- Anime Detour
- Captain Kirk’s House of Ill Repute (ValleyCon)
- Chatsubo – a William Gibson party
- Cinema Apocalypse
- The Company Christmas Party
- The Compass Rose
- Con of the North
- CON-spiracy
- Costume Con/DemiCon
- Costumed Legion of Disposible Sidekicks (C.L.O.D.S.) (IKV RakeHell)
- Cthulhu Coffee
- D-Notice
- Dystopia
- Earth House Project
- Empire Recruiting Centre
- Federation Strike Fleet – The Evolution
- The Galactic Geishas’ Massage Parlor of Dubious Repute
- Groovy Green Room (USS Nokomis)
- The Hellmouth
- House of Toast
- The Incredibles
- Marscon 2006 – Things That Go Bump in the Night
- Midnight at the Oasis
- Minnesota Force
- Minicon Party (MN-STF)
- Odyssey Con VI – Wisconsin Asylum for Insane Cows
- OmegaCon
- Riddle Me This (Gravediggers)
- Serenity Valley
- SimLife
- The Source
- Space Cowboys vs. Space Pirates
- Supercon
- Super-hero Breakroom (Delvian Seek)
- Trans Galactic Inter Dimensional Gourmand Society
- Twin Cities Polyamory Discussion Group
- Trooper Clerks (Knights of the Northern Realm)
- Vampire Hunters Union (VHU) Local 542
- Vice City
- World Defense Force
- Xenaversity of Minnesota
- Zed’s Intergalactic Kegger (Reality Not Included)
2005 Parties