New Spoken Word Performance Space Coming to CONvergence 2019

At every CONvergence through 2018, both musical and spoken word performances have been featured in Harmonic CONvergence. But this is CONvergence 2019: The Next Celebration—a convention of reboots an re-imaginings. True to that promise, members attending CONvergence 2019 will get to enjoy a new way to experience spoken word performances: Wordslingers Way.

Connie as She-Ra with Mic - COLORWelcome to Wordslingers Way

Do you love poetry, storytelling, stand-up comedy, and other spoken word performances? You will not want to miss visiting Wordslingers Way, CONvergence’s dedicated performance space for spoken word artists!

Wordslingers Way is also where you will find the very popular CONvergence Poetry Slam.

Performing in Wordslingers Way

Do you perform poetry, storytelling, stand-up comedy, or another form spoken word?

Having a dedicated spoken word performance space means more stage time is available for spoken word performers than when poets, stand-up comedians, and storytellers had to share a stage with musicians at Harmonic CONvergence. So we are inviting any and all spoken word performers to apply for a performance slot!

The deadline to apply is March 1, 2019.

Please see our Wordslingers Way Performer Information page to learn more about performing in Wordslingers Way, or the Musicians/Performers page for information on performing at CONvergence in general.

Other Upcoming Dates and Deadlines

Applications to perform at Harmonic CONvergence, CONvergence’s dedicated venue for live musical entertainment, close after March 1, 2019.  See the Harmonic CONvergence Performer Information page for more information.

On March 10, 2019, CONvergence Art Show is hosting the very first Art Show Mixer at Summit Brewing Company in St. Paul, MN. Meet other artists to network or possibly collaborate; learn about the CONvergence Art Show from its staff; ask questions, and find out more about joining our gallery in July! More information is available on the Art Show Mixer Facebook Event.

Applications for CONvergence 2019 parties close after March 31, 2019. There is no time like the present to create an amazing experience with your friends, or talk to your club or performance group about promoting yourselves through a room party at CONvergence!

March 31, 2019 is the last day to suggest panel ideas for CONvergence 2019.

Check out the Dates and Deadlines page for a full overview of upcoming CONvergence dates and deadlines.



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