Invite More BIPOC Fans to Experience CONvergence when you Give to the Max this Year

Thursday, November 21st is Give to the Max Day, Minnesota’s state-wide day of giving, and CONvergence has an exciting announcement to mark the occasion!

Connie laying in front of the Give to the Max logo

This year, all of your Give to the Max Day donation dollars will go directly toward the new CONvergence Attendance Grant fund, being piloted for CONvergence 2025: That’s How We Roll!

Give to the max

Convergence Events, Inc. is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. Your tax-deductible donation will help more people experience CONvergence!

2025 Attendance Grant Pilot

“Just because something works doesn’t mean it can’t be improved.” — Shuri

This first year, the CONvergence Attendance Grant will be available to help BIPOC (an abbreviation for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) fans attend the convention.

  • Year over year, our survey data* shows that over 90% of CONvergence attendees identify as white, yet census data shows roughly 27% of Twin Cities area residents identify as non-white.
  • Additional research and polling of SFF and speculative fiction spaces in general shows significantly higher percentages of non-white fans—closer to 45%.

*Approximately 20% of attendees take the annual CONvergence survey.

We know the fans are out there, and we want to use this grant pilot to help more BIPOC fans come to CONvergence. As we all know, no one can simply tell you what CONvergence is—you have to experience it for yourself.

While the CONvergence Attendance Grant pilot will focus on assisting BIPOC fans in 2025, we may expand the grant to other communities in the future. The best way to ensure that can happen is to donate to the fund so it can be a success! We also look forward to hearing your feedback about this first year of attendance grants on our 2025 CONvergence survey after the convention ends.

More information about how to apply for an attendance grant as well as the selection process and criteria will be available on the CONvergence Attendance Grant page in February of 2025. If you have additional questions about the CONvergence Attendance Grant pilot, please contact the Board of Directors.

How to Contribute

Connie standing with her hand on her hip

“Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.” — Galadriel

There are two ways you can contribute financially:

  1. You can donate through our Give to the Max Day Campaign page, which increases our odds of winning one of the many $500 Golden Tickets provided by GiveMN. All donations made through Give to the Max Day 2024 will go to the CONvergence Attendance Grant fund pilot.
  2. You can add a tax-deductible donation of $10, $25, $45, or $85 when you register for CONvergence 2025: That’s How We Roll. 4-day passes for adults are $95 through January 15, a savings of $40 over the at-the-door price!

Help Raise $6,000

$6,000 in donations will fund 70 CONvergence Attendance Grants. That’s 70 people welcomed into our community to experience everything that CONvergence is!

 Donate now 

Together, let’s Give to the Max this week and help invite as many BIPOC fans as possible to take the leap and experience CONvergence.

Get Involved

If you are interested in joining the Attendance Grant committee to review applicants and select grantees, please email to be included in future planning. This is a new process and you can help shape it from the ground up.

As always, CONvergence is run by volunteers, which means we need you to make it go, and to ensure the success of initiatives like this!

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Connie reclining