Learn How to Herd Nerfs for CONvergence 2016!

CONvergence’s Nerf Herders are the volunteer team, seen around the convention wearing green vests, responsible for managing the convention’s traffic flows and lines. And whether or not a space princess or a rebel general might call you scruffy-looking, you can join their ranks for CONvergence 2016!

Nerf Herders managing the line at CONvergence 2015 A Nerf Herder Volunteer

Before you can volunteer with CONvergence’s Nerf Herders, you must first complete a short training session. Nerf Herders will be holding two open training sessions in June. Come and learn everything you need to know ahead of time to help with badging, line management, and elevators during convention.Nerf Connie

Nerf Herder Training Sessions

Training Location

GPS Event Horizon Rm. 106
Waterbury Building
1121 Jackson St. NE
Minneapolis 55413

Volunteering with Nerf Herders is a fantastic way to see the con while helping it keep running smoothly! Whether you can spend an entire shift on your feet managing a line, or you need to do your volunteering sitting down, Nerf Herders has a volunteer position for you!

You must be a registered member of CONvergence in order to volunteer at the convention. Attendance of pre-con training sessions will count towards your CONvergence 2016 volunteer hours if you complete volunteer shifts with CONvergence Nerf Herders during the convention. If you have any questions about these short training sessions, or about volunteering with Nerf Herders, please contact Nerf Herders.

If you like helping things run smoothly, you might also be interested volunteering with CONvergence Operations.

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