- Alien Sex Shoppe
- America’s Nightmare Boutique **NEW**
- Anime Detour
- Arcana 37 **NEW**
- The Assassins’ Guild **NEW**
- Brain Damage **NEW**
- Casino Royale **NEW**
- Cinema Apocalypse
- Con of the North
- Cow Asylum (Odyssey Con)
- Deadly Delights **NEW**
- Debauchery Bordello **NEW**
- The Dirty Drs. Arkham Outreach Project **NEW**
- The Dreaming
- Dystopia
- The Freehold **NEW**
- The Haunted Hotel
- House of Toast
- Icon 32
- IKV RakeHell
- Knights of the Northern Realm
- Manitoba ComicCon & Keycon **NEW**
- MarsCon
- Midnight at the Oasis
- Minicon 43
- Mos “Icee” Cantina (Minnesota Force)
- OmegaCon
- Poly Purgatory & Paradise
- The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (USFO)
- Romulan Consulate
- Satellite of Love **NEW**
- Sci-Fab
- SERENITY Galley **NEW**
- Source Party
- SuperCon
- Tardis Tea Society
- The Terran Empire
- Tiki Bar **NEW**
- The Torchwood Institute **NEW**
- United Federation of Planets
- VHU Presents: The Museum of Supernatural History
- Welcome to the Carnivale
- Wonka’s Night Out
- Xenaversity of Minnesota
2007 Parties