Get the CONvergence 2024: Everyone’s Invited Mobile App!

The CONvergence 2024 schedule has been checked against the Matrix, beamed through subspace, synced up with the timestream, and is now ready for you to start planning your CONvergence 2024: Everyone’s Invited! You can view the schedule on your computer, mobile phone, or tablet by simply visiting

Make an account, connect with your CONvergence friends, and start planning all the cool things you are going to do at the convention before you even arrive at the hotels!

Screenshot of CVG2024 appDownload the Mobile App

Keeping track of your CONvergence schedule during the convention is easy with the Native CVG2024 app or the Sched mobile schedule app for both iOS and Android!

CVG2024 App:

The CVG2024 app downloads the schedule to your local phone storage, meaning it will not use your mobile data in the background. Because of this, you will need to manually refresh the app data in order to see schedule updates. We recommend doing this at least once per day during the convention. Simply go to “My Account” and select “Refresh All Data” any time you would like to refresh the schedule.

Sched App:

If you are using the Sched app, search for “CONvergence 2024”. Use the “My Sched” link at the top to create or login to an account, connect with your CONvergence friends, and start planning all the cool things you are going to do at the convention before you even arrive at the hotels!

If your mobile device is something other than iOS or Android, or if you don’t want to download an app, you can still access the CONvergence 2024 schedule on your mobile device by navigating to in your browser app.

If you have any questions about the mobile app or the CONvergence 2024 schedule, please contact CONvergence Programming.

Cinema Rex LogoCinema Rex Schedule

Due to the license agreement bringing an amazing line-up of fine films our way at CONvergence 2024, Cinema Rex will not publish the entire movie schedule online.

The full Cinema Rex schedule will be printed in the CONvergence Programming Guide, and posted on Cinema Rex fliers around the hotel. You can also visit Superior Rooms A&B on the 5th floor of the Hyatt Regency at any time during the convention to see what’s playing for the day.

If you use the online schedule or app, you’ll notice that there are time blocks for Cinema Rex film screenings that do not list the movie name or description. This way, after you see the fun line up events and films slated for your viewing pleasure, you can still use the online schedule or app to add Cinema Rex to the legendary journey that is sure to become your convention weekend.

Convergence Events, Inc. Open Meeting

Attend the annual open meeting for Convergence Events, Inc. during CONvergence. Get an update on the latest with the organization that runs CONvergence with members of the Convergence Events Board of Directors, ask questions, and give feedback. If you’re interested in joining the CONvergence ConCom, this is a great at-con opportunity to catch a board member and ask them about that!

Convergence Events, Inc logo

When: Friday at 5:00pm
Where: Hyatt 4 Minnetonka
What to bring: Curiosity, kindness, and caffeine!

Head to the Convergence Events, Inc. website to learn more about CONvergence’s parent organization.

Fancy Bastard Pie Competition

Greg Weisman photoshopped to be a Victorian gentleman in a room full of piesDo you enjoy at baking deserts? Are you a fan of Greg Weisman’s TV shows or comics? Then this is the event for you!

The Greg Weisman Fancy Bastard Pie Competition returns to CONvergence for its third year on Friday at 8:30pm in North Woods Promenade, outside ConSuite. It is open to all CONvergence attendees who wish to participate!

The goal is to make a pie that CONvergence 2024 Guest of Honor Greg Weisman, herein to be known as “Fancy Bastard”, likes best. There is no advance registration. Simply bring your pie to the competition to be judged. Winners will receive an exclusive photo with Greg Weisman and other celebrity judges with a sign that says, “Preferred Pie-Maker of All Fancy Bastards Everywhere!”

In the interest of full disclosure, Fancy Bastard would like all to know that he especially likes the following pies: Apple, Berry, Peach, Apricot, Pumpkin, Banana Cream (herein to be known as the funniest pie); Combinations of some of the fruit pies can be great. Contestants are welcome to try other pies at their own risk.

Fancy Bastard does NOT especially like the following pies: Pecan, Anything with Chocolate, Raisins in Apple Pie, Almost never Cherry (though he has tasted the rare exception!)

We’ll see you with your pie(s) at the third Greg Weisman Fancy Bastard Pie Competition!

Schedule Your Volunteering

Connie volunteering

While you are planning your CONvergence 2024 and all the fun things you want do during the con, don’t forget to schedule some time to volunteer at CONvergence. The entire convention is run by volunteers just like you, and CONvergence needs your help to keep everything running! There are lots of volunteer opportunities that you can sign up for online at CONvergence Volunteers SignUpGenius.

First time using SignUp Genius? Head over to the Signing Up for Volunteer Shifts page for video and text tutorials!

Sign Up For Volunteer Shifts

You can exchange volunteer hours you earn for Volunteer Thank-You Gifts such as a CONvergence volunteer T-shirt and more. (You must have a CONvergence 2024 badge or day pass to volunteer at CONvergence 2024.)

If you find yourself with down time during the convention and want to volunteer without having scheduled a shift, no problem! Just pop in to SignUpGenius and grab a shift from anywhere! Or, head over to the Volunteers Table (in Volunteers HQ on the 2nd floor in Greenway J, right across from Registration Badge Pick-up) and the volunteers there will connect you with a great way to help your fellow CONvergence attendees.

Poster Hanging Blitz

Roll of blue tape with elven script on it like the one ring

Looking for an easy and fun way to volunteer on Wednesday Evening? Come to the Volunteers HQ on the second floor and help hang up official CONvergence posters and signage!

When: Wednesday at 6:00pm
Where: Volunteers HQ (2nd floor in Greenway J, right across from Registration Badge Pick-up)
What to bring: Yourself and any friends who want to help! Wear comfortable shoes. If you have a roll of blue tape, even better!

This is a great, fun opportunity to get some pre-con volunteer hours clocked and have a look around all the convention spaces before everything kicks off! You can sign up to help with the Poster Hanging Blitz on SignUpGenius, but you can also just show up to help, too!

Discounted Twins Tickets

New this year! CONvergence has worked with the Minnesota Twins to offer Discounted tickets to Twins Baseball games July 2nd through July 7th! While you are in downtown Minneapolis for CONvergence, take a break to enjoy some Baseball at Target Field. Each game will include exclusive giveaways to the first fans through the doors.

Connie throwing a baseball

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Connie reclining