- Ales from the Crypt
- Anime Detour
- The Assassins’ Guild
- The Bearded Gnome Tavern and Inn
- Bollywood Follies
- Camp Onamonapea
- Campaign Convergence ’10
- Captain Kirk’s House of Ill-Repute!
- Children of Dagon
- Con of the North 2011
- The Cow Asylum
- Days of Magic in Gryffindor Commons: A MarsCon and DreamStitcher Production
- D-Notice
- Fortress of Multitude
- Gaylaxians
- Gryffindor Commons
- House of Toast
- Jews in Space
- Karaoke Joe’s Cafe
- King of Hearts (tenative name)
- Midnight at the Oasis
- Milliways, the Restaurant at the End of the Universe
- Minicon
- Mos Icee Cantina
- The NerdTron Dance Party
- The Ochaya
- Perfectly Legitimate Spaceship
- Skepchick
- SuperCon
- Teqnkular Pyrats
- Terran Empire
- Terry Pratchett’s Discworld Seamstresses Guild
- United Federation of Planets
- Vice City 2010
- Wonka’s Night Out
- Worship the Goddesses
- Xenaversity of Minnesota
2010 Parties