Time is running out for CONvergence 2023 Mid-year Merch! Also: Updated COVID-19 Policies

Time is running out to show off your excitement for CONvergence 2023: All Dressed Up… with one of the most iconic movie dresses of all time! CONvergence 2023 Mid-Year merchandise is only available to order through April 30, 2023.

Get Connie as Queen Padmé Amidala on your CONvergence 2023 t-shirt, tank top, hoodie, coffee mug, or notebook.

Fitted Red T-Shirt with art of Connie as Queen Amidala and text that says CONvergence 2023: All dressed up

Get T-Shirt, Tank, or Hoodie

Red and White coffee mug with art of Connie as Queen Amidala and text that says CONvergence 2023: All dressed up

Get Mug

Red T-Shirt with art of Connie as Queen Amidala and text that says CONvergence 2023: All dressed up

Get Notebook


CONvergence 2023 COVID-19 Policies

We know you’ve been waiting for this clarification, so without further adieu, here are the CONvergence 2023: All Dressed Up… COVID-19 Policies.

Connie wearing an N95 mask with a smile drawn on it, and winking

  • Attendees 3 years of age and older will be required to wear a mask covering their nose and mouth in badged areas of the convention, including Registration, unless performing or presenting on a panel, with these exceptions:
  • Food and drink are available in some masked spaces. Please snack and sip responsibly, replacing your mask as soon as you’re able.
  • Masks must be worn over the nose and mouth. They can be fabric, procedure, or N95-type masks, but must be clean, dry, and woven tightly enough to block light. You can reference the CDC website for more information on types of masks.
  • It is strongly recommended that all attendees be fully vaccinated (including Omicron booster and any additional boosters released before the beginning of CONvergence 2023.) The CDC site remains active for anyone who isn’t sure if they’re up-to-date.
  • It is strongly recommended that attendees have a negative COVID-19 test within 48 hours of the start of CONvergence 2023.
    • We will also have a limited number of tests available for those who would like to test on site, though we ask that you do so in a hotel room or other non-public area to avoid biohazard.
    • Through May 11, 2023 insurers are required to provide 8 home tests per person per month for free.

Why are we still doing this?

  • These policies are intended to protect CONvergence members who are especially vulnerable to COVID-19.
  • This is the most direct way to reduce COVID-19 spread in our community.
  • Vaccination and testing requirements are no longer supported by government resources, and pose a cost burden to those without access to insurance or free options.
  • We do not have the resources or capacity to staff a vaccination and test checking station this year.

If you have any questions or comments about COVID-19 policies at CONvergence 2023, please contact the CONvergence board of directors.


New AI-Generated Art Policy

CONvergence Events, Inc. recognizes that Artificial Intelligence has had a monumental impact on the creative community, and on visual artists in particular. As is often the case with emergent technology, the procedures and tools for ensuring those most affected by its creation have not kept pace with the technology itself. To this end, Convergence Events, Inc. is placing a blanket ban on AI-generated art in Artists Alley, Art Show and the Dealers Room for CONvergence 2023.

Professor max painting a portrait of Mona Lisa, but it looks like Connie

If you have comments regarding the ban on AI-aenerated art, please contact the CONvergence Board of Directors.


Coming to CONvergence 2023: Squee Spaces!

Need a handy spot to meet up with fellow fans during CONvergence? CONvergence 2023 will feature designated hangout spaces marked with “Squee Space” signs.

Meet your friends at the first floor in the lobby to take on the day, on second floor for some chow, or on sixth floor for a more mellow chill.


Party to the Max at CONvergenceThinking of Hosting a Party?

Although the first round of party confirmations have been sent out, applications to host a party at CONvergence 2023: All Dressed Up… are still open for a limited time!

Parties are a great way to connect with the convention community and show everybody how fun you can be. Any individual, group, club, business, or organization may apply to host a room party or a mobile party at CONvergence.

Head over to the Host a Party page to learn more, and to submit your application.


The Next ConCom Meeting

The CONvergence Convention Committee (ConCom) is a team of over 200 year-round volunteer leaders and staff who plan and orchestrate everything that makes CONvergence what it is!

Convergence Events, Inc logo

The next ConCom meeting is Saturday, April 15, 2023. Everyone is welcome to attend ConCom meetings.

Whether or not you are currently part of CONvergence ConCom, we’d love to see you there. It’s a great way to stay connected with the CONvergence community throughout the year! Get the zoom link to join the meeting on the CONvergence Google Calendar.

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Connie reclining