Volunteer with CONvergence 2015 Operations—Info & Training Sessions Open!

Are you the type of person who likes to have your thumb on the pulse of an event? Have you been looking for a way to become more involved with CONvergence? Good news! CONvergence Operations (also known as Ops)—the department responsible for running The Bridge and services such as Lost & FoundEmergency Aid, Peacebinding, Wandering Hosts, and more—is looking for more volunteers for CONvergence 2015!

Please come to one of CONvergence Operations’ department orientation and volunteer training sessions in the coming weeks to learn more about how you can get involved, and acquire the skills and training necessary to be an Ops volunteer!

CONvergence Operations Department Orientation & Volunteer TrainingConnie mark 2 making a fist
  • 45 minutes: Overview of the functions and responsibilities of CONvergence Operations, the various roles within the department, what is expected of volunteers in each role, and discussion of the types of situations encountered during a typical con.
  • Short Break
  • 20-30 minutes: Radio training.
  • 60 minutes: Live scenario training during which we will role play various situations, discuss peace bonding and the CONvergence weapons policy, and give interested volunteers an opportunity to practice various roles prior to CONvergence 2015.
  • Saturday, May 23, 12:00pm – 2:30pm
  • Thursday, June 4, 6:00pm – 8:30pm
  • Tuesday, June 23, 6:00pm – 8:30pm
  • Saturday, June 27, 12:00pm – 2:30pm

Geek Partnership Society Event Horizon Room 107
Waterbury Building, 1121 Jackson St. NE
Minneapolis, MN 55413

Attendance of pre-con training sessions will count towards your CONvergence 2015 volunteer hours if you complete volunteer shifts with CONvergence Operations during the convention. What’s stopping you?

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Connie reclining