Help Plan CONvergence 2019 Panels and Party Scene!

Got some great ideas for panels? Want to know what CONvergence Parties are going to be like at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis? Then the time has come to add some events to your calendar!

Programming Brainstorming Session

Are you interested in contributing to CONvergence 2019: The Next Celebration’s programming slate? Yes? Great! Because our annual Programming Brainstorming Session is right around the corner and we’d love to see you there!

A panel at CONvergence 2015When:

October 20, 2018, 1:00pm – 5:00pm


Hallie Q. Brown Community Center
270 N Kent Street
St Paul, MN 551027

Click Here to join the Facebook event.

You don’t have to have been on a panel or run a panel before to contribute panel ideas. We want panel suggestions from all walks of our diverse and vibrant community! That means you!

For those who are not aware, many of our programming ideas for the next convention are generated at this upcoming October session. Once we have a list of ideas, we proceed to enter them all into our database. By February 1st, our list of ideas goes live and we invite CONvergence members to volunteer as panelists and moderators. For more information, check out our panel scheduling page.

Child Care

Child care will be available during the Programming Brainstorming Session. Please contact CONvergence Programming with the number of children you plan to bring and their ages. This helps CONvergence make sure there will be enough people and appropriate activities available for your children.

Can’t make the Brainstorming Session?

If you can’t make it to a brainstorming session, we encourage you suggest panels online via our Panel Suggestion Form!

Additionally, If you already have specific ideas for panels that you would like to see, present, or run yourself, please send them to us via the web rather than saving them for the brainstorming session; it’s faster and easier than trying to dictate while a roomful of people are waiting. You are welcome to both submit panel ideas online AND attend the brainstorming session!

Panel suggestions will be accepted until March 1st, 2019. However, they really should be in by February 1st, 2019 to have a good chance of making it onto the CONvergence 2019: The Next Celebration schedule.

CONvergence Party Info Sessions

Because we know you have a lot of questions, CONvergence will be hosting a series of information sessions regarding future plans for CONvergence Room Parties in the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis. If you have helped host a party in the past, plan to help host a party at CONvergence 2019, or might be interested in hosting a party some time in the future, these information sessions are for you!

Party to the Max at CONvergenceWe will:

  • Share Hyatt Reagency Minneapolis room configuration information
  • Discuss new, more flexible party guidelines for CONvergence 2019
  • Tell you how you can become more involved on a higher level with CONvergence’s party planning


October 12, 2018, 6:30pm – 8:00pm
October 13, 2018, Noon – 1:30pm
October 16, 2018, 6:30pm – 8:00pm


Hallie Q. Brown Community Center
270 N Kent Street
St Paul, MN 551027

Click here to join the Facebook event.

So, if you want to find out about or get involved with CONvergence 2019: The Next Celebration parties, we hope to see you there!


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