- 20th Century Books
- Alsado, Inc
- Alt Kilt
- Coat of Many colors
- Crimson Chain Leather Works
- David Christenson Bookseller
- Dragon’s Den Jewelry
- Dreamhaven Books
- Earth Wisdom
- Emerald’s Emporium
- For Collectors Only
- FTL Pulications
- Funk n’ Fantasy
- HedgeHog & Otter
- Honeck Sculpture
- Infinate Diversity
- Inland Sea Lapidary
- JenWolf Studios
- Kyril’s Cavern
- Lady Heather’s Fashions
- Leo Watrin
- Marks of Distinction
- M’Or Designs
- New Planet Toys LLC
- Northern Sun Merchandising
- Off World Designs
- Pegasus Publishing
- Period Goods
- PointyKitty Studios
- Reaction Figures
- Rick’s Place for SF
- SaraCure Silver
- Sleeping Fox Jewelry and Stones
- SLR Ltd.
- Something Different
- Source Comics and Games
- Stillwater Kilts
- Tarot by Annie
- Tarot Garden
- Wizards and Fairies Pagan Children’s Books
- X-centricities
2008 Dealers