2012 Parties

Anime Fusion
Room: 401
Thursday: 06:00pm – 12:00am
Friday: 06:00pm – 12:00am
Saturday: 06:00pm – 12:00am
Anime Fusion 2012
Room party
serving snacks and beverages
open to all ages

Anime Twin Cities
Room: 107
Thursday: 05:00pm – Midnight
Friday: 06:00pm – 02:00am
Saturday: 06:00pm – 02:00am
Come and see some of your favorite AMVs, have some snacks, or just hang out in our lounge on the patio as Anime Detour brings their room party back again for more Tunes, Sing-A-Longs, Pop Culture Trivia Games and fun!

Bits & Pieces Put Together to Present a Semblance of a Whole
Room: 206
Thursday: 08:00pm – 01:00am
Friday: 08:00pm – 01:00am
Saturday: 08:00pm – 01:00am
Sunday: 08:00pm – 01:00am
A party to celebrate and promote MnStf and Minicon. MnStf is a year round organization that hosts parties, picnics, a fall relaxacon, and Minnesota’s longest running science fiction convention; Minicon. Party is inclusive of, but not limited to delicious drinks, entertainment, oxford commas, and fabulous conversation.

Room: 228
Thursday: 08:00pm – 01:00am
Friday: 08:00pm – 01:00am
Saturday: 08:00pm – 01:00am
Freethoughtblogs debuts at CONvergence with a celebration of brains – weird science, hard-boiled skepticism, uncompromising critical thinking, and fun. Stop on by for smart drinks, smart videos, smart games, and smarty pants with snarky attitudes. (Skepchicks and skepdudes welcome, zombies will be muzzled.)

Brit Con “Scones for Tea”
Room: 226
Thursday: 08:00pm – 01:00am
Friday: 08:00pm – 01:00am
Saturday: 08:00pm – 01:00am
The British are Coming to CONvergence. Get your “Brit” on and discuss the best of media, sci-fi, and fantasy from across the pond. Enjoy scones, tea, and other British inspired snacks. Learn about our new convention, Brit Con 2012, Labour Day weekend.

Campaign CONvergence
Room: 123
Thursday: 8:00pm – 1:00am
Friday: 8:00 – 1:00am
Saturday: 8:00 – 1:00am
Evil masterminds maneuver, manipulate, and murder their way to the presidency. Just like the real election only not as depressing! Cast your ballot for the next president, it maybe the last real decision you ever make. Check out our debate Friday night (see program guide), results posted Saturday night.

Captain Kirk’s House of Ill-Repute!
Room: 208
Friday: 08:00pm – Midnight
Saturday: 08:00pm – Midnight
The Captain returns with his infamous Two-Fisted Punch and much more! Classic party hi-jinks with the Original Captain!

Cow Asylum
Room: 124
Thursday: 05:00pm – 11:00pm
Friday: 09:00pm – 02:00am
Saturday: 09:00pm – 02:00am
Come dance with us until the cows come home.

Room: 230
Thursday: 09:00pm to 01:00am
Friday: 09:00pm to 02:00am
Saturday: 09:00pm to 02:00am
Welcome to D-notice
The room that the con goers love to see. we have our famous food and drink that you enjoy stop by and say hi try your luck with our trivia dot dish and last but least don’t forget the caution tape.

Deadly Delights
Room: 210
Thursday: 07:00pm – 12:00am
Friday: 07:00pm – 12:00am
Saturday: 08:00pm – 12:30am
Deadly Delights presents Blizzard. Tired of playing the beta for Diablo III? Did Blizzard nerf your class on WoW again? Are you dying of boredom while waiting for Heart of the Swarm? Then stop on by and tell us your problems and we will tell you wrong release dates.

Gaylaxicon 2012
Room: 207
Friday: 4
Saturday: 4
Celebrate the coming Gaypocalypse and learn how gaydioactivity will affect you! Gaylaxicon returns to the Twin Cities in October 2012 and we’re here to help you prepare for GAYDIOACTIVE FALLOUT.

Room: 109
Thursday: 08:00pm – 12:00am
Friday: 07:00pm – 01:00am
Saturday: 07:00pm – 01:00am
Sunday: 08:00pm – 12:00am
The Twin Cities Ghostbusters are setting up shop at CONvergence! Stop by to take a photo with the containment unit and Stay Puft, watch episodes of GHOSTBUSTIN’ 911, and enjoy ectoplasmic treats! The ECTO-1D will also be parked outside the hotel.

Room: 110

Room: 225
Thursday: 09:00pm – 02:00am
Friday: 09:00pm – 02:00am
Saturday: 09:00pm – 02:00am
Sunday: 05:00pm – 10:00pm
“Welcome to Hogwarts, a place to meet friends over a glass of Pumpkin Juice in the Great Hall, munch Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans while taking OWL exams (open book trivia contest), or just hang out and converse with HP characters, surrounded by Hogwarts decor. OWL winners posted Sunday 10am.”

