Last Chance to Pre-Register at $75 for CONvergence 2017 And More!

Connie as Buck RogersAre you getting excited for CONvergence 2017: To Infinity And Beyond? Have you found yourself in the midst of pre-con ramp up? Finishing costumes? Ordering ribbons? Planning your awesome weekend of leading intergalactic rebellions and rescuing space royalty with friends on Twitter and Facebook? Excellent. Just one question…

Are you registered for CONvergence 2017 yet?

Thursday, June 1st is the last day to pre-register for CONvergence 2017 at the $75 rate!

Make sure to register for your membership and check that your friends are registered, too. It’ll save you money that you can later spend in the Dealers Room, Artist Alley, or tipping the many awesome CONvergence 2017 parties!

Click Here to register for CONvergence 2017 right now!

Beverage Changes Coming to ConSuite

Illustration of Professor Max Misfittle holding test tubes and wearing a lab coatStarting in 2017, neither Pepsi nor Coke are continuing to distribute pre-mix, the delivery method CONvergence ConSuite has always used to bring you thirst-quenching sugary fuel for your convention weekend. Sadly, this means ConSuite  and Cinema Rex will no longer be able to provide Pepsi or Coke soda products.

But fret not, for all hope is not lost in the galaxy of beverage choices! For CONvergence 2017, ConSuite is working with a local soda shop that does bottling on-site. As a result, everyone visiting ConSuite or Cinema Rex for refreshments during the convention this year will have a whole new variety of sodas at their fingertips, with several interesting and exciting flavor choices that weren’t an option before.

ConSuite is also adding more water dispensers for 2017, so staying hydrated during mission briefings, space battles, and epic quests at CONvergence will be easier than ever!

Poetry Slam Coming to CONvergence 2017Connie Singing

Vogon poetry. Bilbo’s Walking Song. Nevermore. Nerds have words, and coming to CONvergence 2017 is the official CONvergence Poetry Slam! Join your fellow spoken word fans on Friday evening in Harmonic CONvergence to celebrate those words and those nerds in an exciting competitive format!

Learn more on the CONvergence Poetry Slam page.

CONvergence Operations Info & Training Sessions

Are you the type of person who likes to have your thumb on the pulse of an event? Have you been looking for a way to become more involved with CONvergence? Good news! CONvergence Operations is looking for more volunteers for CONvergence 2017!

Check out the schedule for upcoming Operations Info & Training Sessions to find out more!

You Can Text The Bridge During the Convention

Did you know that you can contact CONvergence Operations at any time during the convention via text message? Rolled out in 2016, CONvergence’s text number lets you do things like report policy violations, report harassment, or just send an FYI about anything else you’d like to let the convention know about conveniently and quickly.

651 800 1 OPS (651.800.1677)

It’s a good idea to add the number to your phone’s address book as part of your con prep!

Membership Rates for CONvergence 2018

In order to continue to provide you, our community, the immersive four-day event full of live entertainment, interesting guests, yummy snacks, nonstop gaming, and so much more that is CONvergence, we occasionally have to modestly increase membership rates to keep up with inflation and the basic costs of operation. To help you plan your budget for the coming year, here are the membership rates for CONvergence 2018.

Adult 18+ Ages 13 – 17 Ages 6 – 12 Ages 5 and Under
Until Jan 15th, 2018 – 11:59pm $75 $45 $25 Free
Until June 1, 2018 – 11:59pm $85 $45 $25 Free
At The Door
June 2, 2018 through July 9, 2018
$125 $65 $35 Free

Planning your CONvergence 2017 WeekendConnie as a space marine

Have you heard about the CONvergence Connections Facebook group? It is separate from the main CONvergence Facebook discussion group and exists specifically to help you:

  • Buy/Sell/Transfer membership badges
  • Find roommates or crash space for during the con
  • Find or arrange carpools for during the con
  • Find or offer babysitting services for during the con
  • Find or organize cooperative meals for during the con

So if you’re looking to do any of those things in the coming weeks as part of your convention prep, go ahead and join the group!


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