Planning to Hang Posters at CONvergence 2019?


Posters at CONvergence 2017

At the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis, CONvergence members may hang family-friendly signage advertising parties, panels, performances, events and more in CONvergence event spaces, and in room party hallways on floors 3, 4, and 5. CONvergence members may begin hanging posters at 8:00am on Thursday, July 4, 2018.

DO NOT Hang Posters:

  • At the Hyatt front desk, Hyatt Marketplace, Fireside Lounge, the Prairie Kitchen & Bar, or from railings overlooking any of these
  • In stairwells, escalators, elevators, or elevator doors
  • In the Skyway bridge connecting the Hyatt with the Millenium
  • On storefronts or in businesses co-located with the Hyatt, including the Fedex, Vitali’s Cafe, and Salon Blu
  • On glass surfaces
  • On doors or door frames
  • Anywhere outdoors, including Smokers Paradise, the Loring Greenway, or any parking ramp

DO Hang Posters:

  • Virtually anywhere around CONvergence function space, as indicated on the maps
  • In room party hallways on floors 3, 4, and 5
  • On the walls of your own party room

If you are unsure whether you should hang your poster in a particular location, please find a CONvergence Operations volunteer or stop by The Bridge and ask!

One True Tape Poster   Blue Tape poster in the style of Blue Sun Corporation from Firefly
Remember to use the One True Tape! Anything affixed to the wall or other surfaces at the Hyatt Regency Hotel MUST be secured with low-tack blue painter’s tape. All brands and models of true blue tape are permitted.

Any posters found to be secured using other kinds of tape will be taken down without notice. Low-tack blue painter’s tape can be found at most hardware stores. If you run out of tape during the convention, stop by The Bridge—they may have some available.

Any posters you hang must be removed no later than 8:00pm on Sunday. Members who hang posters are expected to also remove them.

Connie reclining