House of Toast
Room: 130
Thursday: 08:00pm – 12:00am
Friday: 08:00pm – 12:00am
Saturday: 09:00pm – 01:00am
We serve toast with over e possible toppings and countless possible combinations, (some of them irrational) and special items like Sushi rolls. We don’t serve alcohol because it just makes the toast soggy. Also featuring the Snack Food Glory Hole pre-party. SFGH opens one hour prior to HoT each night.

Jews in Space
Room: 402
Friday: 06:00pm – 10:00pm
A Celebration of all things geeky and Jewish…all are welcome…and there will be as usual soup on Friday night 🙂

Room: 201

Lursa & Betors House of Pain & Pancakes
Room: 105
Thursday: 08:00pm – 01:00am
Friday: 09:00pm – 02:00am
Saturday: 09:00pm – 02:00am
Come for the Pain, stay for the Pancakes!! The Empires best influence enhancement devices & pancake.

Mad Tea Party
Room: 403
Friday: 10:00pm – 02:00am
Saturday: 10:00pm – 02:00am
Come back down the rabbit hole with us and join us for a different sort of tea time.

Midnight at the Oasis
Room: 102
Friday: 7:30pm – 02:00am
Saturday: 7:30pm – 02:00am
Come quench your thirst and feast your eyes on the lovely dancers of Smiling Lune and friends. Join us for hourly performances Friday and Saturday nights. Come shimmy with us! And remember… “No one is just friends with a bellydancer!” –William Shatner’s girlfriend, Impulse 1974

Mos Icee Cantina
Room: 231
Friday: 08:00pm – 01:00am
Saturday: 08:00pm – 01:00am
Princess Leia, Mara Jade, Bastila Shan, Padmé Amidala; the Star Wars universe is full of strong women who changed galactic history, and the image of women in science fiction.
Visit the Mos Icee Cantina for a frosty sno-cone, the Modal Nodes’ music and the company of the fairer gender.

Nerd-Kon: The Chamber of Kryptonite
Room: 103
Visit Nerd-Kon and discover the source of their power, the origin of their abilities, and see where they go recharge and replenish their “green” strength. Only those who have first proven themselves in the Nerd-Corps can enter The Chamber of Kryptonite. Men of steel enter at their own risk.

Nerdtron: The Nerd Corps
Room: 104
Thursday: 09:00pm – 03:00am
Friday: 09:00pm – 03:00am
Saturday: 09:00pm – 04:00am
Sunday: 07:00pm – Midnight
Friends, super powers, partying, nerd culture, epic battles, epic villains, frozen pizza, awesome mixed drinks, space bags, day time group Karaoke, Beach balls, air guitar, making friends, making memories, saving the galaxy…come dance and sing along with us and remember…If you Save the nerd…you save the world.

Occupy Convergence
Room: 223
Thursday: 07:00pm – 02:00am
Friday: 09:00pm – 02:00am
Saturday: 09:00pm – 02:00am
The 99% includes beings on worlds throughout the multiverse. We have already successfully Occupied Saturn, R’lyeh, and Middle Earth. Join us for lively discussion of rebel alliances throughout time and space, trivia contests, surprise guests, and refreshments shared from our successful campaigns against various empires.

The Ochaya
Room: 126
Thursday: 07:00pm – 12:00am
Friday: 07:00pm – 12:00am
Saturday: 07:00pm – 12:00am
The Ochaya is a Japanese-inspired tea room where convention patrons can come and relax with various types of freshly brewed Asian teas. Also one can enjoy a light traditional snack and boardgames.

Orange Crush
Room: 127
Friday: 08:00pm – 01:00am
Saturday: 08:00pm – 01:00am
Come geek out over all things Orange with us at Orange Crush! Post your status to our wall and pin the costume on the super heroine on our magnetic board! Orange soda, orange snacks and orange adult beverages for your orange pleasure!

Perfectly Legitimate Spaceship
Room: 203
Thursday: 08:00pm – 01:00am
Friday: 09:00pm – 03:00am
Saturday: 09:00pm – 03:00am 08:00pm – 01:00am
It’s not a speakeasy.

The Royal Manticoran Navy: Do It With Honor!
Room: 204
Thursday: 07:00pm – Midnight
Friday: 07:00pm – Midnight
Saturday: 07:00pm – Midnight
HMS Invincible! HMS Merlin! HMS Samurai! The Twin Cities chapters of The Royal Manticoran Navy invite you to celebrate our own wonder woman: Admiral Honor Harrington! Enjoy a refreshing Old Tilman or savor a glass of the Delacourt ’27. Celery for your treecat! Party Honorverse style!

Save The Princess
Room: 224
Thursday: 08:00pm – 01:00am
Friday: 08:00pm – 02:00am
Saturday: 08:00pm – 02:00am
Sunday: Noon – 05:00pm
Our party will be retro video game themed. It will contain projectors with classic games, mario and zelda based decor and cos play. Retro game themed drinks. Party will be ran with Matt Lauer from Mimosa Mornings.

