Twin Cities Metro Transit, Traffic, and Road Closures During CONvergence 2021

CONvergence 2021: The Stuff of Legends starts on Thursday in downtown Minneapolis, MN and those of us without a Transporter or a Warp Drive may need to rely on overland travel.

Many CONvergence members will be using Metro Transit to get to the con. If you are planning on taking a bus or a train, head over to the Bus and Train page.

Of course, some people will be driving to the convention and parking Downtown. If you want to avoid flying right through a star or bouncing too close to a supernova, here is a list of current and upcoming road construction projects in the Twin Cities Metro area that may impede, obstruct, or otherwise complicate your travel to and from CONvergence.

Please refer to the MNDOT website for additional updates or closures or use the 511 app to plan your travel.

  • 10th Avenue Bridge in both directions: Bridge closed.
    Between Exit 13: 46th Street and Exit 14: East 35th Street (near Minneapolis). Roadway reduced to one lane. Night time construction work. From 10:00PM CDT to 5:00AM CDT on weekdays and Sunday. Starting August 2 at 10:00PM CDT until August 13, 2021 at about 5:00AM CDT. Northbound I-35W will be reduced to one lane nightly from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. through Fri, Aug. 13 between 46th St. and 35th St.
  • I-35W: Roadway reduced to two lanes.
    Between 43rd Street and I-94 in Minneapolis. The roadway is reduced to two lanes. Major road construction work is in progress. Until October 15, 2021 at about 11:59PM CDT. For lane and ramp closures: Click Here
  • I-35W northbound: Roadway reduced to one lane.
    Between Exit 13: 46th Street and Exit 14: East 35th Street (near Minneapolis). Roadway reduced to one lane. Night time construction work. From 10:00PM CDT to 5:00AM CDT on weekdays and Sunday. Starting August 2 at 10:00PM CDT until August 13, 2021 at about 5:00AM CDT. Northbound I-35W will be reduced to one lane nightly from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. through Fri, Aug. 13 between 46th St. and 35th St.
  • I-35W southbound: Entrance ramp closed.
    At I-94 (Minneapolis). At Entrance ramp from 31st St / Lake St. The entrance ramp is closed. Look out for construction work. Until October 31, 2021 at about 11:59PM CDT.31st St. to SB I-35W ramp – CLOSED Closed June 8, 2018 through fall 2021. Detour: Nicollet Ave. to 46th St
  • I-35W northbound: Exit ramp closed
    At Exit 15 ramp to 31st St / Lake St. The exit ramp is closed. Road construction work is in progress. Until October 30, 2021 at about 11:59PM CDT.NB I-35W to 31st St. ramp – CLOSED through fall 2021. Detour: Exit at 46th St. to EB 46th St. to NB 3rd Ave. S
  • I-35W northbound: Entrance ramp closed.
    At ramp from 35th St / 36th St. The entrance ramp is closed. Look out for construction work. Until October 31, 2021 at about 11:59PM CDT.35th St. to NB I-35W ramp – CLOSED June 8, 2018 through fall of 2021. Detour: Nicollet Ave. to E. Diamond Lake Rd.
  • I-35W southbound: Entrance ramp closed.
    At Entrance ramp from 31st St / Lake St. The entrance ramp is closed. Look out for construction work. Until October 31, 2021 at about 11:59PM CDT.31st St. to SB I-35W ramp – CLOSED June 8, 2018 through fall 2021. Detour: Nicollet Ave. to 46th St.
  • I-35W northbound: Exit ramp closed.
    At Exit 15 ramp to 31st St / Lake St. The exit ramp is closed. Road construction work is in progress. Until October 30, 2021 at about 11:59PM CDT. NB I-35W to 31st St. ramp – CLOSED through fall 2021. Detour: Exit at 46th St. to EB 46th St. to NB 3rd Ave. S
  • I-35W southbound: Entrance ramp closed.
    At Entrance ramp from 12th St. The entrance ramp is closed. Road construction work is in progress. Until October 31, 2021 at about 11:59PM CDT.From Downtown: 12th St. to SB I-35W – CLOSED through fall 2021. Detour: NB 3rd Ave. to EB 10th St. to SB I-35W entrance ramp. For additional information on this project: Click Here
  • I-35W northbound: Entrance ramp closed.
    At Entrance ramp from 5th Ave. The entrance ramp is closed. Until September 3, 2021 at about 6:00PM CDT. Mon, July 12 through late summer The ramp from 5th Ave. to NB I-35W is closed. For other ramp/road closures associated with this project: Click Here
  • I-35W northbound: Roadway reduced to two lanes.
    Between Washington Avenue (Minneapolis) and Exit 18: University Avenue (near Lauderdale). Roadway reduced to two lanes. Night time construction work. From 10:00PM CDT to 5:00AM CDT on weekends, Monday and Friday. Starting August 2 at 10:00PM CDT for several days. Right 2 lanes of the Northbound 35W Bridge over the Mississippi closed from 10:00pm to 5:00am nightly. Exit to University also closed.
  • I-35W northbound: Exit ramp closed.
    At Exit 18 ramp to 4th St SE. The exit ramp is closed. Night time construction work is in progress. From 10:00PM CDT to 5:00AM CDT on weekends, Monday and Friday. For the next day. Exit Ramp to 4th Street/University closed from 10:00pm to 5:00am nightly.
  • I-35W northbound: Road reconstruction.
