2017 Masquerade

Judges’ Choice Awards

Bridget’s Choice: Borg Tactical Drone by Kevin Doheny
Corey’s Choice: Bloodborne by Ansley Grams
Melony’s Choice: Batgirl by LauraJean Krueger
Mr. Congeniality: Rubeus Hagrid by Kevin Ruddy, Terri Beierle, Todd Sheppard, Daniel Ruddy
People’s Choice, Best Journeyman: Beetlejuice by Ryan Schmidt
Sonja’s Choice: Darth Vader from the Empire Strikes Back by Kenley Turner, Kenneth Turner, Joyce Core. Vernette Turner, Cody Sutlife
Tina’s Choice: The Beast of the Unknown by Jasper Kist, Kelly

Best Awards

Best Heavy Metal: Bone Bearer of the Darkest Dungeon by Kyle Homa
Best In Show: Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn by Jenifer Vinson
Best Master: Diablo by Amanda “Icellina” Vodinelich
Best Novice: Jillian Holtzmann by Lee Barton
Best Performance: X-23 by Madeline Swanson
Best Recreation: Angela Ziegler, aka Mercy, from Overwatch by Stefanie Foreman, Timothy, Pizoobie
Best Theme: Mary Poppins by Sasha Rapacz
Best Threads: Dress Robes by Melissa Sowers
Best Workmanship: For The Honor of Greyskull by Gabriel Coler, Rachel Cleveland, Dennis Cleveland
Best Youth: Luna – the Night Princess by Theodora Bowlsby, Windy Bowlsby, Christopher Bowlsby

Connie reclining