Catching up with the 2019 CONvergence Guests of Honor

With CONvergence 2021: The Stuff of Legends just around the corner, we’re planning ahead for this year’s uniquely legendary celebration—as well as looking back at some of the great memories we’ve made. Before we kick off this year’s convention, we thought we’d check in with the CONvergence 2019 Guests of Honor to see what they’ve been up to.

Brother Guy Consolmagno, Jesuit brother, planetary scientist, and director of the Vatican observatory, sat for an interview with Vox shortly after CONvergence 2019 wrapped up. In the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, he spoke with Hour Detroit about how growing up in his native Michigan influenced his path to the stars and may one day influence the future of astronomy. And this summer, he described the unexpected confluence of faith and science with NPR.

Peter David, award-winning author of comics, novels, video games, films, and television shows, published a number of titles since CONvergence 2019, including Marvel’s Black Widow Prelude, Symbiote Spider-Man: King in Black, Maestro: Symphony in a Gamma Key, and Maestro: War and Pax—as well as his own autobiography.

In the short time between the end of CONvergence 2019 and the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory engineer and master costumer Bridget Landry attended Los Angeles’ Loscon 46 as a panelist. In May of 2021, she delivered a virtual Mission to Mars presentation to TagCon attendees.

Creator of the famed “tingler” Dr. Chuck Tingle has published more than 90 erotic novellas since CONvergence 2019, including the tantalizing titles Sentient Deep Dish Pizza Pounds Me in the Butt in Fifteen Minutes or it’s Free, Not Pounded By Anything While I Practice Responsible Social Distancing, and Breaking the Fourth Butt Volume 3. He recently released his first horror novella titled Straight.

Over the course of the pandemic, game designer, storyteller, artist, dancer, author, and DePaul University lecturer Allen Turner published his thoughts on topics of resilience, Black lives and colonizers’ influence, and the magic of dance. He also presented at the 2021 Games for Change Virtual Festival and contributed to the Black Game Makers Project.

Since we saw him in 2019, Laotian American writer Bryan Thao Worra published a hardcover poetry collection titled Before We Remember We Dream. Blending Southeast Asian history, myth, horror, and science fiction, the collection features 55 poems and original cover artwork.


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We’re looking forward to welcoming the 2021 CONvergence Guests of Honor this August and hope you’ll join us in welcoming them, too!

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