Suggest Panels for CONvergence 2018!

Got some great ideas for panels? Are you interested in contributing to CONvergence 2018: Natural Twenty’s programming slate? Yes? Great! Because our annual Programming Brainstorming Session is right around the corner and we’d love to see you there!

A panel at CONvergence 2015When: October 22, 2017, 1:00pm – 5:00pm
Where: Ancient Landmark Lodge No. 5 Masonic Lodge
Address: 200 E Plato Blvd, Saint Paul MN 55107
When You Arrive: There will be directions at the door telling you where to go to start, then we’ll break into smaller groups.

You don’t have to have been on a panel or run a panel before to contribute panel ideas. We want panel suggestions from all walks of our diverse and vibrant community! That means you!

For those who are not aware, many of our programming ideas for the next convention are generated at this upcoming October session. Once we have a list of ideas, we proceed to enter them all into our database. By February 1st, our list of ideas goes live and we invite CONvergence members to volunteer as panelists and moderators. For more information, check out our panel scheduling page.

Accessibility Information

CONvergence strives to be accessible to all members and part of that is letting you know about potential accessibility barriers so that you can plan ahead or request reasonable accommodations. Potential barriers for this meeting location include:

  • The main entrance of the building, while having a ramp, does not have power assisted doors.
  • The parking lot attached to the main entrance is very small and has limited spaces.
  • Access to the building from the east side parking lot, which is hidden behind the building, does not have an accessible path of travel.
  • There is no on-street parking.
  • There are meeting rooms on the second floor of the building but no elevator is available.
  • All of the areas are lit with florescent lighting.
  • The back area of the building is used as a warehouse and there is an abundance of dust and other allergens from that area.
  • No food options are in the immediate walking area.
  • There is a unisex bathroom, but it has very limited ADA facilities.
  • The Men’s and Women’s Restrooms do not have accessible facilities.
  • The Men’s Restroom is located within a narrow passageway with limited space for making sharp turns.
  • The water fountain is not accessible.  It has a small button located on the upper surface, rather than push plates, and is too high on the wall to allow access from a seated position.

Please visit the Accessibility page of the Convergence Events website for more information about requesting reasonable accommodations at meetings.

Can’t make the Brainstorming Session?

If you can’t make it to a brainstorming session, we encourage you suggest panels online via our Panel Suggestion Form!

Additionally, If you already have specific ideas for panels that you would like to see, present, or run yourself, please send them to us via the web rather than saving them for the brainstorming session; it’s faster and easier than trying to dictate while a roomful of people are waiting. You are welcome to both submit panel ideas online AND attend the brainstorming session!

Panel suggestions will be accepted until March 1st, 2018. However, they really should be in by February 1st, 2018 to have a good chance of making it onto the CONvergence 2018: Natural Twenty schedule.

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Connie reclining