- The Agents of D.O.O.M.
- Ales from the Crypt
- Anime Detour
- The Assassins’ Guild
- The Bearded Gnome Tavern and Inn
- Campaign Convergence ’09
- Captain Kirk’s House of Ill Repute
- Cinema Apocalypse
- Comicotion **NEW**
- Con of the North
- Cow Asylum
- D-Notice
- Dark Lords & Femme Fatales
- Deadly Delights
- Gaylaxicon 2009/Sci-Fab
- Ghostbustin’ 911 **NEW**
- Gravediggers
- House of Toast
- Intergalactic Vidtastik Space Bar/Photo Funbooth **NEW**
- Karaoke Joe’s Cafe
- A Klingon Nightmare
- Midnight at the Oasis
- Milliways: The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
- Minicon
- Mos Icee Cantina
- NFC’s Convergence of Holidays
- The Ocha-ya **NEW**
- OmegaCon
- Poly Paradise and Purgatory
- Reno in 2011 Worldcon Bid Party **NEW**
- Romulan Consulate
- Serenity Galley
- Skepchicks at CONvergence **NEW**
- SPIRE: One Thing Or Another
- Steam Century Mystery **NEW**
- SuperCon
- Tardis Tea Society
- Terran Empire
- United Federation of Planets
- VHU Presents: Techs Gone Wild!
- Vice City
- The Witches’ Cauldron**NEW**
- Xenaversity
- Zombie Arcade
2009 Parties