Happy New Year! Did you Register for CONvergence 2016 yet?

Here is to an awesome New Year! It’s time to start looking ahead to 2016 and that means making sure you are registered for CONvergence. From today, you have just two short weeks to register for CONvergence 2016 for half price and enter the hotel lottery for a hotel room in the DoubleTree, Sheraton, or Crowne Plaza.

But why stop there? Why not start your CONvergence 2016 preperation with the start of the new year? There’s so much you can do!Connie as Emma Peel

Learn About the CONvergence 2016 Guests of Honor

We have some very exciting Guests of Honor scheduled for CONvergence 2016, including authors, artists, and actors. Head over to the Guests section of the website to read all about them, and spend the next few months checking out their work!

Plan and Start Making your Costume

Whether you plan to just wear your costume around the convention, or you’re going to go all out for the Masquerade, you know that an early start can make all the difference! Why wait? Your sewing machine is calling your name…

Get your Friends Together to Plan a Room Party

Applications for CONvergence 2016 room parties are already open, and there is no time like the present to create an amazing experience with your friends, or talk to your club or performance group about promoting yourselves through a room party at CONvergence.

Check Out Year-Round Volunteer Opportunities

CONvergence is a totally volunteer-run convention, and there is always a need for volunteers to bring their skills and experience to help meet our year-round volunteer needs. Check out the volunteer positions page to see how you can get more involved with making CONvergence 2016 happen!Connie as Luke with Yoda

Join the Virtual CONvergence Convention Online

Meet and talk with other CONvergence members on one of our social media outlets! Join our Facebook discussion group, or use the #CVG2016 tag on Twitter or Tumblr.

Submit your Panel Suggestions to CONvergence Programming

Got great panel ideas after checking out a recent film release, TV show, or new book? Fortunately, there’s still time to submit CONvergence 2016 panel ideas to the programming department. But you’d better do it soon!

But Don’t forget to Register!

Just remember, register before the end of January 15, 2016 to get the best rate on your CONvergence membership! Remind your friends to do it too. They’ll thank you, and you can all spend the money you save on making your CONvergence 2016 experience awesome!

Click here to register for CONvergence 2016.

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Connie reclining