CONvergence 2022 Seeking Additional Panelists

The panel schedule for CONvergence 2022: Your Reality May Vary is coming together and nearing completion. However, there are a few panels for which we would need a few more panelists in order to make happen.

The best CONvergence panel discussions happen when people with different perspectives come together about something they are all passionate about. To that end, we are constantly seeking new and different panelists every year, including panelists whose experiences being part of a marginalized group have informed their passions and perspectives. Speaking on panels at CONvergence is one of the fastest ways to meet people and network at the convention, too!

Panelists Needed

Do you think you could bring a unique and important perspective to any of these following panels? Or maybe they just sound like fun to be part of? If so, please head over to Panel Sign-up and sign up for them!

Muslim Identity in Ms. Marvel

Panelists needed: 2 – 3 practitioners of Islam
In 2013, Kamala Khan became one of the first Muslim superheroes in Marvel Comics. Ms. Marvel often critiqued social norms & prejudices of Muslim identity. How do issues of visibility & concealment affect the development of Kamala Khan’s personal identity?

Philosophy and Physics

Panelists needed: 1 – 2 who can speak to philosophy
The philosophical concept of the multiverse has existed since ancient Greece but has only come into scientific spheres in the last century. If the multiverse theory is true, how would it work? How does that differ from the philosophical thought?

Star Wars Young and Old

Panelists needed: 2 under 18 years old
A conversation about the state of Star Wars between fans of all ages. Help us prove Star Wars fandom can be a place of mutual love for a thing even among people with vastly different experiences and perspectives.

Classic Other Worlds

Panelists needed: 1 – 2 non-male speakers
Authors have taken us to other worlds for centuries. Come discuss Baum’s Oz, Carroll’s Wonderland, Doyle’s Lost World and many others and why they’ve survived the test of time.

Sandbox Games and Infinite Play

Panelists needed: 1 – 2 under 18 years old
Sandbox games such as Minecraft, Scrap Mechanic, Eco, and Starship Evo allow players to choose their own adventure. They’re a great intro to gaming or a way to relax at the end of the day.

Culture and Diversity in Anime

Panelists needed: 1 – 2 anime fans who have experience navigating cultural appropriation and stereotypes
How have people of African and Indigenous descent been portrayed in anime? How has it evolved over time?

Rock the Genres

Panelists needed: 1 – 2 professional or semi-professional musicians or music producers
How does genre affect songwriting and band concept?

Why We Love Collecting Things

Panelists needed: 1 person who can speak to the psychology of collecting
So you found yourself in a dumpster trying to collect ’em all. Some of us have gone to great lengths for our collections of trading cards, toys, comics, books, and so much more. Let’s talk about why we do this and share some of our best collecting stories.

Head to Panel Sign-Up


Being a Panelist at CONvergence 2022

Panelists at CONvergence 2021

Never been on a panel at CONvergence before? No problem! Volunteering to be a panelist is very easy, and anybody can do it. 

Head over to the CONvergence Panel Sign-Up Site, select the panels you’re interested in being a part of, and tell us a little bit about yourself including any credentials, experiences, or perspectives you can offer on the panel topics you’ve selected. At this stage in the panel scheduling process, the panels listed above are the most likely to make it onto the schedule, as we are actively trying to find speakers for them.

To learn more about CONvergence’s panel sign-up process, click here for step-by-step instructions.

Or, if you are ready to sign up for panels right now, simply click the button below to get started!

Sign Up For Panels


Don’t Forget to Register for CONvergence

You must be a registered member of CONvergence 2022 in order to be a panelist or moderator. From right now until the end of the day on June 15th, you can register for CONvergence for $95 if you are over 18, or $45 if you are a teenager. Click here to register for CONvergence 2022!

Click here to register online

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