CONvergence Cosplayers Mask Up With Style and Creativity

Like CONvergence 2022: Your Reality May Vary, CONvergence 2021: The Stuff of Legends required vaccines and masking for all attendees. CONvergence’s community of costumers and cosplayers thrived with this creative challenge! We chatted with a few CONvergence 2021 members who were excited to share the results of their on-theme masking. Read on to see how these cosplayers turned a logistics challenge into a creative success.

CONvergence 2021 cosplayer in t-rex Loki costume

Archer is obsessed with the Loki TV series, and brought that passion to her timeless inflatable T-rex costume. While she brings the costume to CONvergence every year, she found it an easy way to cosplay with a mask in 2021. She shared that she even built a portable air conditioner into the outfit to stay cool while wandering the hotel!

CONvergence 2021 cosplayer in a white regency suit, white wig with little crown, and face mask with a big sharp-toothed smile and tongue on it

Revenant showcased his King Boo cosplay from Luigi’s Mansion at CONvergence 2021. When he had trouble finding a suitable face mask to accompany his getup, he took matters into his own hands and made a mask. Not satisfied to stop there, he went on to make his scepter too! What a great effect!

CONvergence 2021 member in a white and red striped, peppermint-themed fur suit

What’s that lovely smell? Folks may remember Jack rocking his peppermint-scented fur suit at CONvergence 2021, and may have even received a custom badge ribbon if they mentioned the minty fresh wafts. Jack has several fur suits, but loves peppermint candy so much he created this one—fondly named Peppermint Patty, accordingly. “What I love about the mask mandate,” he said, “is that because a lot of people have social anxiety, having the anonymity has been fun this year. Plus I don’t have to worry about how my face is looking.”

Members of the Star Wars 501st Legion dressed as rebel fighter pilots with helmets and pilot masks

The Star Wars 501st Legion was well-represented at CONvergence 2021, evidenced by Peter, Betsy, and James here. Fresh off a recent photo shoot, Peter shared that it was easy to incorporate face masks into Star Wars cosplay. “I have masks matched to each of my cosplays this year.”

CONvergence 2022 cosplayer in a dragon fur suit with a trenchcoat

This costumer brought out their fur suit, named Searska, to fit the CONvergence 2021 theme of mythology and legends. “I’ve had this outfit for 10 years, and just haven’t had a lot of opportunities to wear it. It seemed perfect for this year—both because of the theme and because it’s easy to wear a mask under it.”

CONvergence 2021 cosplayer wearing a face mask with a gray beard on it, and carrying a gigantic hammer

You couldn’t even tell that Miraculous was wearing a face mask, using it as a helpful way to hold up Karl Heisenberg’s beard on this Resident Evil Village cosplay. Though they attended their first CONvergence relatively recently, in 2019, cosplay is no challenge—they made this Heisenberg hammer in about five days!

CONvergence 2021 member wearing a changeable LED mask over their face

“If I have to wear a mask, I might as well have fun with it,” said Virgose. This custom-designed LED face allows him to wear any sort of mask he feels like, and he reported that he’d received a great response to the design.

How will you rock a mask at CONvergence 2022? Will you grab a surgical mask from the pile by your front door, purchase a nerd-themed mask to fit your interests or match your t-shirt, or design one from scratch to enhance your costume?

Head over to the costuming page for more information and some great tips about costuming at CONvergence, make sure you enter the Hall Costume Contest if you are wearing a costume, and don’t forget to check out the Masquerade on Saturday. We just can’t wait to see what creativity our costuming and cosplay community brings to CONvergence 2022: Your Reality May Vary!

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