Register by Sunday, Jan 15 to Save $40 on CONvergence 2023

Connie wearing an N95 mask with her smile drawn on the front of itJust in case you didn’t get the memo yet: In 2023, CONvergence returns to our traditional weekend just after the July 4th Holiday! We really hope you can join us for the best Minnesota celebration of science fiction, fantasy, gaming, and cosplay on July 6-9!

You have just a few more days to register for CONvergence 2023: All Dressed Up… at the lowest rate of the year.

Until January 15, 2023, an adult CONvergence membership is only $95 for the whole 4-day weekend. Teen memberships are just $55 and Kids are $35.  Register for CONvergence 2023 before Midnight on Sunday, January 15 to save $40* per adult membership.

Register Now

After you register for CONvergence 2023, don’t forget to remind your friends about the upcoming price increase! Plus, if you are planning to be there, they probably will want to know that!
*At the door registration price is $135.

CONvergence 2023 Guests of Honor

Here is your preview of Guests of Honor we will be welcoming this year at CONvergence 2023: All Dressed Up…

Samantha Rei
Fabulous fashion designer and sci-fi enthusiast, formerly seen as a contestant on season 16 of Project Runway, as well as author/illustrator and YouTube costume critic who has been featured in everything from the Huffington Post to Glamour and Vogue.

Michael “Knightmage” Wilson
Internationally-renown cosplayer who was a hit at CONvergence 2018, and we can’t wait to have him back!

Maurice Broaddus
Afrofuturist author and editor of Apex Magazine with a dozen novels and nearly 100 short stories, including the award-winning anthology Black Panther: Tales of Wakanda.

Colette Feehan, PhD
Audiobook director, voice actor, and linguist who, amongst other projects, studied the way we reshape ourselves physically when we make different voices which is just plain cool.

Bio pages for all of these exciting guests will be added to the CONvergence website in the coming months!

Thinking of Hosting a Party?

Parties are an essential element of CONvergence culture, helping make CONvergence an amazing experience. Every year, a veritable army of dedicated individuals and groups give their time, energy and resources to dazzle us with some of the most creative parties ever. Any individual, group, club, business, or organization may apply to host a room party or a mobile party at CONvergence.Professor Max smiling and holding up a fancy drink in a beaker

Applications to host a party at CONvergence 2023 are now open! Head over to the Host a Party page to learn more, and to submit your application.

The Next ConCom Meeting

The CONvergence Convention Committee (ConCom) is a team of over 200 year-round volunteer leaders and staff who plan and orchestrate everything that makes CONvergence what it is! Everyone is welcome to attend ConCom meetings.

Convergence Events, Inc logo

CONvergence’s January ConCom meeting will include elections for three positions on the Convergence Events, Inc. Board of Directors. The meeting will be held at Noon on Sunday, January 15th at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Minneapolis, with remote attendance via Zoom.

You can vote in the election if you logged 30+ volunteer hours for CONvergence and attended at least two ConCom meetings during the 2022 CONvergence convention cycle.

If you have questions about voting eligibility, e-mail by 11:59pm on Saturday, January 14, 2023. If you’re not eligible to vote in this election but would like to vote in the future, head over to the Volunteer Positions page to find out how you can get involved, or email

Whether or not you are currently part of CONvergence ConCom, we’d love to see you there. It’s a great way to stay connected with the CONvergence community throughout the year! Get the zoom link to join the meeting on the CONvergence Google Calendar.

Don’t Forget to Register!

Wow, we love that you have read this far. But seriously, don’t forget to register before the price increase. You only have until Midnight on Sunday. We can’t wait to see you at the convention!

Register for CONvergence


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