    Between MN 36 (Lauderdale) and Exit 31: Lake Drive (Lexington). The road is being reconstructed. Follow the signs. There is a width limit in effect because of construction work. Width limit 13’0″. NORTHBOUND LEFT LANE – Is A Through Lane Starting at County Road B2. There Are No Northbound Exits Available Until County Road 52. MIDDLE LANE – Is A Through Lane With No Northbound Exits Available Starting At County Road 10 Until Trunk Highway 10. RIGHT LANE – Is Open to All Open Northbound Ramps And Exits. ALL LANES Have a 13 Foot Lane Restriction. Please Check For Permit Requirements.
  • I-35W northbound: Exit ramp closed
    At Exit 24 ramp to Cleveland Ave / County C. The exit ramp is closed. Until September 11, 2021 at about 11:59PM CDT. No permit restrictions. Ramp/loop closed for reconstruction. Follow detour to Cty Rd D to Cleveland Ave.
  • I-35W southbound: Roadway reduced to one lane.
    Between Exit 36: Anoka County Road 23 / Lake Drive (Lino Lakes) and MN 36 (Lauderdale). Roadway reduced to one lane due to night time construction work. From 8:00PM CDT to 5:00AM CDT on weekdays and Saturday. Starting August 2 at 8:00PM CDT until August 7, 2021 at about 5:00AM CDT.
  • MN 65 northbound: Exit ramp closed.
    At ramp to I-94 W. The exit ramp is closed. Until October 31, 2021 at about 11:59PM CDT. For additional information on this project: Click Here
  • MN 65 in both directions: Bridge closed.
    Between South 1st Street and Southeast 2nd Street (near Minneapolis). The bridge is closed. Bridge construction work is in progress. Follow the detour signs. Until November 18, 2022 at about 6:00PM CDT. Mon, Jan. 4 2021 through November 2022 The Third Ave. Bridge is fully closed. Vehicle and transit detour: Hennepin Ave. and First Ave. Metro Transit 3rd Ave./Central Ave. bridge detour Pedestrian detour: Hennepin Ave. Bridge Bicycle detour: Stone Arch Bridge For additional information on this project: Click Here
  • I-94 eastbound: Exit ramp closed
    At Exit 230 ramp to 4th St. The exit ramp is closed. Bridge construction work is in progress. Follow the detour signs. Until August 31, 2021 at about 5:00PM CDT. Mon, May 24 through Tue, Aug. 31, the ramp from EB I-94 to 4th Street is closed. Detour: EB I-94 to 7th St. to 1st Ave. For additional information on this project: Click Here
  • I-94 eastbound: Roadway reduced to one lane.
    Between 3rd Avenue and MN 55; 5th Street (Minneapolis). Roadway reduced to one lane. Night time construction work. From 10:00PM CDT to 5:00AM CDT on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Starting Wednesday at 10:00PM CDT for three days. Eastbound I-94 will be reduced to one lane nightly Wed, Aug. 4 through Fri, Aug. 6 from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. between Nicollet Ave. and Portland Ave.
  • I-94 in both directions: Roadway reduced to two lanes.
    Between Western Avenue and Ramsey County Road 33 (Saint Paul). The roadway is reduced to two lanes because the road is being repaved. Until November 1, 2021 at about 6:00AM CDT.
  • I-94 westbound: Entrance ramp closed.
    At Entrance ramp from Marion St. Entrance ramp closed. Construction work. Starting August 3 at 9:00PM CDT until November 1, 2021 at about 5:00AM CDT. Ramp closed for Pavement rehab.
  • I-94 eastbound: Exit ramp closed.
    At Exit 241B ramp to 5th St. The exit ramp is closed. Look out for construction work. Until November 1, 2021 at about 5:00AM CDT. Ramp closed for Pavement rehab.
  • I-94 westbound: Entrance ramp closed.
    At Entrance ramp from 5th St. The entrance ramp is closed. Look out for construction work. Until November 1, 2021 at about 5:00AM CDT. Ramp closed for Pavement rehab.
  • I-94 westbound: Entrance ramp closed.
    At Entrance ramp from 11th St. The entrance ramp is closed. Look out for construction work. Until November 1, 2021 at about 5:00AM CDT. Ramp closed for Pavement rehab.
  • I-94 westbound: Road closed.
    Between John Ireland Boulevard and Western Avenue (Saint Paul). Road closed. Follow the detour signs. Bridge construction. Starting Friday at 10:00PM CDT until August 8, 2021 at about 5:00AM CDT.
  • I-94 eastbound: Entrance ramp closed.
    At Entrance ramp from Marion St. The entrance ramp is closed. Look out for construction work. Until November 1, 2021 at about 6:00AM CDT.
  • I-94 westbound: Roadway reduced to two lanes.
    Between I-35E and Marion Street/Kellogg Boulevard (Saint Paul). Roadway reduced to two lanes. Construction work. Starting tomorrow at 9:00PM CDT until Thursday, at about 5:00AM CDT. WB 94 from Wabasha to Western. Reduced to 1 lane starting at 11PM to 5AM nightly. WB 94 will be reduced to 2 lanes till November.
  • I-394 eastbound: Exit ramp closed.
    At 3rd Avenue North; 4th Avenue North (Minneapolis). The exit ramp is closed. Bridge construction work is in progress. Follow the detour signs. Until August 31, 2021 at about 6:00PM CDT. Mon, May 24 through Tue, Aug. 31, the ramp from East 394 to 4th street is closed. Detour is 1st Avenue to Washington Avenue. For additional information on this project: Click Here

We strongly recommend that you consider all of your options to safely travel to the convention. Find more information on the Getting to the Convention page.

Save travels to CONvergence 2021: The Stuff of Legends!

Connie reclining