2009 Masquerade

The CONvergence 2009 Masquerade was produced and directed by Erin Kasper, with Gordon Smuder as Master of Ceremonies.

Best Theme of the Convention: A Return to Classic Horror (Bill Hedrick, Alexandra Howes, Jerry Corwin, Michael Zalar, Colleen Cotter, Patrick Fisher, Rae Lundquist, Shandra Duval)
Best Recreation: A Princess’ Right to Shoes (Allison Trombley, Kara Redding, Lea Redding, Sara Kosciolek)
Best Prop: Darth Laddie (James Melin, David Potter)
Best Young Fan: Dani’s Dragon Sitting Service (Danielle Roth)
Best Workmanship Honorable Mention:
Bastett (Rachel Corcoran)
Juhani (Jenna Lindere)
Best Workmanship: Godzilla vs. Barney (Todd Murray, Katherine Madson)
Best Performance Honorable Mention:
Eleven (Melinda Melin)
French League of Pirates (Brett Hedberg, Emily Ingvaldsen, Cody Webb)
Best Performance: Faith of a Child (Kat Pepmiller, James Kirwin, Kaaren Spigsz, Kaia Spigsz)
Best Novice: Harley Quinn from Hell (Kirsten Koehler)
Best Journeyman: Jedi Brothers (Damon & Yancey Thrift)
Best Master: Interchangeable Parts (Kristen Swenson, Kameron Engle, Ashleigh Swenson, Anna Kaminski, Calysta Swor)
Best in Show: Royal Family of Falina (Rosanna Caponi, Stacey Feldmann)

Connie reclining