CONvergence 2021: The Stuff of Legends will proceed as scheduled!

We appreciate your patience over the past months and are excited to announce that CONvergence 2021: The Stuff of legends will proceed as scheduled! But, it will have some restrictions, as well as some exciting new options for members to participate.

If you would like to read a longer and more detailed version of this communication from the Convergence Events Board of Directors, click here.

CONvergence 2021: The Stuff of Legends

August 5-8 at the Hyatt Regency in Minneapolis

Connie wearing an N95 mask with her smile drawn on the front of it

To accommodate the needs and well-being of our community, we will offer three ways to participate in CONvergence 2021:

  • In-Person CONvergence Convention
    The in-person convention event will include most of the fun things you have come to expect from CONvergence: Guests of Honor, panels, performances, Dealers Room, Artists Alley, Art Show, Gaming, Parties, ConSuite, and more. They may just be a little different and a little more spread out for everyone’s safety. Future communications will include more specific details about what you can expect for each area and event, so stay tuned!
  • Online CONvergence Convention
    For those who want a CONvergence experience, but do not want to gather in person, we will be offering online programming throughout the convention that will include some of the in-person events, as well as some online-only programming. More details about online programming will be forthcoming!
  • CONvergence Staycation
    Don’t want to attend the in-person convention, but still want “go” to CONvergence? Come stay at the hotel, but remain in the comfort and safety of your room. In addition to the online programming, you can enjoy special closed-circuit CONvergence programming exclusive to hotel guests, and you will get special activity kits from the Quantum Sandbox and more (to be determined) CONvergence fun and treats delivered to your room!

In-Person COVID-19 Safety Protocols and Restrictions

Here are COVID-19 safety protocols and restrictions that will be in place for CONvergence 2021.

  • Attendees must wear masks in all convention spaces.
  • All attendees must be fully vaccinated. We will require proof of vaccination. (Your CDC card is more than adequate.)
  • Rooms will be set up with social distancing protocols in mind.
  • There will be sanitizing stations throughout the convention.
  • Attendance will be capped at 3,500 members and registration will close on June 15th, 2021. No one will be able to register at the door.
  • To cut down on one of our biggest lines, we will be mailing your badges. (The registration department will still be on-site if you somehow don’t receive your badge.)
  • Because children under 12 cannot currently be vaccinated, children under 12 will not be able to attend. This was a difficult decision and we recognize it makes things harder for parents of young children.

Membership Refunds

We will not be offering refunds for most Adult or Teen memberships because doing so would financially endanger Convergence Events, CONvergence’s parent organization. Your membership, whether or not you use it to attend CONvergence 2021, ensures CONvergence can continue next year and into future years.

Because children under 12 cannot attend the convention, we are making an exception to our No Refunds policy for families who have purchased childrens’ memberships. Additionally, if you have a medical condition that prohibits you from being vaccinated, please contact the Board of Directors [link to contact page] for accommodations. No other refunds will be given.

We Really Need Volunteers

Due to the pandemic and it causing the loss of some Convention Committee (ConCom) participation, CONvergence is very short-handed this year. Without enough volunteers, we will have to cut some things. If you are interested in volunteering to help make CONvergence 2021 the best that it can be for everyone, please contact the Volunteers Department.

Donations Always Accepted

If you are not planning to participate in CONvergence 2021 and would like to convert your membership into a tax-deductible donation, simply contact the Board of Directors [link to contact page] and you will receive receipt for your taxes. If you would like to make an additional donation to Convergence Events in any amount, please use the button below.

You will receive a tax receipt and the gratitude of a community that needs your support.

Thank You For Being In Our Community

If you still have questions and would like more details about the reasoning behind any of this information, click here a longer and more detailed version of this communication from the Convergence Events Board of Directors.

As a community, we will improvise, adapt, and overcome the obstacles. Together, we will make CONvergence 2021 the best we can, and continue to build towards a better future. We look forward to seeing you at CONvergence 2021, no matter how you choose to participate!

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Connie reclining