Sir Terry Pratchett’s Discworld
Room: 125
Thursday: 05:00pm – 02:00am
Friday: 05:00pm – 02:00am
Saturday: 05:00pm – 02:00am
Sunday: when we wake till we go to bed
It’s takes strength to be a woman in Terry Pratchett’s Discworld and the Seamstress Guild is no different. Wearing pantaloons and corsets is not always easy! Join us for fun, movies and frivolity, food, sweet tea and after 9pm “SPECIAL” Sweet Tea for the adults.

Room: 227
Thursday: 08:00pm – 01:00am
Friday: 08:00pm – 01:00am
Saturday: 08:00pm – 01:00am
Your favorite geek girls are back again! Join the Skepchicks and friends in our spaceship for fun activities, lively conversation, swag and don’t forget to raise a Buzzed Aldrin shot with us and toast SCIENCE!

Stand Up! Records
Room: 128
Thursday: 08:00pm – 01:00am
Friday: 08:00pm – 01:00am
Saturday: 08:00pm – 01:00am
Stand Up! Records Comedy Club returns with more magic, more stand-up comedy, more burlesque and no cover charge!

Starship Enterprise
Room: 108
Thursday: 07:00pm – 12:00am
Friday: 07:00pm – 12:00am
Saturday: 07:00pm – 12:00am
Come aboard the Enterprise and visit with members of the USS Nokomis. No square food this year, but the drinks are still colorful!

Room: 131
Friday: 08:00pm – Midnight
Saturday: 08:00pm – Midnight
Come and join Wolfie B. Bad as he shows you the wonders of SuperCon!!! The Great Geek Livingroom. Ask him anything, and he will give you answers you most likely didn’t want. Stop in, hang out, and have an alcoholic concoction made up on the spot by our professional amateur.

Tardis Tea Society
Room: 229
Thursday: 08:00pm – 12:00am
Friday: 08:00pm – 01:00am
Saturday: 08:00pm – 01:00am
Sunday: 02:00 – 06:00 or later
Your favorite tea party returns from galactic travels to serve up teas and treats from our latest expedition. You might find some ales and delights from far away as well.

VHU Asks: What the Heck Happened To Saturday Morning Cartoons???
Room: 232
Thursday: 07:00 – Midnight
Friday: 07:00 – Midnight
Saturday: 08:00 – noon; 07:00 – 09:00pm
We called, and our childhood answered. Revisit the very best, and worst, of 80’s and 90’s cartoons. Do your favorites hold up to the nostalgia factor? Party with us each night, and don’t forget to join us on SATURDAY MORNING for SATURDAY MORNING CARTOONS.

Vice City
Room: 129
Thursday: 07:00pm to 02:00am
Friday: 07:00pm – 02:00am
Saturday: 07:00pm – 02:00am
Vice City is a celebration of old arcade and console games. We aim to maintain a relaxed and social atmosphere for game-players of all skill levels. Come play anything from Muscle March to Puzzle Fighter, head down memory lane, and just have fun.

Worship the Goddesses
Room: 106
Thursday: 07:00pm – Midnight
Friday: 08:00pm – 01:00am
Saturday: 08:00pm – 01:00am
Welcome back worthy worshippers! Whether song, gift or poem, the Goddesses will enchant your heart, inspire your creativity and warm your soul. Relax with the Goddesses, or bring your own lovely Goddess and fall in love all over again! Enjoy nectar of the Goddesses and feel your worries slip away.

X Marks The Spot
Room: 202
Thursday: 08:00pm – 02:00am
Friday: 08:00pm – 02:00am
Saturday: 08:00pm – 02:00am
The Airship X is back in port and the women have taken over! Come by and try some of the S.P.O.T., or our good Doctor’s newest elixer, B.L.A.C. T.I.E. Be sure to bring someone to throw in Captain Red’s new stocks!

Xena Woman of Wonder
Room: 205
Thursday: 07:00pm – Midnight
Friday: 07:00pm – Midnight
Saturday: 07:00pm – Midnight
Come get “SCHOOLED” at The University of Xena! Open house for new students! Some classes offered: Feminine Wiles and Weapons 101, 6 Degrees of Geneology – It All Started with Xena & Female Scholars of the World. Receive your own Acceptance Letter. Avoid the ruler, the superheroine paddle and dunce cap!

Zombie Tiki Bar
Room: 209
Thursday: 07:00pm – 01:00am
Friday: 07:00pm – 01:00am
Saturday: 07:00pm – 01:00am
Zombie Guys and Crypticon return to CONvergence this year with a twist on your old favorite. The Crypt is going Tiki. Don your best tropical shirts and coconut bras, have a drink and party with the Zombies.

Connie reclining