-RaMystery Science Theater 3000Mad MaxPlanet of the ApesSpider-manBatmanStargate—how many can you list if you really think about it? So, so many.

In 2019, we will be celebrating them all with CONvergence itself undergoing a process of regeneration and renewal as we move into our third decade in an exciting new space with new possibilities. Come share your love of favorites old and new!

Join us July 4-7, 2019 in Minneapolis, MN for CONvergence 2019: The Next Celebration!

Below are links to more specific information in different areas of the convention:

Connie reclining