- Captain Kirk’s House of Ill Repute
- Cinema Apocalypse
- Con of the North
- Cthulhu Coffee
- D-Notice
- Delvian Seek
- The Doom Room
- The Dreaming
- Dystopia
- Federation Strike Fleet
- Fek’Lhr’s Den / KPLA Radio
- Filmcon
- Farscape Party
- George Lucas & the Temple of Flannel
- Gravediggers
- House of Toast
- IKV Rakehell: Khan-quistadors
- Interactive Drama Logistics
- Mardi Gras in the 22nd Century
- The Moo-trix
- Omegacon
- Prancing Pony
- Salacious Crumb’s Comedy Club
- Sim Life
- Snarky’s Alien Autopsy Hut and Karoke Bar
- Somewhere between Galifrey and Tatooine
- The Source
- Supercon
- Talon’s Portal
- Trans-Galactic Inter-Dimensional Gourmand Society
- USS Behr’AK
- Vice City (formerly Ethel Party)
- Victorian Museum of Time Travel Oddity
- Xenaversity
- Whoniversity
- World Defense Force
2003 Parties