- 20th Century Books
- Aerie Artwork
- Alt.Kilt
- Alternate Realities
- Angelwear
- Cameron’s Sales
- Crimson Chain Leather Works
- David Christenson Bookseller
- Death and Pestilence Armory
- Dreamhaven Books
- Eagle Anime
- Emerald’s Emporium
- Ex3ap
- Felix Needleworthy
- FTL Publications
- Geek Details
- Gozer Games, LLC
- Harvest Treasures of Apple Valley
- HedgeHog & Otter
- Highwind Steamworks
- Horizon Music, Inc.
- KMKDesigns
- Lady Dragon’s Treasures
- Lady Heather’s Fashions
- Leo Watrin
- Lioness: Ornament for People and Places
- M’Or Designs
- Midnight Syndicate Soundtracks
- Mike Frigon
- Mohr Creations
- Mythical Creations
- Off World Designs
- Omega Artworks
- Opinicus Soaps
- Papa’s Hideaway
- Paraselenic Studios
- PointyKitty Studios
- Ravenwing Wearable Art
- Reaction Figures
- Realms Anime
- Rhiannon’s
- Rick’s Place for SF
- SaraCura
- Scoundrelle’s Keep
- SisterNaut
- SLR Knives
- Sofawolf Press, Inc.
- Source Comics and Games
- Spacetrawler
- Surly-Ramics
- T.K. Hall
- Tarot by Annie
- The Blonde Swan
- The Tarot Garden
- Thompson Productions L.L.C.
- Toy Wizzards
- Valentino Empire
- Whimsey Winks
- Woe is Oz Comics
- Wonder Stitching
2011 Dealers