Advertise With Us

CONvergence accepts advertising for our Souvenir Book, which is given to every attending member of the convention. The deadline to submit ads is May 15th of the convention year.


Our ad rates are affordable for anyone with an interest in connecting with fans of science fiction, fantasy and horror. Businesses, dealers, and fan groups can reach thousands of people with their ads and contact information.

Ad Size Width Height Pro Rate Fan Rate
“Business Card” 3.5″ 2″ $40 $20
Quarter Page 3.5″ 4.75″ $100 $50
Half Page 7.5″ 4.75″ $160 $80
Full Page 7.5″ 10″ $280 $140
Inside Back Cover 7.5″ 10″ $330 $330
Back Cover 8.5″ 11″ $380 $380

Please note: We have both PRO Rates and FAN Rates. If you aren’t sure which category you fit into, contact CONvergence Advertising.

  • PRO Rates apply to any for-profit business or money-making venture.
  • FAN Rates apply to fan groups and individuals who are not advertising for business purposes.

The CONvergence Souvenir Book is printed in black & white. All ads should be line art or grayscale, and a resolution of 300 DPI is strongly recommended.

Ads may be submitted as a TIFF or PDF file. If you need to submit your ad in a different format, please let us know as early as possible to allow time for any special arrangements needed to accommodate you.

CONvergence retains the right of refusal for any ad or advertiser. If you have any questions about our content and format requirements, or need help creating your ad, please contact CONvergence Advertising.

Submissions & Inquiries

Ad inquiries as well as ad graphics may be sent electronically to the Advertising Department.

Please contact CONvergence Advertising to make arrangements.



Connie reclining