2006 Masquerade

The 2006 Masquerade was produced and directed by Erin Kasper, and Eve Kramer was the Mistress of Ceremonies. The 2006 Masquerade workmanship judges were Windy Bowlsby, Chris Honse, and Amy Mills. The performance judges were Robert O’Reilly, J.G. Hertzler, and Rex (Assisted by John Grams).

The 2006 awards were as follows:

Best Recreation Disney Divas: Nikita Petersen, Sabra Love
Best Prop The Arrival: Rae Lundquist, Sara Warner, Cameron Nelson, Damon Odum
Best Make-up Alice in Wonderland: Kara Redding, Ally Trombley, Katy Smith
Best Young Fan Honorable Mention Shore Leave: Emma Frazee, Harrison Frazee
Best Workmanship Honorable Mention

  • The Collector: Richard L. Spencer, Greg DeDanann
  • Antique Jellyfish: Katherine Neary
  • Terra: Anne Hauser

Best Workmanship Embark: Heather Luca, Claire Alexander
Best Performance
Honorable Mention

  • Pigs in Space: Mary McKinley, Herb Lindorff, Doug Yoder, Brad McCanna, Jonathon Ralmer
  • Public Service Announcement: Jo O’Hanley, Alyssah Rayl
  • It’s Time: Patrick Fisher

Best Performance Antique Jellyfish: Katherine Neary
Best Young Fan Power Play: Deborah Spiesz, Kaaren Spiesz
Best Novice Alice in Wonderland: Kara Redding, Ally Trombley, Katy Smith
Best Journeyman Pimp My Ride UK: Jo Thomsen, Jose Rivera, Teresa Kramer, Jessi Silver, Evan Miller, Alison Ellingsberg, Lori Fischer, Alicia Struble, Amanda Schuckman, Brian Jonas, Nathaniel Wilson-Graay, Eryn Hildebrand
Best Master Llamatron 2112: Jeff Daniels
Best in Show Hello K’tty: Gerald Dagel, Elizabeth Sloan

Connie reclining