2001 Cinema Rex

The Thief of Bagdad

  NR–1940–106 min.
prod. Alexander Korda. w/ Sabu, Conrad Veidt.
This year we are kicking off our fantasy-laden schedule with this timeless classic story of magical lamps, carpets, and genies, based on the tales of The Arabian Nights. See the lush hues of this Technicolor print provided by a special edition laserdisc. This film won Academy Awards for cinematography, art direction, and its groundbreaking special effects.

When Worlds Collide

  NR–1951–81 min.
dir. Rudolph Maté. prod. George Pal.
Although slightly less well-known than The Day the Earth Stood Still, this George Pal production helped launch the 50¹s sci-fi film craze with its attention to scientific detail, excellent story, and good special effects. When Worlds Collide is an important member of the ReallyGoodFiftiesSciFiFilmsEveryFanShouldSee genre. It is also one of the first films in the OhNoAnAsteroidIsGonnaHitTheEarth genre.


  (widescreen) R–1998–95 min.
dir. Rudolph Maté. prod. George Pal.
Miss this in the theaters? You¹re not alone. For some reason, this sci-fi action film barely registered on the geek radar screen. With its well used modest budget, focusing on characters and cinematography, Soldier is more than just a shoot-em-up flick. In fact, on a recent TV program, which for some mysterious reason delved into the topic of sci-fi films, well-known television personality Ben Stein said this was the best sci-fi film of the 90¹s!

La Belle et La Bête (Beauty and the Beast)

  NR–1946–90 min.
dir. Jean Cocteau.
La Belle et La Bête (Beauty and the Beast): NR–1946–90 min. dir. Jean Cocteau. Gothic in the classic sense of the word, this gorgeous French film uses an amazing array of costumes, makeup, and stunning visual effects to create the surreal world of the Beast. Created by artistic genius Jean Cocteau and recognized by film and art critics alike as a masterpiece, this film is clearly the definitive telling of the fable. If you see only one film in Cinema Rex, this should be it!

Dark City

  (widescreen) R–1998–103 min.
dir. Alex Proyas. w/ Rufus Sewell, Kiefer Sutherland, Jennifer Connelly, William Hurt.
A man wakes up, alienated, in a city where something is not right. He learns the truth, the answer to the question that is like a splinter in his mind. The art direction has a strong, coherent, dark aesthetic that draws in even the least Gothic of us. Sounds like some other film? Dark City was released before The Matrix. How similar are they? Which one is better? You¹ve seen The Matrix. Now, see Dark City, and decide for yourself.

The Hidden

  (widescreen) R–1987–97 min.
dir. Jack Sholder. w/ Michael Nouri, Kyle MacLachlan, Claudia Christian.
Question: What happens when you put together Dracula (from the Cliffhanger series), Twin Peaks, and Babylon 5? Answer: The Hidden. Well, that¹s not quite true… but it is a really great movie. Especially late at night with a ton of your geeky buddies.

Alice in Wonderland: (Disney)

  G–1951–75 min.
dir. Clyde Geronimi, Wilfred Jackson, Hamilton Luske
Stumble out of bed, wipe the crud out of your eyes, and marvel at the vivid Technicolor of this animated classic. Disney did many things quite well in this version of Alice. You don¹t have to be young, old, or coherent to pursue the white rabbit and paint white roses red. Tarts will be provided.

CINEMA REX SPECIAL EVENT: Admiral Ozzel and Chewbacca host The Empire Strikes Back

  (Pre-Special Edition version – widescreen) PG–1980–124 min.
starring Michael Sheard, Peter Mayhew, and some other people.
Our guests share stories and anecdotes with you before we show the film. A rare opportunity. There might be, uhh, more than a couple of people at this one!


  (widescreen) NR–1965–105 min.
dir. Robert Day. w/ Ursula Andress, Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee.
Magic, adventure, a lost city, and a beautiful, immortal goddess. This visual version of the novel by H. Rider Haggard has all the ingredients for a perfect Saturday afternoon matinee. Presented in its original widescreen 2.35 format, this was the highest budget Hammer film, and was shot on location in Egypt. She also teaches us an important lesson: never step into magical fires more than once.

Cthulhu Film Fest

  A multitude of short independent film
Rex and his Cthulhu advisory board carefully sifted through many independent short Lovecraftian films to create the Saturday Cthulhu Film Fest. Beware, lest the dark truths revealed during this audiovisual experience cost thee 3-18 sanity points. Sorry, no Deep Ones allowed.

2001: A Space Odyssey

  (widescreen) G–1968–139 min.
dir. Stanley Kubrick. w/ Keir Dullea, William Sylvester, Gary Lockwood.


  (with WILLIAM SHATNER!) NR–1965–76 min.
dir. Leslie Stevens. cin. Conrad L. Hall. with William Shatner!
THE FILM THAT WAS LOST FOR 30 YEARS!!!!!! This year Captain Kirk is back again, but this time instead of battling spiders he¹s locked in a deadly struggle against demons. Just recently made available from the only print in existence, this film is one of two films ever made using Esperanto: the international language of peace. Yes, you can see and hear Billy Shatner speaking this rare artificial language! But that¹s not all!! Forrest Ackerman called this film “the movie watching event of a lifetime”!!! But wait: There¹s more!!!! Would you believe that the cinematographer eventually went on to win two academy awards, most recently for American Beauty!!!!! Wow!!!!!! How can you miss this?

Barbarella: Queen of the Galaxy

  (widescreen) PG–1968–98 min.
dir. Roger Vadin. w/ Jane Fonda.
Oooh la la! It’s a comic book. It’s weird. It’s French. It’s Jane Fonda. Barbarella’s got quite an aspect ratio, and she’s, like, completely letterboxed, if you know what we mean…That’s right, come see Jane Fonda get 2.35’d all over Rex’s 10 foot screen!! WOW!!!

The Empire Strikes Back

  (Pre-Special Edition version – widescreen)PG–1980–124 min.
dir. Irvin Kershner. w/ Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Billy Dee Williams.
According to Rex¹s rigorous, extensive calculations, the optimal location in space/time to experience this film is late night Saturday, at a big, cool sci-fi convention, in a big, cool film room. Your weapons: you will not need them.

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland: (not Disney)

  G–1972–95 min
dir. William Sterling. w/Fiona Fullerton, Michael Crawford, Peter Sellers, Ralph Richardson, Dudley Moore.
We couldn¹t JUST show the Disney film; Alice is the theme of the con, after all. So Rex searched long and hard to find this gem: a live-action British film from the early 70¹s with big name cameos, music and songs by John Barry (of James Bond film fame), and a wonderful actress playing Alice.

Connie reclining