- Aerial Art Works – Ziggy’s West Div
- After the Sheep Fiber Arts
- Akashawear
- Alt-Kilt
- Angelwear Creations
- Anime Klub
- Artemis Leather
- Black Belt beads
- Blonde swan
- Bues Band
- Crimson Chain Leather Works
- Da Vinci Scientifica Steampunk
- David Christenson Bookseller
- Death and Pestilence Armory
- DreamHaven Books
- DreamStitcher Custom Costume
- Emerald’s Emporium
- Fourth Wall Storytelling
- Frankensweater
- FTL Publications
- Funk ‘n Fantasy
- Geekiana
- Geeky Endeavors
- Highwind Steamworks
- Horizon Music, Inc.
- Incoherent Media
- John Lyell
- KMKDesignsllc
- Lady Heather’s Fashions
- LaVigne Leather
- Lvel Up Games
- MO’R Designs
- Mohr Creations
- Nani?Wear
- Off World Designs
- Opinicus Soaps
- Optimystical Studios
- Paraselenic Studios
- PlatyMorph
- Realms Anime
- Rhiannon’s
- SaraCura
- Scoundrelle’s Keep
- SLR Knives
- Something Different
- Source Comics and Games
- Surly-Ramics
- Tails-n-Treasures
- The Tarot Garden
- Thompson Productions L.L.C.
- Whimsey Winks
- Woder Sching
- Z’Etiquette Custom Carpetbags
2013 Dealers