Register for CONvergence 2025 by Wednesday, Jan 15 to Save $40!

Connie standing with her hand on her hipWill you join us July 3-6, 2025 in Minneapolis, MN for CONvergence 2025: That’s How We Roll? It will be an unforgettable a celebration of fandom, games, and gaming of all kinds!

You have just 2 more days to register for CONvergence 2025: That’s How We Roll at the lowest rate of the year.

Until January 15, 2025, an adult CONvergence badge is only $95 for the whole 4-day weekend. Teen badges are just $55 and Kids are $35.  Register for CONvergence 2025 before Midnight on Wednesday, January 15 to save $40* per adult badge.

Register Now

After you register for CONvergence 2025, don’t forget to remind your friends about the upcoming price increase! Plus, if you are planning to be there, they probably will want to know that!
*At the door registration price is $135.

ConCom Volunteers Needed for 2025

One of the things that makes CONvergence unique is the powerful volunteer culture that makes the convention happen in the first place. CONvergence itself is 100% run by volunteers, from the over 200 members of the year-round CONvergence Convention Committee (ConCom) to the over 800 staff and members who volunteer during the convention to make CONvergence the unique and immersive event that it is!

Here are a few volunteer opportunities that have opened up in 2025:


Do you have, or would you like to add to your experience producing print publications? CONvergence is currently seeking motivated volunteers to manage the production of at-con program books. Experience with zine publishing and/or Adobe InDesign is a huge plus! Contact to learn more.

Accessibility & Inclusion

Are you passionate about helping everyone have access to experience fan conventions? CONvergence is currently seeking new accessibility leaders to promote and advocate for accessibility services, run the Accessibility table at the convention, and more. Contact to learn more.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Want to be part of the team that helps CONvergence outreach to, and ensure welcoming spaces for, diverse communities? CONvergence is currently seeking diversity leaders to head up DEI initiatives in 2025 and beyond. Contact to learn more.

Many More Volunteer Positions

Volunteer opportunities abound at CONvergence for volunteers with different skillsets. You can see many of them on CONvergence’s Volunteer positions page. Check them out. Is this the year you get more involved?

Seeking Live Musicians/Bands

Connie Singing

Applications to perform at CONvergence’s dedicated music stage, Harmonic CONvergence are currently open! Head over to the Musicians/Performers page to learn more and submit your application.

Thinking of Hosting a Party?

Parties are an essential element of CONvergence culture, helping make CONvergence an amazing experience. Every year, a veritable army of dedicated individuals and groups give their time, energy and resources to dazzle us with some of the most creative parties ever. Any individual, group, club, business, or organization may apply to host a room party or a mobile party at CONvergence.Professor Max smiling and holding up a fancy drink in a beaker

Applications to host a party at CONvergence 2025 are now open! Head over to the Host a Party page to learn more and submit your application.

The Next ConCom Meeting

The CONvergence Convention Committee (ConCom) is a team of over 200 year-round volunteer leaders and staff who plan and orchestrate everything that makes CONvergence what it is! Everyone is welcome to attend ConCom meetings.

Convergence Events, Inc logo

The next ConCom meeting is Saturday, February 15, 2025. Everyone is welcome to attend ConCom meetings.

Whether or not you are currently part of CONvergence ConCom, we’d love to see you there. It’s a great way to stay connected with the CONvergence community throughout the year! Get the in-person location info, and the zoom link for remote attendance, on the CONvergence Google Calendar.

Don’t Forget to Register!

Wow, we love that you have read this far. But seriously, don’t forget to register before the price increase. You only have until Midnight on Wednesday. We can’t wait to see you at the convention!

Click here to register online

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Connie reclining