Attention Parents! Free KidsID Event at CONvergence 2015

Child being fingerprinted during KidsID EventCONvergence is proud to announce that we will be hosting a KidsID Event at CONvergence 2015! Montgomery Lodge #258 will be offering the opportunity to participate in the KidsID program to all parents of young children at CONvergence, and CONvergence is covering the cost!

KidsID, also known as the Masonic Child Identification Programs (CHIP), is a charitable initiative to aid in the identification and recovery of missing children.

The program provides parents the opportunity to create a kit of identifying materials for their child, free of charge. The kit contains a fingerprint card, a physical description, a DVD video of the child, and a DNA sample. The purpose of the kit is to provide critical information to the public and to law enforcement in the event that a child goes missing. The program has been lauded by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

The DVD video, besides capturing the appearance and voice of your child, includes questions tailored towards the child’s age group that can assist in finding children who might be missing for other reasons besides abduction.

Here is a four-minute video that briefly explains the Grand Lodge of Minnesota KidsID Child Safety Program.

Click here to check out a slide show of one recent KidsID event during KidsPo at the Eagan, MN Community Center.

The KidsID Program has been referenced by state and local law enforcement agencies as their model for establishing similar service. The difference between KidsID and others is that municipal and law enforcement agencies typically place all data that is collected (including fingerprints) into a database. Unlike those, the KidsID Program operates with strict confidentiality. All data entered into portable computers is removed from the system immediately after the DVD data has been written. No data is stored or transmitted to any location by this program. Parents have the only copy of all of the data when complete. If a DVD or video is lost by a parent or guardian, they can simply have another created free of charge by attending another KidsID event.

The CONvergence KidsID event will be held in the Northwest corner of Garden Court on Saturday July 4, 2015, from Noon to 4:00pm. This space will not be badged for the duration of the KidsID event so that children and parents who do not themselves have CONvergence 2015 badges may create a free KidsID identification kit.

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