- Alien Sex Shoppe (Delvian Seek)
- Anime Detour
- Bacon **NEW**
- Baen’s Universe **NEW**
- Black Fleet Travel (IKV RakeHell)
- Captain Kirk’s House of Ill Repute (ValleyCon)
- Chicago in ’08
- Cinema Apocalypse
- Con of the North
- Cow Asylum (Odyssey Con)
- D-Notice
- DemiCon
- Divination Station
- The Dreaming
- Dystopia
- Edna’s Place
- Galactic Geishas’ House of Tea
- Gravediggers
- Homeworld Bound
- Hoth Beach Party (Minnesota Force)
- House of Toast
- Intergalactic Chemistry Lab: Open House
- MarsCon 2007
- Middle Earth’s House of Chocolate (SF3)
- Midnight at the Oasis
- Minicon Party
- Mirror, Mirror – The Terran Empire
- Mirror, Mirror – United Federation of Planets
- Misfittle Laboratory
- The Poison Apple **NEW**
- Robots VS Aliens
- Romana’s Party Tardis
- Sci-Fab **NEW**
- Source Party
- The [Spoiler Deleted] Memorial Luau **NEW**
- Station K7 Non-Tribble-Free Zone
- SuperCon
- Tardis Tea Society **NEW**
- VHU Local 542 Mission Control
- Welcome to the Carnivale **NEW**
- Wonka’s Night Out **NEW**
- Xenaversity of Minnesota
2006 Parties