2016 Harmonic CONvergence

Bad September
The Midwest’s greatest steampunk rock band!
John Heimbuch, Marc Gutman, Keith Prusak, Charles Borchert, Elizabeth Borchert, Michael Borchert

Beth Kinderman & the Player Characters
Filky geeky progressive rock band
Elizabeth Greenberg, Justin Hartley, Beth Kinderman, Dave Stagner

Candles Enough
Female filk and parody duo
Sarah Ravely, Kelly Reich

The Cousins Gee
The most benevolent yet at the same most deadly super power ever known to mankind—both in the real world as well as in the world of Convergence!!
John Knowles

The Duluth Dolls
Adult sci-fi burlesque show
Miss Creant, Jade Fury, Veronica Vixen, Victor Vonne, Aurora Borealis, Lilly LaRouge, Khaleesi Khaos, Roxxie Nyx

The Faithful Sidekicks
Acoustic geek comedy rock
Eric Distad, Jen Distad

Feng Shui Ninjas
We don’t do genre.
Justin Hartley, John Kentner, Tami Murck, Dave Stagner

Peter the Great
Stand Up Cosplay
Peter Haugen

Ionosphere Casting Shadows
Ambient space guitar for relaxation
Todd Madson

The Leprechaun Pirates
Acoustic punk traditional folk band
Kent Hansen, Beth Hansen-Buth, Justin Hartley

Lyritics Presents: Geek Nation
Local Nerd-Core Hip-Hop

Rock & roll/post punk for sci fi geeks

The Not-So-Silent Planet: A Speculative Open-Mic
Have you ever imagined a world whose laws of physics differ from our own? Welcome to the Twin Cities’ first open-mic dedicated to speculative fiction: fantasy, sci-fi, supernatural horror, or anachronistic interpretations of myth! Sign up for 5-7 minutes, and tell us about a place of which we’ve never dreamt.
Phillip Andrew Bennett Low

The Style Biters
High-energy electronic hip-hop performance band
Alex Johnson

Sunspot Acoustic
Paranormal/Sci Fi Acoustic Rock Duo
Mike Huberty, Wendy Lynn Staats

Tanya Brody
Traditional and original folk music on harp and guitar
Tanya Brody

Temperance Turbines
American acoustic blues pick-up band
Kent Hansen, Justin Hartley

Pop culture, nerd inspired burlesque
Mona Montague, Opiumm Hayze, Ivory Clover, Holliedazzle, Tre da Marc, Luna Rouge, Anjela, Apollo Hawthorne

Bass-heavy progressive electronic rock
Evan Travis

Connie reclining